7,563 research outputs found

    Immunotronics - novel finite-state-machine architectures with built-in self-test using self-nonself differentiation

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    A novel approach to hardware fault tolerance is demonstrated that takes inspiration from the human immune system as a method of fault detection. The human immune system is a remarkable system of interacting cells and organs that protect the body from invasion and maintains reliable operation even in the presence of invading bacteria or viruses. This paper seeks to address the field of electronic hardware fault tolerance from an immunological perspective with the aim of showing how novel methods based upon the operation of the immune system can both complement and create new approaches to the development of fault detection mechanisms for reliable hardware systems. In particular, it is shown that by use of partial matching, as prevalent in biological systems, high fault coverage can be achieved with the added advantage of reducing memory requirements. The development of a generic finite-state-machine immunization procedure is discussed that allows any system that can be represented in such a manner to be "immunized" against the occurrence of faulty operation. This is demonstrated by the creation of an immunized decade counter that can detect the presence of faults in real tim

    Polymorphism and danger susceptibility of system call DASTONs

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    We have proposed a metaphor “DAnger Susceptible daTa codON� (DASTON) in data subject to processing by Danger Theory (DT) based Artificial Immune System (DAIS). The DASTONs are data chunks or data point sets that actively take part to produce “danger�; here we abstract “danger� as required outcome. To have closer look to the metaphor, this paper furthers biological abstractions for DASTON. Susceptibility of DASTON is important parameter for generating dangerous outcome. In biology, susceptibility of a host to pathogenic activities (potentially dangerous activities) is related to polymorphism. Interestingly, results of experiments conducted for system call DASTONs are in close accordance to biological theory of polymorphism and susceptibility. This shows that computational data (system calls in this case) exhibit biological properties when processed with DT point of view

    A Review on Biological Inspired Computation in Cryptology

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    Cryptology is a field that concerned with cryptography and cryptanalysis. Cryptography, which is a key technology in providing a secure transmission of information, is a study of designing strong cryptographic algorithms, while cryptanalysis is a study of breaking the cipher. Recently biological approaches provide inspiration in solving problems from various fields. This paper reviews major works in the application of biological inspired computational (BIC) paradigm in cryptology. The paper focuses on three BIC approaches, namely, genetic algorithm (GA), artificial neural network (ANN) and artificial immune system (AIS). The findings show that the research on applications of biological approaches in cryptology is minimal as compared to other fields. To date only ANN and GA have been used in cryptanalysis and design of cryptographic primitives and protocols. Based on similarities that AIS has with ANN and GA, this paper provides insights for potential application of AIS in cryptology for further research

    Biologically-inspired design: getting it wrong and getting it right

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    Large, complex computing systems have many similarities to biological systems, at least at a high level. They consist of a very large number of components, the interactions between which are complex and dynamic, and the overall behavior of the system is not always predictable even if the components are well understood. These similarities have led the computing community to look to biology for design inspiration. But computing systems are not biological systems. Care must be taken when applying biological designs to computing systems, and we need to avoid applying them when they are not appropriate. We review three areas in which we have used biology as an inspiration to understand and construct computing systems. The first is the epidemiology of computer viruses, in which biological models are used to predict the speed and scope of global virus spread. The second is global defenses against computer viruses, in which the mammalian immune system is the starting point for design. The third is self-assembling autonomic systems, in which the components of a system connect locally, without global control, to provide a desired global function. In each area, we look at an approach that seems very biologically motivated, but that turns out to yield poor results. Then, we look at an approach that works well, and contrast it with the prior misstep. Perhaps unsurprisingly, attempting to reason by analogy is fraught with dangers. Rather, it is critical to have a detailed, rigorous understanding of the system being constructed and the technologies being used, and to understand the differences between the biological system and the computing system, as well as their similarities.1st IFIP International Conference on Biologically Inspired Cooperative Computing - Biological Inspiration: Just a dream?Red de Universidades con Carreras en Informática (RedUNCI