7 research outputs found

    Bitopology and four-valued logic

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    AbstractBilattices and d-frames are two different kinds of structures with a four-valued interpretation. Whereas d-frames were introduced with their topological semantics in mind, the theory of bilattices has a closer connection with logic. We consider a common generalisation of both structures and show that this not only still has a clear bitopological semantics, but that it also preserves most of the original bilattice logic. Moreover, we also obtain a new bitopological interpretation for the connectives of four-valued logic

    Quasi-Nelson Algebras

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    Abstract We introduce a generalization of Nelson algebras having a not-necessarily involutive negation; we suggest to dub this class quasi-Nelson algebras in analogy with quasi-De Morgan lattices, these being a non-involutive generalization of De Morgan lattices. We show that, similarly to the involutive case (and perhaps surprisingly), our new class of algebras can be equivalently presented as (1) quasi-Nelson residuated lattices, i.e. models of the well-known Full Lambek calculus with exchange and weakening, extended with the Nelson axiom; (2) non-involutive twist-structures, i.e. special products of Heyting algebras, which generalize the well-known construction for representing algebraic models of Nelson's constructive logic with strong negation; (3) quasi-Nelson algebras, i.e. models of non-involutive Nelson logic viewed as a conservative expansion of the negation-free fragment of intuitionistic logic. The equivalence of the three presentations, and in particular the extension of the twist-structure representation to the non-involutive case, is the main technical result of the paper. We hope, however, that the main impact may be the possibility of opening new ways to (i) obtain deeper insights into the distinguishing feature of Nelson's logic (the Nelson axiom) and its algebraic counterpart; (ii) be able to investigate certain purely algebraic properties (such as 3-potency and (0,1)-congruence orderability) in a more general setting

    Non-involutive twist-structures

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    Pointfree bispaces and pointfree bisubspaces

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    This thesis is concerned with the study of pointfree bispaces, and in particular with the pointfree notion of inclusion of bisubspaces. We mostly work in the context of d-frames. We study quotients of d-frames as pointfree analogues of the topological notion of bisubspace. We show that for every d-frame L there is a d-frame A(L) such that it plays the role of the assembly of a frame, in the sense that it has the analogue of the universal property of the assembly and that its spectrum is a bitopological version of the Skula space of the bispace dpt(L), the spectrum of L. Furthermore, we show that this bitopological version of the Skula space of dpt(L) is the coarsest topology in which the d-sober bisubspaces of dpt(L) are closed. We also show that there are two free constructions in the category of d-frames Act(L) and A_(L), such that they represent two variations of the bitopological version of the Skula topology. In particular, we show that in dpt(Act) the positive closed sets are exactly those d-sober subspaces of dpt(L) that are spectra of quotients coming from an increase in the con component, and that the negative closed ones are those that come from increases in the tot component. For dpt(A_(L)), we show that the positive closed sets are exactly those bisubspaces of dpt(L) that are spectra of quotients coming from a quotient of L+, and that the negative closed sets come in the same way from quotients of