4 research outputs found

    Design Of Silicon Controlled Rectifers Sic] For Robust Electrostatic Discharge Protection Applications

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    Electrostatic Discharge (ESD) phenomenon happens everywhere in our daily life. And it can occurs through the whole lifespan of an Integrated Circuit (IC), from the early wafer fabrication process, extending to assembly operation, and finally ending at the user‟s site. It has been reported that up to 35% of total IC field failures are ESD-induced, with estimated annual costs to the IC industry running to several billion dollars. The most straightforward way to avoid the ICs suffering from the threatening of ESD damages is to develop on-chip ESD protection circuits which can afford a robust, low-impedance bypassing path to divert the ESD current to the ground. There are three different types of popular ESD protection devices widely used in the industry, and they are diodes or diodes string, Grounded-gate NMOS (GGNMOS) and Silicon Controlled Rectifier (SCR). Among these different protection solutions, SCR devices have the highest ESD current conduction capability due to the conductivity modulation effect. But SCR devices also have several shortcomings such as the higher triggering point, the lower clamping voltage etc, which will become obstacles for SCR to be widely used as an ESD protection solutions in most of the industry IC products. At first, in some applications with pin voltage goes below ground or above the VDD, dual directional protection between each two pins are desired. The traditional dual-directional SCR structures will consume a larger silicon area or lead to big leakage current issue due to the happening of punch-through effect. A new and improved SCR structure for low-triggering ESD iv applications has been proposed in this dissertation and successfully realized in a BiCMOS process. Such a structure possesses the desirable characteristics of a dual-polarity conduction, low trigger voltage, small leakage current, large failing current, adjustable holding voltage, and compact size. Another issue with SCR devices is its deep snapback or lower holding voltage, which normally will lead to the latch-up happen. To make SCR devices be immunity with latch-up, it is required to elevate its holding voltage to be larger than the circuits operational voltage, which can be several tens volts in modern power electronic circuits. Two possible solutions have been proposed to resolve this issue. One solution is accomplished by using a segmented emitter topology based on the concept that the holding voltage can be increased by reducing the emitter injection efficiency. Experimental data show that the new SCR can posses a holding voltage that is larger than 40V and a failure current It2 that is higher than 28mA/um. The other solution is accomplished by stacking several low triggering voltage high holding voltage SCR cells together. The TLP measurement results show that this novel SCR stacking structure has an extremely high holding voltage, very small snapback, and acceptable failure current. The High Holding Voltage Figure of Merit (HHVFOM) has been proposed to be a criterion for different high holding voltage solutions. The HHVFOM comparison of our proposed structures and the existing high holding voltage solutions also show the advantages of our work

    On-chip Electro-static Discharge (esd) Protection For Radio-frequency Integrated Circuits

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    Electrostatic Discharge (ESD) phenomenon is a common phenomenon in daily life and it could damage the integrated circuit throughout the whole cycle of product from the manufacturing. Several ESD stress models and test methods have been used to reproduce ESD events and characterize ESD protection device\u27s performance. The basic ESD stress models are: Human Body Model (HBM), Machine Model (MM), and Charged Device Model (CDM). On-chip ESD protection devices are widely used to discharge ESD current and limit the overstress voltage under different ESD events. Some effective ESD protection devices were reported for low speed circuit applications such as analog ICs or digital ICs in CMOS process. On the contrast, only a few ESD protection devices available for radio frequency integrated circuits (RF ICs). ESD protection for RF ICs is more challenging than traditional low speed CMOS ESD protection design because of the facts that: (1) Process limitation: High-performance RF ICs are typically fabricated in compound semiconductor process such as GaAs pHEMT and SiGe HBT process. And some proved effective ESD devices (e.g. SCR) are not able to be fabricated in those processes due to process limitation. Moreover, compound semiconductor process has lower thermal conductivity which will worsen its ESD damage immunity. (2) Parasitic capacitance limitation: Even for RF CMOS process, the inherent parasitic capacitance of ESD protection devices is a big concern. Therefore, this dissertation will contribute on ESD protection designs for RF ICs in all the major processes including GaAs pHEMT, SiGe BiCMOS and standard CMOS. iv The ESD protection for RF ICs in GaAs pHEMT process is very difficult, and the typical HBM protection level is below 1-kV HBM level. The first part of our work is to analyze pHEMT\u27s snapback, post-snapback saturation and thermal failure under ESD stress using TLP-like Sentaurus TCAD simulation. The snapback is caused by virtual bipolar transistor due to large electron-hole pairs impacted near drain region. Postsnapback saturation is caused by temperature-induced mobility degradation due to IIIV compound semiconductor materials\u27 poor thermal conductivity. And thermal failure is found to be caused by hot spot located in pHEMT\u27s InGaAs layer. Understanding of these physical mechanisms is critical to design effective ESD protection device in GaAs pHEMT process. Several novel ESD protection devices were designed in 0.5um GaAs pHEMT process. The multi-gate pHEMT based ESD protection devices in both enhancementmode and depletion-mode were reported and characterized then. Due to the multiple current paths available in the multi-gate pHEMT, the new ESD protection clamp showed significantly improved ESD performances over the conventional single-gate pHEMT ESD clamp, including higher current discharge capability, lower on-state resistance, and smaller voltage transient. We proposed another further enhanced ESD protection clamp based on a novel drain-less, multi-gate pHEMT in a 0.5um GaAs pHEMT technology. Based on Barth 4002 TLP measurement results, the ESD protection devices proposed in this chapter can improve the ESD level from 1-kV (0.6 A It2) to up to 8-kV ( \u3e 5.2 A It2) under HBM. v Then we optimized SiGe-based silicon controlled rectifiers (SiGe SCR) in SiGe BiCMOS process. SiGe SCR is considered a good candidate ESD protection device in this process. But the possible slow turn-on issue under CDM ESD events is the major concern. In order to optimize the turn-on performance of SiGe SCR against CDM ESD, the Barth 4012 very fast TLP (vfTLP) and vfTLP-like TCAD simulation were used for characterization and analysis. It was demonstrated that a SiGe SCR implemented with a P PLUG layer and minimal PNP base width can supply the smallest peak voltage and fastest response time which is resulted from the fact that the impact ionization region and effective base width in the SiGe SCR were reduced due to the presence of the P PLUG layer. This work demonstrated a practical approach for designing optimum ESD protection solutions for the low-voltage/radio frequency integrated circuits in SiGe BiCMOS process. In the end, we optimized SCRs in standard silicon-based CMOS process to supply protection for high speed/radio-frequency ICs. SCR is again considered the best for its excellent current handling ability. But the parasitic capacitance of SCRs needs to be reduced to limit SCR\u27s impact to RF performance. We proposed a novel SCR-based ESD structure and characterize it experimentally for the design of effective ESD protection in high-frequency CMOS based integrated circuits. The proposed SCR-based ESD protection device showed a much lower parasitic capacitance and better ESD performance than the conventional SCR and a low-capacitance SCR reported in the literature. The physics underlying the low capacitance was explained by measurements using HP 4284 capacitance meter. vi Throughout the dissertation work, all the measurements are mainly conducted using Barth 4002 transimission line pulsing (TLP) and Barth 4012 very fast transmission line pulsing (vfTLP) testers. All the simulation was performed using Sentaurus TCAD tool from Synopsys

    Design And Characterization Of Noveldevices For New Generation Of Electrostaticdischarge (esd) Protection Structures

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    The technology evolution and complexity of new circuit applications involve emerging reliability problems and even more sensitivity of integrated circuits (ICs) to electrostatic discharge (ESD)-induced damage. Regardless of the aggressive evolution in downscaling and subsequent improvement in applications\u27 performance, ICs still should comply with minimum standards of ESD robustness in order to be commercially viable. Although the topic of ESD has received attention industry-wide, the design of robust protection structures and circuits remains challenging because ESD failure mechanisms continue to become more acute and design windows less flexible. The sensitivity of smaller devices, along with a limited understanding of the ESD phenomena and the resulting empirical approach to solving the problem have yielded time consuming, costly and unpredictable design procedures. As turnaround design cycles in new technologies continue to decrease, the traditional trial-and-error design strategy is no longer acceptable, and better analysis capabilities and a systematic design approach are essential to accomplish the increasingly difficult task of adequate ESD protection-circuit design. This dissertation presents a comprehensive design methodology for implementing custom on-chip ESD protection structures in different commercial technologies. First, the ESD topic in the semiconductor industry is revised, as well as ESD standards and commonly used schemes to provide ESD protection in ICs. The general ESD protection approaches are illustrated and discussed using different types of protection components and the concept of the ESD design window. The problem of implementing and assessing ESD protection structures is addressed next, starting from the general discussion of two design methods. The first ESD design method follows an experimental approach, in which design requirements are obtained via fabrication, testing and failure analysis. The second method consists of the technology computer aided design (TCAD)-assisted ESD protection design. This method incorporates numerical simulations in different stages of the ESD design process, and thus results in a more predictable and systematic ESD development strategy. Physical models considered in the device simulation are discussed and subsequently utilized in different ESD designs along this study. The implementation of new custom ESD protection devices and a further integration strategy based on the concept of the high-holding, low-voltage-trigger, silicon controlled rectifier (SCR) (HH-LVTSCR) is demonstrated for implementing ESD solutions in commercial low-voltage digital and mixed-signal applications developed using complementary metal oxide semiconductor (CMOS) and bipolar CMOS (BiCMOS) technologies. This ESD protection concept proposed in this study is also successfully incorporated for implementing a tailored ESD protection solution for an emerging CMOS-based embedded MicroElectroMechanical (MEMS) sensor system-on-a-chip (SoC) technology. Circuit applications that are required to operate at relatively large input/output (I/O) voltage, above/below the VDD/VSS core circuit power supply, introduce further complications in the development and integration of ESD protection solutions. In these applications, the I/O operating voltage can extend over one order of magnitude larger than the safe operating voltage established in advanced technologies, while the IC is also required to comply with stringent ESD robustness requirements. A practical TCAD methodology based on a process- and device- simulation is demonstrated for assessment of the device physics, and subsequent design and implementation of custom P1N1-P2N2 and coupled P1N1-P2N2//N2P3-N3P1 silicon controlled rectifier (SCR)-type devices for ESD protection in different circuit applications, including those applications operating at I/O voltage considerably above/below the VDD/VSS. Results from the TCAD simulations are compared with measurements and used for developing technology- and circuit-adapted protection structures, capable of blocking large voltages and providing versatile dual-polarity symmetric/asymmetric S-type current-voltage characteristics for high ESD protection. The design guidelines introduced in this dissertation are used to optimize and extend the ESD protection capability in existing CMOS/BiCMOS technologies, by implementing smaller and more robust single- or dual-polarity ESD protection structures within the flexibility provided in the specific fabrication process. The ESD design methodologies and characteristics of the developed protection devices are demonstrated via ESD measurements obtained from fabricated stand-alone devices and on-chip ESD protections. The superior ESD protection performance of the devices developed in this study is also successfully verified in IC applications where the standard ESD protection approaches are not suitable to meet the stringent area constraint and performance requirement