10,033 research outputs found

    Quasi-orthogonal space-frequency coding in non-coherent cooperative broadband networks

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    © 2014 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes, creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other works.So far, complex valued orthogonal codes have been used differentially in cooperative broadband networks. These codes however achieve less than unitary code rate when utilized in cooperative networks with more than two relays. Therefore, the main challenge is how to construct unitary rate codes for non-coherent cooperative broadband networks with more than two relays while exploiting the achievable spatial and frequency diversity. In this paper, we extend full rate quasi-orthogonal codes to differential cooperative broadband networks where channel information is unavailable. From this, we propose a generalized differential distributed quasi-orthogonal space-frequency coding (DQSFC) protocol for cooperative broadband networks. Our proposed scheme is able to achieve full rate, and full spatial and frequency diversity in cooperative networks with any number of relays. Through pairwise error probability analysis we show that the diversity gain of our scheme can be improved by appropriate code construction and sub-carrier allocation. Based on this, we derive sufficient conditions for the proposed code structure at the source node and relay nodes to achieve full spatial and frequency diversity.Peer reviewe

    High-rate codes that are linear in space and time

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    Multiple-antenna systems that operate at high rates require simple yet effective space-time transmission schemes to handle the large traffic volume in real time. At rates of tens of bits per second per hertz, Vertical Bell Labs Layered Space-Time (V-BLAST), where every antenna transmits its own independent substream of data, has been shown to have good performance and simple encoding and decoding. Yet V-BLAST suffers from its inability to work with fewer receive antennas than transmit antennas-this deficiency is especially important for modern cellular systems, where a base station typically has more antennas than the mobile handsets. Furthermore, because V-BLAST transmits independent data streams on its antennas there is no built-in spatial coding to guard against deep fades from any given transmit antenna. On the other hand, there are many previously proposed space-time codes that have good fading resistance and simple decoding, but these codes generally have poor performance at high data rates or with many antennas. We propose a high-rate coding scheme that can handle any configuration of transmit and receive antennas and that subsumes both V-BLAST and many proposed space-time block codes as special cases. The scheme transmits substreams of data in linear combinations over space and time. The codes are designed to optimize the mutual information between the transmitted and received signals. Because of their linear structure, the codes retain the decoding simplicity of V-BLAST, and because of their information-theoretic optimality, they possess many coding advantages. We give examples of the codes and show that their performance is generally superior to earlier proposed methods over a wide range of rates and signal-to-noise ratios (SNRs)

    Dispensing with channel estimation: differentially modulated cooperative wireless communications

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    As a benefit of bypassing the potentially excessive complexity and yet inaccurate channel estimation, differentially encoded modulation in conjunction with low-complexity noncoherent detection constitutes a viable candidate for user-cooperative systems, where estimating all the links by the relays is unrealistic. In order to stimulate further research on differentially modulated cooperative systems, a number of fundamental challenges encountered in their practical implementations are addressed, including the time-variant-channel-induced performance erosion, flexible cooperative protocol designs, resource allocation as well as its high-spectral-efficiency transceiver design. Our investigations demonstrate the quantitative benefits of cooperative wireless networks both from a pure capacity perspective as well as from a practical system design perspective

    Combinatorial pulse position modulation for power-efficient free-space laser communications

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    A new modulation technique called combinatorial pulse position modulation (CPPM) is presented as a power-efficient alternative to quaternary pulse position modulation (QPPM) for direct-detection, free-space laser communications. The special case of 16C4PPM is compared to QPPM in terms of data throughput and bit error rate (BER) performance for similar laser power and pulse duty cycle requirements. The increased throughput from CPPM enables the use of forward error corrective (FEC) encoding for a net decrease in the amount of laser power required for a given data throughput compared to uncoded QPPM. A specific, practical case of coded CPPM is shown to reduce the amount of power required to transmit and receive a given data sequence by at least 4.7 dB. Hardware techniques for maximum likelihood detection and symbol timing recovery are presented

    Iteratively Decoded Irregular Variable Length Coding and Sphere-Packing Modulation-Aided Differential Space-Time Spreading

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    In this paper we consider serially concatenated and iteratively decoded Irregular Variable Length Coding (IrVLC) combined with precoded Differential Space-Time Spreading (DSTS) aided multidimensional Sphere Packing (SP) modulation designed for near-capacity joint source and channel coding. The IrVLC scheme comprises a number of component Variable Length Coding (VLC) codebooks having different coding rates for the sake of encoding particular fractions of the input source symbol stream. The relative length of these source-stream fractions can be chosen with the aid of EXtrinsic Information Transfer (EXIT) charts in order to shape the EXIT curve of the IrVLC codec, so that an open EXIT chart tunnel may be created even at low Eb/N0 values that are close to the capacity bound of the channel. These schemes are shown to be capable of operating within 0.9 dB of the DSTS-SP channel’s capacity bound using an average interleaver length of 113, 100 bits and an effective bandwidth efficiency of 1 bit/s/Hz, assuming ideal Nyquist filtering. By contrast, the equivalent-rate regular VLC-based benchmarker scheme was found to be capable of operating at 1.4 dB from the capacity bound, which is about 1.56 times the corresponding discrepancy of the proposed IrVLC-aided scheme

    Interference-Mitigating Waveform Design for Next-Generation Wireless Systems

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    A brief historical perspective of the evolution of waveform designs employed in consecutive generations of wireless communications systems is provided, highlighting the range of often conflicting demands on the various waveform characteristics. As the culmination of recent advances in the field the underlying benefits of various Multiple Input Multiple Output (MIMO) schemes are highlighted and exemplified. As an integral part of the appropriate waveform design, cognizance is given to the particular choice of the duplexing scheme used for supporting full-duplex communications and it is demonstrated that Time Division Duplexing (TDD) is substantially outperformed by Frequency Division Duplexing (FDD), unless the TDD scheme is combined with further sophisticated scheduling, MIMOs and/or adaptive modulation/coding. It is also argued that the specific choice of the Direct-Sequence (DS) spreading codes invoked in DS-CDMA predetermines the properties of the system. It is demonstrated that a specifically designed family of spreading codes exhibits a so-called interference-free window (IFW) and hence the resultant system is capable of outperforming its standardised counterpart employing classic Orthogonal Variable Spreading Factor (OVSF) codes under realistic dispersive channel conditions, provided that the interfering multi-user and multipath components arrive within this IFW. This condition may be ensured with the aid of quasisynchronous adaptive timing advance control. However, a limitation of the system is that the number of spreading codes exhibiting a certain IFW is limited, although this problem may be mitigated with the aid of novel code design principles, employing a combination of several spreading sequences in the time-frequency and spatial-domain. The paper is concluded by quantifying the achievable user load of a UTRA-like TDD Code Division Multiple Access (CDMA) system employing Loosely Synchronized (LS) spreading codes exhibiting an IFW in comparison to that of its counterpart using OVSF codes. Both system's performance is enhanced using beamforming MIMOs

    Turbo Detection of Symbol-Based Non-Binary LDPC-Coded Space-time Signals using Sphere Packing Modulation

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    A recently proposed space-time signal construction method that combines orthogonal design with sphere packing, referred to here as (STBC-SP), has shown useful performance improvements over Alamouti’s conventional orthogonal design. As a further advance, non-binary LDPC codes have been capable of attaining substantial performance improvements over their binary counterparts. In this paper, we demonstrate that the performance of STBC-SP systems can be further improved by concatenating sphere packing aided modulation with non-binary LDPC codes and performing symbolbased turbo detection. We present simulation results for the proposed scheme communicating over a correlated Rayleigh fading channel. At a BER of 10?6, the proposed symbolbased turbo-detected STBC-SP scheme was capable of achieving a coding gain of approximately 26.6dB over the identical throughput 1 bit/symbol uncoded STBC-SP benchmarker scheme. The proposed scheme also achieved a coding gain of approximately 3dB at a BER of 10?6 over a recently proposed bit-based turbo-detected STBC-SP benchmarker scheme

    A Differential Turbo Detection Aided Sphere Packing Modulated Space-Time Coding Scheme

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    A signal construction method that combines orthogonal design with sphere packing has recently shown useful performance improvements over the conventional orthogonal design. In this contribution, we extend this concept and propose a novel Sphere Packing (SP) modulated differential Space-Time Block Coded (DSTBC) scheme, referred to here as (DSTBC-SP), which shows performance advantages over conventional DSTBC schemes. We also demonstrate that the performance of DSTBC-SP systems can be further improved by concatenating sphere packing aided modulation with channel coding and performing SP-symbol-to bit demapping as well as channel decoding iteratively. We also investigate the convergence behaviour of this concatenated scheme with the aid of Extrinsic Information Transfer (EXIT) Charts. The proposed turbo-detected DSTBC-SP scheme exhibits a ’turbo-cliff’ at Eb/N0 = 6dB and provides Eb/N0 gains of 23.7dB and 1.7dB at a BER of 10?5 over an equivalent-throughput uncoded DSTBC-SP scheme and a turbo-detected QPSK modulated DSTBC scheme, respectively

    Spectrally efficient transmit diversity scheme for differentially modulated multicarrier transmissions

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    Cyclic delay diversity is a simple, yet effective, transmit diversity scheme for multicarrier based transmissions employing coherent digital linear modulation schemes. It is shown that, for satisfactory operation, the scheme requires additional channel estimation overhead compared to single antenna and traditional space–time coded transmissions owing to the inherent increase in frequency selective fading. The authors analyse the additional channel estimation overhead requirement for a Hiperlan #2 style system with two transmit antennas operating in a NLOS indoor environment. The analysis shows that an additional overhead of 500% is required for the candidate system compared to a single antenna system. It is also shown that by employing differential modulation the channel estimation overhead can be eliminated with significant performance improvement compared to a system employing a practical channel estimation scheme. This novel combination, termed ‘differentially modulated cyclic delay diversity, is shown to yield a highly spectral efficient, yet simple transmit diversity solution for multi-carrier transmissions