17 research outputs found

    Effective models for the multidimensional wave equation in heterogeneous media over long time and numerical homogenization

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    A family of effective equations that capture the long time dispersive effects of wave propagation in heterogeneous media in an arbitrary large periodic spatial domain Omega subset of R-d is proposed and analyzed. For a wave equation with highly oscillatory periodic spatial tensors of characteristic length epsilon, we prove that the solution of any member of our family of effective equations is epsilon-close to the true oscillatory wave over a time interval of length T-epsilon = O(epsilon(-2)) in a norm equivalent to the L-infinity(0, T-epsilon; L-2(Omega)) norm. We show that the previously derived effective equation in [T. Dohnal, A. Lamacz and B. Schweizer, Bloch-wave homogenization on large time scales and dispersive effective wave equations, Multiscale Model. Simulat. 12 (2014) 488-513] belongs to our family of effective equations. Moreover, while Bloch wave techniques were previously used, we show that asymptotic expansion techniques give an alternative way to derive such effective equations. An algorithm to compute the tensors involved in the dispersive equation and allowing for efficient numerical homogenization methods over long time is proposed

    Numerical methods for wave equation in heterogenous media

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    A Bloch wave numerical scheme for scattering problems in periodic wave-guides

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    We present a new numerical scheme to solve the Helmholtz equation in a wave-guide. We consider a medium that is bounded in the x2x_2-direction, unbounded in the x1x_1-direction and ε\varepsilon-periodic for large ∣x1∣|x_1|, allowing different media on the left and on the right. We suggest a new numerical method that is based on a truncation of the domain and the use of Bloch wave ansatz functions in radiation boxes. We prove the existence and a stability estimate for the infinite dimensional version of the proposed problem. The scheme is tested on several interfaces of homogeneous and periodic media and it is used to investigate the effect of negative refraction at the interface of a photonic crystal with a positive effective refractive index.Comment: 25 pages, 10 figure

    Dispersive homogenized models and coefficient formulas for waves in general periodic media

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    We analyze a homogenization limit for the linear wave equation of second order. The spatial operator is assumed to be of divergence form with an oscillatory coefficient matrix aεa^\varepsilon that is periodic with characteristic length scale ε\varepsilon; no spatial symmetry properties are imposed. Classical homogenization theory allows to describe solutions uεu^\varepsilon well by a non-dispersive wave equation on fixed time intervals (0,T)(0,T). Instead, when larger time intervals are considered, dispersive effects are observed. In this contribution we present a well-posed weakly dispersive equation with homogeneous coefficients such that its solutions wεw^\varepsilon describe uεu^\varepsilon well on time intervals (0,Tε−2)(0,T\varepsilon^{-2}). More precisely, we provide a norm and uniform error estimates of the form ∥uε(t)−wε(t)∥≤Cε\| u^\varepsilon(t) - w^\varepsilon(t) \| \le C\varepsilon for t∈(0,Tε−2)t\in (0,T\varepsilon^{-2}). They are accompanied by computable formulas for all coefficients in the effective models. We additionally provide an ε\varepsilon-independent equation of third order that describes dispersion along rays and we present numerical examples.Comment: 28 pages, 7 figure

    Multiscale Modeling, Homogenization and Nonlocal Effects: Mathematical and Computational Issues

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    In this work, we review the connection between the subjects of homogenization and nonlocal modeling and discuss the relevant computational issues. By further exploring this connection, we hope to promote the cross fertilization of ideas from the different research fronts. We illustrate how homogenization may help characterizing the nature and the form of nonlocal interactions hypothesized in nonlocal models. We also offer some perspective on how studies of nonlocality may help the development of more effective numerical methods for homogenization