9 research outputs found

    Algebraic Properties of Parikh Matrices of Words under an Extension of Thue Morphism

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    The Parikh matrix of a word ww over an alphabet {a1,⋯ ,ak}\{a_1, \cdots , a_k \} with an ordering a1<a2<⋯ak,a_1 < a_2 < \cdots a_k, gives the number of occurrences of each factor of the word a1⋯aka_1 \cdots a_k as a (scattered) subword of the word w.w. Two words u,vu,v are said to be M−M-equivalent, if the Parikh matrices of uu and vv are the same. On the other hand properties of image words under different morphisms have been studied in the context of subwords and Parikh matrices. Here an extension to three letters, introduced by Seˊeˊ\acute{e}\acute{e}bold (2003), of the well-known Thue morphism on two letters, is considered and properties of Parikh matrices of morphic images of words are investigated. The significance of the contribution is that various classes of binary words are obtained whose images are M−M-equivalent under this extended morphism

    Two-Dimensional Digitized Picture Arrays and Parikh Matrices

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    Parikh matrix mapping or Parikh matrix of a word has been introduced in the literature to count the scattered subwords in the word. Several properties of a Parikh matrix have been extensively investigated. A picture array is a two-dimensional connected digitized rectangular array consisting of a finite number of pixels with each pixel in a cell having a label from a finite alphabet. Here we extend the notion of Parikh matrix of a word to a picture array and associate with it two kinds of Parikh matrices, called row Parikh matrix and column Parikh matrix. Two picture arrays A and B are defined to be M-equivalent if their row Parikh matrices are the same and their column Parikh matrices are the same. This enables to extend the notion of M-ambiguity to a picture array. In the binary and ternary cases, conditions that ensure M-ambiguity are then obtained

    Algebraic Properties of Parikh Matrices of Binary Picture Arrays

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    A word is a finite sequence of symbols. Parikh matrix of a word is an upper triangular matrix with ones in the main diagonal and non-negative integers above the main diagonal which are counts of certain scattered subwords in the word. On the other hand a picture array, which is a rectangular arrangement of symbols, is an extension of the notion of word to two dimensions. Parikh matrices associated with a picture array have been introduced and their properties have been studied. Here we obtain certain algebraic properties of Parikh matrices of binary picture arrays based on the notions of power, fairness and a restricted shuffle operator extending the corresponding notions studied in the case of words. We also obtain properties of Parikh matrices of arrays formed by certain geometric operations

    Certain Distance-Based Topological Indices of Parikh Word Representable Graphs

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    Relating graph structures with words which are finite sequences of symbols, Parikh word representable graphs (PWRGsPWRGs) were introduced. On the other hand in chemical graph theory, graphs have been associated with molecular structures. Also several topological indices have been defined in terms of graph parameters and studied for different classes of graphs. In this paper, we derive expressions for computing certain topological indices of PWRGsPWRGs of binary core words, thereby enriching the study of $PWRGs.

    Generalizations of Parikh mappings

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    Parikh matrices have become a useful tool for investigation of subword structure of words. Several generalizations of this concept have been considered. Based on the concept of formal power series, we describe a general framework covering most of these generalizations. In addition, we provide a new characterization of binary amiable words – words having a common Parikh matrix