15 research outputs found

    Iterative Antirandom Testing

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    Efficient Test Compaction for Pseudo-Random Testing

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    Compact set of 3-valued test vectors for random pattern resistant faults are covered in multiple test passes. During a pass, its associated test cube specifies certain bits in the scan chain to be held fixed and others to change pseudo-randomly. We propose an algorithm to find a small number of cubes to cover all the test vectors, thus minimizing total test length. The test-cube finding algorithm repeatedly evaluates small perturbations of the current solution so as to maximize the expected test coverage of the cube. Experimental results show that our algorithm covers the test vectors by test cubes that are one to two orders of magnitude smaller in number with a much smaller increase in the percentage of specified bits. It outperforms comparable schemes reported in the literature

    Synthesis of a Test Generator for a Built-ln Self-Test Scheme

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    This paper presents a new algorithm for the automated synthesis of pseudo-random test patterns generators for Built-ln Self Test schemes with a mixed testmode. The experimental resulls showan opportunity of using the given method on a design stage of circuits producing In this paper it is shown that an appropriat selection of test pattern generator can significantly reduce the hardware requirements of deterministic part

    Testing PUF-Based Secure Key Storage Circuits

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    Abstract-Design for test is an integral part of any VLSI chip. However, for secure systems extra precautions have to be taken to prevent that the test circuitry could reveal secret information. This paper addresses secure test for Physical Unclonable Function based systems. In particular it provides the testability analysis and a secure Built-In Self-Test (BIST) solution for Fuzzy Extractor (FE) which is the main component of PUF-based systems. The scheme targets high stuck-at-fault (SAF) coverage by performing scan-chain free functional testing, to prevent scan-chain abuse for attacks. The scheme reuses existing FE sub-blocks (for pattern generation and compression) to minimize the area overhead. The scheme is integrated in FE design and simulated; the results show that a SAF fault coverage of 95.1% can be realized with no more than 50k clock cycles at the cost of a negligible area overhead of only 2.2%. Higher fault coverage is possible to realize at extra cost