4,843 research outputs found

    Neural blind deconvolution for simultaneous partial volume correction and super-sampling of PSMA PET images

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    Objective: We aimed to simultaneously mitigate partial volume effects (PVEs) in prostate-specific membrane antigen (PSMA) positron emission tomography (PET) images while performing super-sampling. Approach: Blind deconvolution is a method of estimating the hypothetical "deblurred" image along with the blur kernel (related to the point spread function) simultaneously. Traditional maximum a posteriori blind deconvolution methods require stringent assumptions and suffer from convergence to a trivial solution. A promising method of modelling the deblurred image and kernel with independent neural networks, called "neural blind deconvolution" was demonstrated on 2D natural images in 2020. In this work, we adapt neural blind deconvolution for PVE correction of PSMA PET images, along with simultaneous super-sampling. We compare this methodology with several interpolation methods, using blind image quality metrics, and test the model's ability to predict kernels by re-running the model after applying artificial "pseudo-kernels" to deblurred images. Main Results: Our results demonstrate improvements in image quality over other interpolation methods in terms of blind image quality metrics and visual assessment. Predicted kernels were similar between patients, and the model accurately predicted several artificially-applied pseudo-kernels, Significance: The intrinsically low spatial resolution of PSMA PET leads to PVEs which negatively impact uptake quantification in small regions. The proposed method can be used to mitigate this issue, and can be straightforwardly adapted for other medical imaging modalities.Comment: 10 Figures, 4 Tables, 19 page

    Improvements in Blind Image Restoration

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    We present a revisal of blind image deconvolution technique for the restoration of linearly degraded images, without the explicit knowledge of either original image or the psf- the point spread function. Even the scenes which consist of finite support object over a uniformly black, white or grey background, this technique works fine. Occurrence includes certain types of medical imaging, astronomical imaging, and (1-D) gamma ray spectra processing. The only information that is required are the nonnegativity of the true image and the support size of the original object. The restoration procedure involves recursive filtering of the blurred image to minimize a convex cost function. The new approach is experimentally shown to be more reliable and to have faster convergence than existing nonparametric ¯nite support blind deconvolution methods, for situations in which the exact object support is known. This thesis covers the basic implementation of NAS-RIF method, using steepest descent, followed by implementation of swarm optimization technique- ACO, to optimize the results

    Variational semi-blind sparse deconvolution with orthogonal kernel bases and its application to MRFM

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    We present a variational Bayesian method of joint image reconstruction and point spread function (PSF) estimation when the PSF of the imaging device is only partially known. To solve this semi-blind deconvolution problem, prior distributions are specified for the PSF and the 3D image. Joint image reconstruction and PSF estimation is then performed within a Bayesian framework, using a variational algorithm to estimate the posterior distribution. The image prior distribution imposes an explicit atomic measure that corresponds to image sparsity. Importantly, the proposed Bayesian deconvolution algorithm does not require hand tuning. Simulation results clearly demonstrate that the semi-blind deconvolution algorithm compares favorably with previous Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) version of myopic sparse reconstruction. It significantly outperforms mismatched non-blind algorithms that rely on the assumption of the perfect knowledge of the PSF. The algorithm is illustrated on real data from magnetic resonance force microscopy (MRFM)

    Variational semi-blind sparse deconvolution with orthogonal kernel bases and its application to MRFM

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    We present a variational Bayesian method of joint image reconstruction and point spread function (PSF) estimation when the PSF of the imaging device is only partially known. To solve this semi-blind deconvolution problem, prior distributions are specified for the PSF and the 3D image. Joint image reconstruction and PSF estimation is then performed within a Bayesian framework, using a variational algorithm to estimate the posterior distribution. The image prior distribution imposes an explicit atomic measure that corresponds to image sparsity. Importantly, the proposed Bayesian deconvolution algorithm does not require hand tuning. Simulation results clearly demonstrate that the semi-blind deconvolution algorithm compares favorably with previous Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) version of myopic sparse reconstruction. It significantly outperforms mismatched non-blind algorithms that rely on the assumption of the perfect knowledge of the PSF. The algorithm is illustrated on real data from magnetic resonance force microscopy (MRFM)

    Blind deconvolution of medical ultrasound images: parametric inverse filtering approach

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    ©2007 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. However, permission to reprint/republish this material for advertising or promotional purposes or for creating new collective works for resale or distribution to servers or lists, or to reuse any copyrighted component of this work in other works must be obtained from the IEEE. This material is presented to ensure timely dissemination of scholarly and technical work. Copyright and all rights therein are retained by authors or by other copyright holders. All persons copying this information are expected to adhere to the terms and constraints invoked by each author's copyright. In most cases, these works may not be reposted without the explicit permission of the copyright holder.DOI: 10.1109/TIP.2007.910179The problem of reconstruction of ultrasound images by means of blind deconvolution has long been recognized as one of the central problems in medical ultrasound imaging. In this paper, this problem is addressed via proposing a blind deconvolution method which is innovative in several ways. In particular, the method is based on parametric inverse filtering, whose parameters are optimized using two-stage processing. At the first stage, some partial information on the point spread function is recovered. Subsequently, this information is used to explicitly constrain the spectral shape of the inverse filter. From this perspective, the proposed methodology can be viewed as a ldquohybridizationrdquo of two standard strategies in blind deconvolution, which are based on either concurrent or successive estimation of the point spread function and the image of interest. Moreover, evidence is provided that the ldquohybridrdquo approach can outperform the standard ones in a number of important practical cases. Additionally, the present study introduces a different approach to parameterizing the inverse filter. Specifically, we propose to model the inverse transfer function as a member of a principal shift-invariant subspace. It is shown that such a parameterization results in considerably more stable reconstructions as compared to standard parameterization methods. Finally, it is shown how the inverse filters designed in this way can be used to deconvolve the images in a nonblind manner so as to further improve their quality. The usefulness and practicability of all the introduced innovations are proven in a series of both in silico and in vivo experiments. Finally, it is shown that the proposed deconvolution algorithms are capable of improving the resolution of ultrasound images by factors of 2.24 or 6.52 (as judged by the autocorrelation criterion) depending on the type of regularization method used

    Euclid in a Taxicab: Sparse Blind Deconvolution with Smoothed l1/l2 Regularization

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    The l1/l2 ratio regularization function has shown good performance for retrieving sparse signals in a number of recent works, in the context of blind deconvolution. Indeed, it benefits from a scale invariance property much desirable in the blind context. However, the l1/l2 function raises some difficulties when solving the nonconvex and nonsmooth minimization problems resulting from the use of such a penalty term in current restoration methods. In this paper, we propose a new penalty based on a smooth approximation to the l1/l2 function. In addition, we develop a proximal-based algorithm to solve variational problems involving this function and we derive theoretical convergence results. We demonstrate the effectiveness of our method through a comparison with a recent alternating optimization strategy dealing with the exact l1/l2 term, on an application to seismic data blind deconvolution.Comment: 5 page

    Fast and easy blind deblurring using an inverse filter and PROBE

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    PROBE (Progressive Removal of Blur Residual) is a recursive framework for blind deblurring. Using the elementary modified inverse filter at its core, PROBE's experimental performance meets or exceeds the state of the art, both visually and quantitatively. Remarkably, PROBE lends itself to analysis that reveals its convergence properties. PROBE is motivated by recent ideas on progressive blind deblurring, but breaks away from previous research by its simplicity, speed, performance and potential for analysis. PROBE is neither a functional minimization approach, nor an open-loop sequential method (blur kernel estimation followed by non-blind deblurring). PROBE is a feedback scheme, deriving its unique strength from the closed-loop architecture rather than from the accuracy of its algorithmic components