1,007 research outputs found

    Cryptocurrency price prediction using LSTM neural networks

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    The interest in cryptocurrencies is increasing among individuals and investors. Bitcoin is the leading existing cryptocurrency with the highest market capitalization. However, its high volatility aligns with political uncertainty making it very difficult to predict its value. Therefore, there is a need to create advanced models that use mathematical and statistical methods to reduce investment risk. This research aims to verify if long short-term memory (LSTM), and bidirectional long short-term memory (BiLSTM) neural networks, can be used with Savitzky–Golay filter to predict next-day bitcoin closing prices. We found evidence both networks can be used effectively to predict bitcoin prices. LSTM performed 4.49 mean absolute percentage error (MAPE) and BiLSTM 4.44 MAPE. We also found that using Savitzky– Golay filter and dropout regularization significantly improved the model’s prediction performance.O interesse em moedas digitais tem aumentado por parte de indivíduos e investidores. A bitcoin é a moeda digital com maior capitalização de mercado, no entanto, a sua alta volatilidade alinhada à incerteza política, torna muito difícil prever seu valor. Portanto, existe a necessidade de criar modelos avançados que utilizem métodos matemáticos e estatísticos para reduzir o risco de investimento. Este estudo tem como objetivo verificar se as redes neurais artificiais de memória longo curto prazo (LSTM) e redes bidirecionais de memória longo curto prazo (BiLSTM) podem ser usadas juntamente com o filtro Savitzky-Golay para prever os preços de fecho do dia seguinte da bitcoin. Os resultados mostraram que existe evidência que ambas as redes podem ser usadas de forma efetiva. LSTM obteve um erro percentual absoluto médio (MAPE) de 4.49 e BiLSTM um MAPE de 4,44. Também o uso do filtro Savitzky-Golay e regularização, melhora significativamente o desempenho de previsão dos modelos

    Predicting the Price of Cryptocurrency Using Machine Learning Algorithm

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    It is proposed to conduct a project aimed at forecasting cryptocurrency price values. The concept of cryptocurrencies refers to computerized money that is used for a variety of transactions as well as for long-term investments. The most common cryptocurrency that most of the systems use to conduct their transactions is the Ethereum cryptocurrency. However, it needs to be noted that there are many other well-known crypto currencies other than ethereum as well. We propose to use Machine Learning for this project, which will be trained from the available cryptocurrency price data, to gain intelligence, and then use this knowledge to make accurate predictions. Trading cryptocurrency prices is one of the most popular exchanges right now. It is suggested that both day traders and investors can benefit greatly from using the suggested approach