12 research outputs found

    BioModels: ten-year anniversary

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    BioModels (http://www.ebi.ac.uk/biomodels/) is a repository of mathematical models of biological processes. A large set of models is curated to verify both correspondence to the biological process that the model seeks to represent, and reproducibility of the simulation results as described in the corresponding peer-reviewed publication. Many models submitted to the database are annotated, cross-referencing its components to external resources such as database records, and terms from controlled vocabularies and ontologies. BioModels comprises two main branches: one is composed of models derived from literature, while the second is generated through automated processes. BioModels currently hosts over 1200 models derived directly from the literature, as well as in excess of 140 000 models automatically generated from pathway resources. This represents an approximate 60-fold growth for literature-based model numbers alone, since BioModels’ first release a decade ago. This article describes updates to the resource over this period, which include changes to the user interface, the annotation profiles of models in the curation pipeline, major infrastructure changes, ability to perform online simulations and the availability of model content in Linked Data form. We also outline planned improvements to cope with a diverse array of new challenges

    Multiscale information modelling for heart morphogenesis

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    Science is made feasible by the adoption of common systems of units. As research has become more data intensive, especially in the biomedical domain, it requires the adoption of a common system of information models, to make explicit the relationship between one set of data and another, regardless of format. This is being realised through the OBO Foundry to develop a suite of reference ontologies, and NCBO Bioportal to provide services to integrate biomedical resources and functionality to visualise and create mappings between ontology terms. Biomedical experts tend to be focused at one level of spatial scale, be it biochemistry, cell biology, or anatomy. Likewise, the ontologies they use tend to be focused at a particular level of scale. There is increasing interest in a multiscale systems approach, which attempts to integrate between different levels of scale to gain understanding of emergent effects. This is a return to physiological medicine with a computational emphasis, exemplified by the worldwide Physiome initiative, and the European Union funded Network of Excellence in the Virtual Physiological Human. However, little work has been done on how information modelling itself may be tailored to a multiscale systems approach. We demonstrate how this can be done for the complex process of heart morphogenesis, which requires multiscale understanding in both time and spatial domains. Such an effort enables the integration of multiscale metrology

    BioModels Database: An enhanced, curated and annotated resource for published quantitative kinetic models

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    Background: Quantitative models of biochemical and cellular systems are used to answer a variety of questions in the biological sciences. The number of published quantitative models is growing steadily thanks to increasing interest in the use of models as well as the development of improved software systems and the availability of better, cheaper computer hardware. To maximise the benefits of this growing body of models, the field needs centralised model repositories that will encourage, facilitate and promote model dissemination and reuse. Ideally, the models stored in these repositories should be extensively tested and encoded in community-supported and standardised formats. In addition, the models and their components should be cross-referenced with other resources in order to allow their unambiguous identification. Description: BioModels Database http://www.ebi.ac.uk/biomodels/ is aimed at addressing exactly these needs. It is a freely-accessible online resource for storing, viewing, retrieving, and analysing published, peer-reviewed quantitative models of biochemical and cellular systems. The structure and behaviour of each simulation model distributed by BioModels Database are thoroughly checked; in addition, model elements are annotated with terms from controlled vocabularies as well as linked to relevant data resources. Models can be examined online or downloaded in various formats. Reaction network diagrams generated from the models are also available in several formats. BioModels Database also provides features such as online simulation and the extraction of components from large scale models into smaller submodels. Finally, the system provides a range of web services that external software systems can use to access up-to-date data from the database. Conclusions: BioModels Database has become a recognised reference resource for systems biology. It is being used by the community in a variety of ways; for example, it is used to benchmark different simulation systems, and to study the clustering of models based upon their annotations. Model deposition to the database today is advised by several publishers of scientific journals. The models in BioModels Database are freely distributed and reusable; the underlying software infrastructure is also available from SourceForge https://sourceforge.net/projects/biomodels/ under the GNU General Public License

    Controlled vocabularies and semantics in systems biology

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    The use of computational modeling to describe and analyze biological systems is at the heart of systems biology. Model structures, simulation descriptions and numerical results can be encoded in structured formats, but there is an increasing need to provide an additional semantic layer. Semantic information adds meaning to components of structured descriptions to help identify and interpret them unambiguously. Ontologies are one of the tools frequently used for this purpose. We describe here three ontologies created specifically to address the needs of the systems biology community. The Systems Biology Ontology (SBO) provides semantic information about the model components. The Kinetic Simulation Algorithm Ontology (KiSAO) supplies information about existing algorithms available for the simulation of systems biology models, their characterization and interrelationships. The Terminology for the Description of Dynamics (TEDDY) categorizes dynamical features of the simulation results and general systems behavior. The provision of semantic information extends a model's longevity and facilitates its reuse. It provides useful insight into the biology of modeled processes, and may be used to make informed decisions on subsequent simulation experiments

    Terminologías y sistemas de clasificación en ciencias biomédicas

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    Las terminologías surgieron como un intento de reducir la diversidad terminológica en el lenguaje científico, facilitando una buena comunicación, que es la base de toda investigación científica. Esta revisión explica los principios y las aplicaciones asociadas con las terminologías y los sistemas de clasificación, centrándose en el campo de las ciencias biomédicas. La investigación fue realizada en bases de datos científicas, libros y la internet, utilizando las palabras clave: Terminología, sistemas de clasificación, interoperabilidad, ontologías y Bio-ontologías. Esta revisión tiene por objeto explicar que las terminologías facilitan una buena comunicación, reduciendo la diversidad terminológica y además explicando que no son sistemas estáticos. Ellas pueden "evolucionar" para formar estructuras complejas como ontologías biomédicas, con el objetivo de ser utilizadas con múltiples propósitos que comienzan con la transferencia eficiente de la información, hasta el procesamiento de información obtenida de la investigación biológica para su comprensión.Palabras clave: Terminología, sistema de clasificación, interoperabilidad, ontología.Terminologies and classification systems in biomedical sciencesABSTRACTStandards terminologies emerged as an attempt to reduce the diversity terminology in scientific languages, facilitating good communication, which is the basis of all scientific research. This review explains principles and applications associated with terminologies and classification systems focusing mainly on the field of biomedical sciences. The research was conducted on scientific databases, books and network using the keywords: Terminologies, Classification systems, Medical Informatics, Electronic Health Records systems, Interoperability, Ontologies and Bio-ontologies. This review is intended to explain that terminologies facilitate good communication, reducing terminology diversity and they are not static systems. They can “evolve” to more complex structures like biomedical ontologies, with the aim of being used with multiple purposes beginning with the efficient transfer of information, to the processing of information as a result of biological research for its understanding.Keywords: Terminology, Classification system, Interoperability, Ontology. </p

    Development of an accurate kinetic model for the central carbon metabolism of Escherichia coli

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    Additional file 2. Comparison of our kinetic model with other existing models

    Current Trends and New Challenges of Databases and Web Applications for Systems Driven Biological Research

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    Dynamic and rapidly evolving nature of systems driven research imposes special requirements on the technology, approach, design and architecture of computational infrastructure including database and Web application. Several solutions have been proposed to meet the expectations and novel methods have been developed to address the persisting problems of data integration. It is important for researchers to understand different technologies and approaches. Having familiarized with the pros and cons of the existing technologies, researchers can exploit its capabilities to the maximum potential for integrating data. In this review we discuss the architecture, design and key technologies underlying some of the prominent databases and Web applications. We will mention their roles in integration of biological data and investigate some of the emerging design concepts and computational technologies that are likely to have a key role in the future of systems driven biomedical research