8 research outputs found

    IoT Applications, Platforms, Systems, And Framework based on Blockchain

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    The Internet of Things (IoT) has lately evolved as a new technology capable of providing real-time and cutting-edge sensing capabilities to numerous industries such as healthcare, agriculture, smart cities, smart homes, and supply chain. Because of this technology's inherent promise, it has already seen exponential growth in a wide range of use-cases across numerous application domains. As academics around the world continue to examine its capabilities, there is widespread consensus that in order to get the most out of this technology and fully realise its potential, IoT must be built on a flexible network architecture with strong support for security, privacy, and trust. Blockchain (BC) technology, on the other hand, has lately emerged as a breakthrough technology with the promise to give several beneficial qualities such as robustness, support for integrity, anonymity, decentralisation, and autonomous control. Several BC systems are offered, which may be appropriate for various use-cases, including IoT applications. As a result, the integration of IoT with BC technology is seen as a potential solution to some critical concerns. To do this, a good grasp of the requirements of various IoT applications and the viability of a BC platform for a specific application satisfying its underlying requirements is required. This project explains many ways such as the gateway process and sensor device. By addressing the present blockchain concerns, IoT may enable a variety of security services, all of which are described in detail. Various authors present some common facts on the use of blockchain in IoT, which aids in a thorough understanding of the concept. Blockchain improves security and privacy in IoT platforms. In this project, an extra immutable ledger is created using all of the resources and information mentioned in the existing procedure. [1]


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    Digitalization played an important role in the last 10 years. The development of digital payment technologyhas changed people's lifestyles in making transactions. Lots of SMEs use the internet to develop their business, expand their coverage and facilitate payment transactions. Digital payments really help make it easier for SMEs to make transactions easier. With the increasing number of digital transactions, data security and privacy are of particular concern to SME players. These critical considerations include how to store data, access data, and ensure data privacy is safe when making transactions. To deal with data security and privacy issues, blockchainbased technology using the Hyperledger fabric will be very helpful. Hyperledger Fabric is a permissioned blockchain technology that provides a way to secure interactions between members in groups on a blockchain node. In this paper, we will show how to implement the Hyperledger fabric to store, manage and maintain data or information to maintain data confidentiality when making transactionsDigitalisasi memainkan peran yang penting dalam 10 tahun terakhir. Dengan berkembangnya teknologi pembayaran digital mengubah pola hidup masyarakat dalam melakukan transaksi. Banyak sekali UMKM yang memanfaatkan internet untuk mengembangkan usaha, memperluas jangkauan dan memudahkan transaksi pembayaran. Pembayaran digital sangat membantu memudahkan UMKM untuk mempermudah transaksi. Dengan semakin banyaknya transaksi digital, keamanan dan privasi data menjadi perhatian khusus untuk para pelaku UMKM. Pertimbangan kritis ini termasuk bagaimana cara menyimpan data, mengakses data dan memastikan data privasi menjadi aman ketika melakukan transaksi. Untuk menangani masalah keamanan dan privasi data, teknologi berbasis blockchain yang menggunakan Hyperledger fabric akan sangat membantu. Hyperledger fabric merupakan teknologi blockchain berizin yang menyediakan cara untuk mengamankan interaksi antar anggota dalam kelompok pada rantai blockchain. Delam makalah ini, kami akan menunjukkan bagaimana implementasi Hyperledger fabric untuk menyimpan, mengelola, dan memelihara data atau informasi untuk menjaga kerahasiaan data dalam melakukan transaksi

    Hybrid Blockchain Platforms for the Internet of Things (IoT): A Systematic Literature Review

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    In recent years, research into blockchain technology and the Internet of Things (IoT) has grown rapidly due to an increase in media coverage. Many different blockchain applications and platforms have been developed for different purposes, such as food safety monitoring, cryptocurrency exchange, and secure medical data sharing. However, blockchain platforms cannot store all the generated data. Therefore, they are supported with data warehouses, which in turn is called a hybrid blockchain platform. While several systems have been developed based on this idea, a current state-of-the-art systematic overview on the use of hybrid blockchain platforms is lacking. Therefore, a systematic literature review (SLR) study has been carried out by us to investigate the motivations for adopting them, the domains at which they were used, the adopted technologies that made this integration effective, and, finally, the challenges and possible solutions. This study shows that security, transparency, and efficiency are the top three motivations for adopting these platforms. The energy, agriculture, health, construction, manufacturing, and supply chain domains are the top domains. The most adopted technologies are cloud computing, fog computing, telecommunications, and edge computing. While there are several benefits of using hybrid blockchains, there are also several challenges reported in this study. 2022 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland.Funding: This research was funded by Molde University College-Specialized Univ. in Logistics, Norway for the support of Open Access fund.Scopus2-s2.0-8512412355

    Cifrado de datos usando Cadena de Bloques (BlockChain) como tecnología de convergencia para dispositivos móviles asociados con IoT (Internet of Things), en la capa de aplicación del modelo de capas IoT

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    Proponer un material instruccional sobre las actividades físico deportivas, que permitan disminuir las barreras de estas prácticas en tiempo de COVID-19 en los estudiantes de la Universidad Yachay Tech.En los últimos años, los dispositivos inteligentes han tomado un espació importante en el desarrollo tecnológico, están presentes en todos los hogares y al menos 8 de cada 10 personas tienen un dispositivo móvil. Estos dispositivos recopilan toda clase de datos como: hábitos, rutinas, búsquedas, música, videos favoritos, claves, entre otros elementos personales, ocasionando que todos esos datos se encuentren expuestos a cualquier ataque o robo debido a su ligereza y falta de medidas de seguridad, exponiendo los datos personales de sus usuarios. A pesar de que el Internet de las Cosas (en inglés, Internet of Things - IoT)se ha convertido en una de las tecnologías más populares para varios fabricantes como (CISCO, IBM, Ge, Google, Microsoft, Salesforce, Oracle, entre otros), debido a su facilidad en la implementación, también se ha convertido en un reto en cuando a la seguridad y privacidad de los datos, pues su sencillez y falta de madurez deja varios elementos expuesto en cada una de sus capas, por lo que se deben investigar nuevos mecanismos de cifrado de datos para proteger los datos transmitidos y almacenados.Maestrí

    A Multi-Stakeholder Information Model to Drive Process Connectivity In Smart Buildings

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    Smart buildings utilise IoT technology to provide stakeholders with efficient, comfortable, and secure experiences. However, previous studies have primarily focused on the technical aspects of it and how it can address specific stakeholder requirements. This study adopts socio-technical theory principles to propose a model that addresses stakeholders' needs by considering the interrelationship between social and technical subsystems. A systematic literature review and thematic analysis of 43 IoT conceptual frameworks for smart building studies informed the design of a comprehensive conceptual model and IoT framework for smart buildings. The study's findings suggest that addressing stakeholder requirements is essential for developing an information model in smart buildings. A multi-stakeholder information model integrating multiple stakeholders' perspectives enhances information sharing and improves process connectivity between various systems and subsystems. The socio-technical systems framework emphasises the importance of considering technical and social aspects while integrating smart building systems for seamless operation and effectiveness. The study's findings have significant implications for enhancing stakeholders' experience and improving operational efficiency in commercial buildings. The insights from the study can inform smart building systems design to consider all stakeholder requirements holistically, promoting process connectivity in smart buildings. The literature analysis contributed to developing a comprehensive IoT framework, addressing the need for holistic thinking when proposing IoT frameworks for smart buildings by considering different stakeholders in the building