2 research outputs found

    Variations of Biogeography-based Optimization and Markov Analysis

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    Biogeography-based optimization (BBO) is a new evolutionary algorithm that is inspired by biogeography. Previous work has shown that BBO is a competitive optimization algorithm, and it demonstrates good performance on various benchmark functions and real-world optimization problems. Motivated by biogeography theory and previous results, three variations of BBO migration are introduced in this paper. We refer to the original BBO algorithm as partial immigration-based BBO. The new BBO variations that we propose are called total immigration-based BBO, partial emigration-based BBO, and total emigration-based BBO. Their corresponding Markov chain models are also derived based on a previously-derived BBO Markov model. The optimization performance of these BBO variations is analyzed, and new theoretical results that are confirmed with simulation results are obtained. Theoretical results show that total emigration-based BBO and partial emigration-based BBO perform the best for three-bit unimodal problems, partial immigration-based BBO performs the best for three-bit deceptive problems, and all these BBO variations have similar results for three-bit multimodal problems. Performance comparison is further investigated on benchmark functions with a wide range of dimensions and complexities. Benchmark results show that emigration-based BBO performs the best for unimodal problems, and immigration-based BBO performs the best for multimodal problems. In addition, BBO is compared with a stud genetic algorithm (SGA), standard particle swarm optimization (SPSO 07), and adaptive differential evolution (ADE) on real-world optimization problems. The numerical results demonstrate that BBO outperforms SGA and SPSO 07, and performs similarly to ADE for the real-world problems

    Biological invasion-inspired migration in distributed evolutionary algorithms

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    Migration strategy plays an important role in designing effective distributed evolutionary algorithms. In this work, a novel migration model inspired to the phenomenon known as biological invasion is devised. The migration strategy is implemented through a multistage process involving invading subpopulations and their competition with native individuals. Such a general approach is used within a stepping-stone parallel model adopting Differential Evolution as the local algorithm. The resulting distributed algorithm is evaluated on a wide set of classical test functions against a large number of sequential and other distributed versions of Differential Evolution available in literature. The findings show that, in most of the cases, the proposed algorithm is able to achieve better performance in terms of both solution quality and convergence rate