17 research outputs found

    MedleySolver: Online SMT Algorithm Selection

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    Satisfiability modulo theories (SMT) solvers implement a wide range of optimizations that are often tailored to a particular class of problems, and that differ significantly between solvers. As a result, one solver may solve a query quickly while another might be flummoxed completely. Predicting the performance of a given solver is difficult for users of SMT-driven applications, particularly when the problems they have to solve do not fall neatly into a well-understood category. In this paper, we propose an online algorithm selection framework for SMT called MedleySolver that predicts the relative performances of a set of SMT solvers on a given query, distributes time amongst the solvers, and deploys the solvers in sequence until a solution is obtained. We evaluate MedleySolver against the best available alternative, an offline learning technique, in terms of pure performance and practical usability for a typical SMT user. We find that with no prior training, MedleySolver solves 93.9% of the queries solved by the virtual best solver selector achieving 59.8% of the par-2 score of the most successful individual solver, which solves 87.3%. For comparison, the best available alternative takes longer to train than MedleySolver takes to solve our entire set of 2000 queries

    Partitioning Strategies for Distributed SMT Solving

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    For many users of Satisfiability Modulo Theories (SMT) solvers, the solver's performance is the main bottleneck in their application. One promising approach for improving performance is to leverage the increasing availability of parallel and cloud computing. However, despite many efforts, the best parallel approach to date consists of running a portfolio of solvers, meaning that performance is still limited by the best possible sequential performance. In this paper, we revisit divide-and-conquer approaches to parallel SMT, in which a challenging problem is partitioned into several subproblems. We introduce several new partitioning strategies and evaluate their performance, both alone as well as within portfolios, on a large set of difficult SMT benchmarks. We show that hybrid portfolios that include our new strategies can significantly outperform traditional portfolios for parallel SMT.Comment: Submitted to FMCAD 202

    Sydr-Fuzz: Continuous Hybrid Fuzzing and Dynamic Analysis for Security Development Lifecycle

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    Nowadays automated dynamic analysis frameworks for continuous testing are in high demand to ensure software safety and satisfy the security development lifecycle~(SDL) requirements. The security bug hunting efficiency of cutting-edge hybrid fuzzing techniques outperforms widely utilized coverage-guided fuzzing. We propose an enhanced dynamic analysis pipeline to leverage productivity of automated bug detection based on hybrid fuzzing. We implement the proposed pipeline in the continuous fuzzing toolset Sydr-Fuzz which is powered by hybrid fuzzing orchestrator, integrating our DSE tool Sydr with libFuzzer and AFL++. Sydr-Fuzz also incorporates security predicate checkers, crash triaging tool Casr, and utilities for corpus minimization and coverage gathering. The benchmarking of our hybrid fuzzer against alternative state-of-the-art solutions demonstrates its superiority over coverage-guided fuzzers while remaining on the same level with advanced hybrid fuzzers. Furthermore, we approve the relevance of our approach by discovering 85 new real-world software flaws within the OSS-Sydr-Fuzz project. Finally, we open Casr source code to the community to facilitate examination of the existing crashes

    Satisfiability Modulo Finite Fields

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    We study satisfiability modulo the theory of finite fields and give a decision procedure for this theory. We implement our procedure for prime fields inside the cvc5 SMT solver. Using this theory, we con- struct SMT queries that encode translation validation for various zero knowledge proof compilers applied to Boolean computations. We evalu- ate our procedure on these benchmarks. Our experiments show that our implementation is superior to previous approaches (which encode field arithmetic using integers or bit-vectors)

    Le jeu de tests VLSAT-3

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    This report presents VLSAT-3 (an acronym for "Very Large Boolean SATisfiability problems''), the third part of a benchmark suite to be used in scientific experiments and software competitions addressing SAT and SMT (Satisfiability Modulo Theories) solving issues. VLSAT-3 contains 1200 (600 satisfiable and 600 unsatisfiable) quantifier-free first-order logic formulas of increasing complexity, proposed in SMT-LIB format under a permissive Creative Commons license. More than 90% of these benchmarks have been used during the 16th International Satisfiability Modulo Theories Competition (SMT-COMP 2021).VLSAT-3 (acronyme anglais de "très grands problèmes de satisfaisabilité booléenne") est le troisième volet d'une suite de tests destinée aux expérimentations scientifiques et aux compétitions de logiciels pour la résolution de problèmes SAT et SMT (Satisfaisabilité Modulo des Théories). VLSAT-3 contient 1200 formules logiques (600 satisfaisables et 600 insatisfaisables) du premier ordre sans quantificateur, de complexité croissante, fournies en format SMT-LIB sous une licence Creative Commons permissive. Plus de 90% de ces tests ont été utilisés lors de la 16ème Compétition Internationale de Satisfaisabilité Modulo des Théories (SMT-COMP 2021)

    The integration of multi-color taint-analysis with dynamic symbolic execution for Java web application security analysis

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    The view of IT security in today’s software development processes is changing. While IT security used to be seen mainly as a risk that had to be managed during the operation of IT systems, a class of security weaknesses is seen today as measurable quality aspects of IT system implementations, e.g., the number of paths allowing SQL injection attacks. Current trends, such as DevSecOps pipelines, therefore establish security testing in the development process aiming to catch these security weaknesses before they make their way into production systems. At the same time, the analysis works differently than in functional testing, as security requirements are mostly universal and not project specific. Further, they measure the quality of the source code and not the function of the system. As a consequence, established testing strategies such as unit testing or integration testing are not applicable for security testing. Instead, a new category of tools is required in the software development process: IT security weakness analyzers. These tools scan the source code for security weaknesses independent of the functional aspects of the implementation. In general, such analyzers give stronger guarantees for the presence or absence of security weaknesses than functional testing strategies. In this thesis, I present a combination of dynamic symbolic execution and explicit dynamic multi-color taint analysis for the security analysis of Java web applications. Explicit dynamic taint analysis is an established monitoring technique that allows the precise detection of security weaknesses along a single program execution path, if any are present. Multi-color taint analysis implies that different properties defining diverse security weaknesses can be expressed at the same time in different taint colors and are analyzed in parallel during the execution of a program path. Each taint color analyzes its own security weakness and taint propagation can be tailored in specific sanitization points for this color. The downside of dynamic taint analysis is the single exploration of one path. Therefore, this technique requires a path generator component as counterpart that ensures all relevant paths are explored. Dynamic symbolic execution is appropriate here, as enumerating all reachable execution paths in a program is its established strength. The Jaint framework presented here combines these two techniques in a single tool. More specifically, the thesis looks into SMT meta-solving, extending dynamic symbolic execution on Java programs with string operations, and the configuration problem of multi-color taint analysis in greater detail to enable Jaint for the analysis of Java web applications. The evaluation demonstrates that the resulting framework is the best research tool on the OWASP Benchmark. One of the two dynamic symbolic execution engines that I worked on as part of the thesis has won gold in the Java track of SV-COMP 2022. The other demonstrates that it is possible to lift the implementation design from a research specific JVM to an industry grade JVM, paving the way for the future scaling of Jaint

    On Boomerang Attacks on Quadratic Feistel Ciphers

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    The recent introduction of the Boomerang Connectivity Table (BCT) at Eurocrypt 2018 revived interest in boomerang cryptanalysis and in the need to correctly build boomerang distinguishers. Several important advances have been made on this matter, with in particular the study of the extension of the BCT theory to multiple rounds and to different types of ciphers. In this paper, we pursue these investigations by studying the specific case of quadratic Feistel ciphers, motivated by the need to look at two particularly lightweight ciphers, KATAN and Simon. Our analysis shows that their light round function leads to an extreme case, as a one-round boomerang can only have a probability of 0 or 1. We identify six papers presenting boomerang analyses of KATAN or Simon and all use the naive approach to compute the distinguisher’s probability. We are able to prove that several results are theoretically incorrect and we run experiments to check the probability of the others. Many do not have the claimed probability: it fails distinguishing in some cases, but we also identify instances where the experimental probability turns out to be better than the claimed one. To address this shortfall, we propose an SMT model taking into account the boomerang constraints. We present several experimentally-verified related-key distinguishers obtained with our new technique: on KATAN32 a 151-round boomerang and on Simon-32/64 a 17-round boomerang, a 19-round rotational-xor boomerang and a 15-round rotational-xor-differential boomerang. Furthermore, we extend our 19-round distinguisher into a 25-round rotational-xor rectangle attack on Simon-32/64. To the best of our knowledge this attack reaches one more round than previously published results

    Strong Optimistic Solving for Dynamic Symbolic Execution

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    Dynamic symbolic execution (DSE) is an effective method for automated program testing and bug detection. It is increasing the code coverage by the complex branches exploration during hybrid fuzzing. DSE tools invert the branches along some execution path and help fuzzer examine previously unavailable program parts. DSE often faces over- and underconstraint problems. The first one leads to significant analysis complication while the second one causes inaccurate symbolic execution. We propose strong optimistic solving method that eliminates irrelevant path predicate constraints for target branch inversion. We eliminate such symbolic constraints that the target branch is not control dependent on. Moreover, we separately handle symbolic branches that have nested control transfer instructions that pass control beyond the parent branch scope, e.g. return, goto, break, etc. We implement the proposed method in our dynamic symbolic execution tool Sydr. We evaluate the strong optimistic strategy, the optimistic strategy that contains only the last constraint negation, and their combination. The results show that the strategies combination helps increase either the code coverage or the average number of correctly inverted branches per one minute. It is optimal to apply both strategies together in contrast with other configurations