6,576 research outputs found

    On the lifespan of classical solutions to a non-local porous medium problem with nonlinear boundary conditions

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    In this paper we analyze the porous medium equation \begin{equation}\label{ProblemAbstract} \tag{◊\Diamond} %\begin{cases} u_t=\Delta u^m + a\io u^p-b u^q -c\lvert\nabla\sqrt{u}\rvert^2 \quad \textrm{in}\quad \Omega \times I,%\\ %u_\nu-g(u)=0 & \textrm{on}\; \partial \Omega, t>0,\\ %u({\bf x},0)=u_0({\bf x})&{\bf x} \in \Omega,\\ %\end{cases} \end{equation} where Ω\Omega is a bounded and smooth domain of RN\R^N, with N≥1N\geq 1, and I=[0,t∗)I= [0,t^*) is the maximal interval of existence for uu. The constants a,b,ca,b,c are positive, m,p,qm,p,q proper real numbers larger than 1 and the equation is complemented with nonlinear boundary conditions involving the outward normal derivative of uu. Under some hypothesis on the data, including intrinsic relations between m,pm,p and qq, and assuming that for some positive and sufficiently regular function u_0(\nx) the Initial Boundary Value Problem (IBVP) associated to \eqref{ProblemAbstract} possesses a positive classical solution u=u(\nx,t) on Ω×I\Omega \times I: \begin{itemize} \item [▹\triangleright] when p>qp>q and in 2- and 3-dimensional domains, we determine a \textit{lower bound of} t∗t^* for those uu becoming unbounded in Lm(p−1)(Ω)L^{m(p-1)}(\Omega) at such t∗t^*; \item [▹\triangleright] when p<qp<q and in NN-dimensional settings, we establish a \textit{global existence criterion} for uu. \end{itemize

    Well-posedness and gradient blow-up estimate near the boundary for a Hamilton-Jacobi equation with degenerate diffusion

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    This paper is concerned with weak solutions of the degenerate viscous Hamilton-Jacobi equation ∂tu−Δpu=∣∇u∣q,\partial_t u-\Delta_p u=|\nabla u|^q, with Dirichlet boundary conditions in a bounded domain Ω⊂RN\Omega\subset\mathbb{R}^N, where p>2p>2 and q>p−1q>p-1. With the goal of studying the gradient blow-up phenomenon for this problem, we first establish local well-posedness with blow-up alternative in W1,∞W^{1, \infty} norm. We then obtain a precise gradient estimate involving the distance to the boundary. It shows in particular that the gradient blow-up can take place only on the boundary. A regularizing effect for utu_t is also obtained.Comment: 20 pages 1 figur
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