72,379 research outputs found

    A Systemic Review (2014–2023) on the Mobile-Assisted Blended Learning for English as a Foreign Language Education with a Focus on Empirical Studies

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    Over the past two decades, due to the rapid development of information and communication technologies (ICT), mobile learning (M-learning) and blended learning (BL) have emerged as new trends in sustaining English as a foreign language (EFL) education. The tumultuous COVID-19 pandemic has disrupted traditional teaching and learning, but it has also accelerated the integration of technology in EFL education. Mobile-assisted blended learning (MABL) combines mobile-assisted language learning (MALL) and BL into a single framework that effectively addresses their individual limitations when used in isolation. However, reviews of MABL, particularly in the context of EFL education, are scarce. Sourced from two major databases, namely Web of Science and Scopus, and two supplementary databases (Education Resources Information Center and Mendeley), 25 studies were extracted out of 205 in the latest decade, using specific exclusion and inclusion criteria. This review aims to shed light on the trend of utilizing advanced and effective pedagogy and teaching tools to benefit stakeholders in the sustainable development of English as a foreign language

    A systematic review on the metaverse-based blended English learning

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    Over the past two decades, various digital technologies have been applied to sustain higher education. As the latest emerging information technology, the metaverse has been a recurring theme to be considered as a new direction to promote blended English learning. This study aims to investigate metaverse-based blended English learning. Through a systematic review based on bibliographic and content analysis, the study attempts to integrate the evidence to generate a model that links the education-based metaverse. The metaverse platforms in which learners' academic success can be significantly enhanced due to a high degree of learner engagement in immersive virtual environments. In addition, the virtual learning experience is restricted by the degree of digital literacy at the same time. To improve instructors' and learners' digital literacy levels, necessary support is indispensable by educational institutions and designers of the metaverse platforms. Meanwhile, this study addresses potential challenges that may hinder sustaining metaverse-based blended English learning, and provides some suggestions based on the previous literature. In future research, we will keep updating and polishing the metaverse-based blended English learning research to provide more detailed guidance for researchers and educators

    Education Reform for the Digital Era

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    Will the digital-learning movement repeat the mistakes of the charter-school movement? How much more successful might today's charter universe look if yesterday's proponents had focused on the policies and practices needed to ensure its quality, freedom, and resources over the long term? What mistakes might have been avoided? Damaging scandals forestalled? Missed opportunities seized

    First Steps Towards Blended Learning @ Bond

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    Get yourself connected: conceptualising the role of digital technologies in Norwegian career guidance

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    This report outlines the role of digital technologies in the provision of career guidance. It was commissioned by the c ommittee on career guidance which is advising the Norwegian Government following a review of the countries skills system by the OECD. In this report we argue that career guidance and online career guidance in particular can support the development of Norwa y’s skills system to help meet the economic challenges that it faces.The expert committee advising Norway’s Career Guidance Initiativ

    Putting Prosody First – Some Practical Solutions to a Perennial Problem: The Innovalangues Project

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    This paper presents some of the difficulties of teaching languages, in particular English, in the context of LSP/LAP2 programmes in French universities. The main focus of this paper will be the importance of prosody, especially in English, as an area where these difficulties may be addressed. We will outline the various solutions that are currently being put into place as part of the Innovalangues project, a six-year international language teaching and research project headed by Université Stendhal (Grenoble 3), France. The project has substantial funding from the French Ministry of Higher Education and Research and its mission is to develop innovative tools and measures to help LSP/LAP learners reach B2 on the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFRL). The languages concerned are English, Italian, Spanish, Chinese, Japanese and possibly French as a foreign language. Initially the project will be focusing on the needs of Grenoble’s students, but the objective is to make the tools and resources developed freely available to the wider community. Oral production and reception are at the heart of Innovalangues. We believe, along with many other researchers, that prosody is key to comprehension and to intelligibility (Kjellin 1999a, Kjellin 1999b, Munro and Derwing 2011, Saito 2012), particularly given the important differences between English and French prosody (Delattre 1965; Hirst and Di Cristo 1998; Frost 2011). In this paper, we will present the particular difficulties inherent in teaching English (and other foreign languages) in the context of ESP/EAP3 in French universities and some of the solutions that we are implementing through this project (Picavet et al., 2012; Picavet et al 2013; Picavet and Frost 2014). These include an e-learning platform for which various tools are being developed, teacher training seminars focusing on prosody and the collection of data for research

    E-Learning in Postsecondary Education

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    Over the past decade postsecondary education has been moving increasingly from the class room to online. During the fall 2010 term 31 percent of U.S. college students took at least one online course. The primary reasons for the growth of e-learning in the nation\u27s colleges and universities include the desire of those institutions to generate new revenue streams, improve access, and offer students greater scheduling flexibility. Yet the growth of e-learning has been accompanied by a continuing debate about its effectiveness and by the recognition that a number of barriers impede its widespread adoption in higher education

    Sizing the Opportunity: The Quality and Extent of Online Education in the United States, 2002 and 2003

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    Presents key findings from a survey that details the quality of online learning, which institutions offer online courses, what types of courses are offered, characteristics of online learners, and growth forecasts for online education

    Pacific leaders in open, online and distance learning

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    The Pacific is a vast region, with a diverse range of cultures and stretched geographical lands, which covers large territories and long distances. Open, online and distance learning (ODL) has always played a key role in providing access to education to remote and rural students and disadvantaged groups. In fact, it could be argued that without ODL, the levels of educational attainment in these regions would be much lower. However, there is work to be done, as some countries in the region still have infrastructure problems, such as Internet connectivity and availability, which directly impact access to online and distance learning. In this piece about Pacific leaders in ODL, I noticed that despite the fact that many leaders have or have had a formal professional base at their institutions, many have worked across different nations and in collaboration with several national and international organisations. Also, initially, ODL leaders were predominantly male, but it did not take long for their female counterparts to join in and be recognised. Encouraged by this journal's editorial board, I made sure that the ODL female leaders are well represented in this piece. This manuscript is divided in three sections; Australia, New Zealand and some small islands of the Pacific region. This is by no means an exhaustive list of ODL leaders in the region, but one that recognises the contributions of earlier theorists and some more current researchers and practitioners. Finally, it is also important to highlight that the large majority of the leaders recognised here are renowned academics, researchers, practitioners and leaders due to their success, leadership and contributions to ODL. Therefore, most of them have published extensively, been invited to present at conferences and other national and international events, and have worked as consultants for key ODL organisations and their partners, some during the course of their employment and/or after retiring. Their career and academic successes are very important, but here I would like to focus on some of their key contributions to ODL in the Pacific region.</p

    Blending Learning: The Evolution of Online and Face-to-Face Education from 20082015

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    In 2008, iNACOL produced a series of papers documenting promising practices identified throughout the field of K–12 online learning. Since then, we have witnessed a tremendous acceleration of transformative policy and practice driving personalized learning in the K–12 education space. State, district, school, and classroom leaders recognize that the ultimate potential for blended and online learning lies in the opportunity to transform the education system and enable higher levels of learning through competency-based approaches.iNACOL's core work adds significant value to the field by providing a powerful practitioner voice in policy advocacy, communications, and in the creation of resources and best practices to enable transformational change in K–12 education.We worked with leaders throughout the field to update these resources for a new generation of pioneers working towards the creation of student-centered learning environments.This refreshed series, Promising Practices in Blended and Online Learning, explores some of the approaches developed by practitioners and policymakers in response to key issues in K–12 education, including:Blended Learning: The Evolution of Online and Face-to-Face Education from 2008-2015;Using Blended and Online Learning for Credit Recovery and At-Risk Students;Oversight and Management of Blended and Online Programs: Ensuring Quality and Accountability; andFunding and Legislation for Blended and Online Education.Personalized learning environments provide the very best educational opportunities and personalized pathways for all students, with highly qualified teachers delivering world-class instruction using innovative digital resources and content. Through this series of white papers, we are pleased to share the promising practices in K–12 blended, online, and competency education transforming teaching and learning today