2,557 research outputs found

    A Mobile Game for Learning Cyber-Attacks and Their Prevention

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    This paper's primary goal is to use Bloom's Revised Taxonomy educational objectives in creating Cyber Air-Attack. It's a game that teaches fundamental concepts about cybersecurity. Because it simplifies and makes learning simple, the course material was designed with Bloom's Revised Taxonomy. This taxonomy divides the course material into increasing levels of complexity, with the basics being the most basic and the advanced being the most complex. We reviewed all literature to understand the area of research and identify any gaps in previous research. Cyber Air-Attack targets amateur computer users. They will be taught about cybersecurity basics, cyber threats, and countermeasures. This paper will teach you how to identify and prevent cyberattacks

    Attention to Diversity from Artificial Intelligence

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    Artificial intelligence (AI) is influencing various sectors of society, including the educational field. The use of AI can have great potential in education, however, it is necessary to know both its performance and its limitations. The main objective of this study is to analyze the prompts made by teachers in initial training in relation to the topic of specific educational support needs, classifying them according to Bloom's Taxonomy. For this, 63 students from the first year of the Primary Education Degree in the subject Information and Communication Technology applied to Education participated. The results show that the highest frequency of prompts made by students correspond to the highest levels of Bloom's taxonomy (apply and create), which suggests that students are capable of using the knowledge acquired in the subject to create new learning situations with their future students. This confirms that the implementation of this methodology is beneficial for the development of cognitive and pedagogical skills of future teachers.VI Research and Transfer Plan of the University of Seville (VI PPIT-US)IV Plan Propio de Docencia. Convocatoria de Apoyo a la Coordinación e Innovación Docente (ref. 221) – Convocatoria 2023/2024. Referencia 113

    Developing Cyber-risk Centric Courses and Training Material for Cyber Ranges: A Systematic Approach

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    The use of cyber ranges to train and develop cybersecurity skills and awareness is attracting more attention, both in public and private organizations. However, cyber ranges typically focus mainly on hands-on exercises and do not consider aspects such as courses, learning goals and learning objectives, specific skills to train and develop, etc. We address this gap by proposing a method for developing courses and training material based on identified roles and skills to be trained in cyber ranges. Our method has been used by people with different background grouped in academia, critical infrastructure, research, and service providers who have developed 22 courses including hands-on exercises. The developed courses have been tried out in pilot studies by SMEs. Our assessment shows that the method is feasible and that it considers learning and educational aspects by facilitating the development of courses and training material for specific cybersecurity roles and skills.acceptedVersio

    An examination of the utilization of Bloom\u27s taxonomy in school-based biology assessment tasks in selected secondary schools Meru District, Tanzania

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    The world’s current most significant demand is for training many scientists and different science professionals. As a result, the preparation has always started at deficient learning levels, such as primary and secondary schools. In Tanzania, other science subjects are taught in secondary schools; among them, biology is included, and it is the only mandatory science subject in secondary school. Different approaches to teaching have been employed to ensure that the learners grasp the knowledge and skills of the subject. However, the examination results over the years have not been of high and promising performance, and different reasons are suspected to be behind this failure. This study aims to examine the utilization of Bloom’s Taxonomy in school-based biology assessment tasks in selected secondary schools in the Meru district, Tanzania. The researcher employed different approaches to furnish this work, as the collection of data was done through interviews, observation, and document analysis. The data sample involved the heads of department, biology teachers, and academic masters, all from four different schools in the Meru district. The findings were analyzed qualitatively through transcription and coding. The findings revealed that teachers were not fully aware of Bloom’s Taxonomy. It was challenging to succeed in the study. Furthermore, the research findings revealed that some teachers have been using the habitual way of doing the work since they do not prepare the lessons before class. From the results obtained, the study recommends an increase in the fund since sciences need expansive practical as well as capacity building and seminars for teachers to enable them to sharpen their minds and develop their skills to match the current world market

    The Effect of Affect: Krathwohl and Bloom’s Affective Domains Underutilized in Counselor Education

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    Bloom\u27s (1956) Taxonomy cognitive domains have proven useful for decades. Counselor educators are experts in affect, and yet most are unfamiliar with Bloom\u27s affective domains that correspond to the cognitive domains. The affective domains focus on attitudes and values that can help counselor educators assist students to more successfully navigate Bloom\u27s cognitive process by harnessing the effect of affect through combining Bloom\u27s affective and cognitive domains. Since Bloom\u27s cognitive domains are already widely and effectively utilized, perhaps it is time for counselor educators, the experts in affect, to use the affective domains in conjunction with the cognitive domains as initially intended. By studying the correlation between the Cognitive and Affective domains, and further researching the impact of both on the development of CITs, counselor educators can embrace a best practice approach to their work within the already established and widely utilized structure of Bloom\u27s Taxonomy. Keywords: Counselor-in-Training Affect; Bloom’s Affect; Supervision; Counselor Preparatio

    chatGPT for generating questions and assessments based on accreditations

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    This research aims to take advantage of artificial intelligence techniques in producing students assessment that is compatible with the different academic accreditations of the same program. The possibility of using generative artificial intelligence technology was studied to produce an academic accreditation compliant test the National Center for Academic Accreditation of Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and Accreditation Board for Engineering and Technology. A novel method was introduced to map the verbs used to create the questions introduced in the tests. The method allows a possibility of using the generative artificial intelligence technology to produce and check the validity of questions that measure educational outcomes. A questionnaire was distributed to ensure that the use of generative artificial intelligence to create exam questions is acceptable by the faculty members, as well as to ask about the acceptance of assistance in validating questions submitted by faculty members and amending them in accordance with academic accreditations. The questionnaire was distributed to faculty members of different majors in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabias universities. one hundred twenty responses obtained with eight five percentile approval percentage for generate complete exam questions by generative artificial intelligence . Whereas ninety eight percentage was the approval percentage for editing and improving already existed questions.Comment: 12 Pages, 4 Figures, ACITY 13th International Conference on Advances in Computing and Information Technology (ACITY 2023

    In Search for the Right Measure: Assessing Types of Developed Knowledge While Using a Gamified Web Toolkit

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    Game-based learning has been used to teach topics in diverse domains, but it is still hard to determine when such approaches are an efficient learning technique. In this paper we focus on one open challenge – the limited understanding in the community of the types of knowledge these games help to develop. Using a taxonomy that distinguishes between declarative, procedural and conditional knowledge, we evaluate a game-based toolkit to analyse and solve an information security problem within a holistic crime prevention framework. Twenty-eight participants used the toolkit. We designed a portfolio of learning assessment measures to capture learning of different types of knowledge. The measures included two theoretical open-answer questions to explore participants' understanding, three problem-specific open-answer questions to test their ability to apply the framework, and 9 multiple-choice questions to test their ability to transfer what was learned to other contexts. The assessment measures were administered before and after use of the tookit. The application questions were analysed by classifying suggested ideas. The theoretical questions were qualitatively analysed using a set of analytical techniques. The transferability questions were statistically analysed using ttests. Our results show that participants' answers to the application questions improved in quality after the use of the toolkit. In their answers to the theoretical questions most participants could explain the key features of the toolkit. Statistical analysis of the multiple-choice questions testing transferability however failed to demonstrate significant improvement. Whilist our participants understood the CCO framework and learned how to use the toolkit, participants didn't demonstrate transfer of knowledge to other situations in information security. We discuss our results, limitations of the study design and possible lessons to be learned from these

    Circular Pedagogy and Digitisation A New Educational Paradigm

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    Existing educational systems and models are insufficient to address the challenges associated with our evolving socio-economic and environmental systems. In this paper, we offer critical insights on the core elements defining Higher Education Institutions, the digitisation of teaching and learning practices with a dominant trend favouring STEM education that overlooks the value of social sciences. The neglection of social sciences and the criticism and negative connotations that affect research in the field of pedagogy are also considered as they are essential in articulating our vision of the need for pedagogical innovations that acknowledge our new learning and teaching realities and the importance of introducing new practices that help on the transition towards a new educational paradigm. We propose a new pedagogy called Circular Pedagogy, where the role of the teacher, the learner and the researcher are identified as interchangeable over the lifelong learning process. Our research offers some initial insights into how Circular Pedagogy can be connected to Bloom\u27s Taxonomy as we are at the early stages of developing the theoretical foundations of this new pedagogy

    Integrating AI and Learning Analytics for Data-Driven Pedagogical Decisions and Personalized Interventions in Education

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    This research study delves into the conceptualization, development, and deployment of an innovative learning analytics tool, leveraging the capabilities of OpenAI's GPT-4 model. This tool is designed to quantify student engagement, map learning progression, and evaluate the efficacy of diverse instructional strategies within an educational context. Through the analysis of various critical data points such as students' stress levels, curiosity, confusion, agitation, topic preferences, and study methods, the tool offers a rich, multi-dimensional view of the learning environment. Furthermore, it employs Bloom's taxonomy as a framework to gauge the cognitive levels addressed by students' questions, thereby elucidating their learning progression. The information gathered from these measurements can empower educators by providing valuable insights to enhance teaching methodologies, pinpoint potential areas for improvement, and craft personalized interventions for individual students. The study articulates the design intricacies, implementation strategy, and thorough evaluation of the learning analytics tool, underscoring its prospective contributions to enhancing educational outcomes and bolstering student success. Moreover, the practicalities of integrating the tool within existing educational platforms and the requisite robust, secure, and scalable technical infrastructure are addressed. This research opens avenues for harnessing AI's potential in shaping the future of education, facilitating data-driven pedagogical decisions, and ultimately fostering a more conducive, personalized learning environment.Comment: 22 pages, 7 figures, 8537 word

    Assessment Re-Think: Income-Generating and Industry-Based Assessments

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    Assessments are the fundamental media between students and educators. This paper aims to evaluate how to create assessments, how students learn from them, and how to link them to the industry and entrepreneurism. The implementation plan postulates how students can generate income from income-generation assessments or business innovation assessments. In this paper, we discuss the involvement of modern industry in assessment. We examine evidence from approximately 100 assessments detailed in 32 subject outlines. We employ a descriptive, pragmatic research methodology to consider whether they can be aligned more with industry expectations and expected duties. We propose a framework to connect with industry and create student income-generating projects. This proposed income-generating assessments framework recommended industry-based assessments with which students can not only earn marks towards a subject but potentially earn an income based on it. This paper extends the idea of peer learning to expert or industry learning: an approach that did not employ in higher education. Our approach supports educators in keeping the assessment up-to-date, enabling students to add more value to their learning of industry products and procedures. Students can directly contribute to the product and procedures and learn from the strategies actively employed in the workplace