25 research outputs found

    Autonomous Cleaning of Corrupted Scanned Documents - A Generative Modeling Approach

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    We study the task of cleaning scanned text documents that are strongly corrupted by dirt such as manual line strokes, spilled ink etc. We aim at autonomously removing dirt from a single letter-size page based only on the information the page contains. Our approach, therefore, has to learn character representations without supervision and requires a mechanism to distinguish learned representations from irregular patterns. To learn character representations, we use a probabilistic generative model parameterizing pattern features, feature variances, the features' planar arrangements, and pattern frequencies. The latent variables of the model describe pattern class, pattern position, and the presence or absence of individual pattern features. The model parameters are optimized using a novel variational EM approximation. After learning, the parameters represent, independently of their absolute position, planar feature arrangements and their variances. A quality measure defined based on the learned representation then allows for an autonomous discrimination between regular character patterns and the irregular patterns making up the dirt. The irregular patterns can thus be removed to clean the document. For a full Latin alphabet we found that a single page does not contain sufficiently many character examples. However, even if heavily corrupted by dirt, we show that a page containing a lower number of character types can efficiently and autonomously be cleaned solely based on the structural regularity of the characters it contains. In different examples using characters from different alphabets, we demonstrate generality of the approach and discuss its implications for future developments.Comment: oral presentation and Google Student Travel Award; IEEE conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition 201

    The Statistical Inefficiency of Sparse Coding for Images (or, One Gabor to Rule them All)

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    Sparse coding is a proven principle for learning compact representations of images. However, sparse coding by itself often leads to very redundant dictionaries. With images, this often takes the form of similar edge detectors which are replicated many times at various positions, scales and orientations. An immediate consequence of this observation is that the estimation of the dictionary components is not statistically efficient. We propose a factored model in which factors of variation (e.g. position, scale and orientation) are untangled from the underlying Gabor-like filters. There is so much redundancy in sparse codes for natural images that our model requires only a single dictionary element (a Gabor-like edge detector) to outperform standard sparse coding. Our model scales naturally to arbitrary-sized images while achieving much greater statistical efficiency during learning. We validate this claim with a number of experiments showing, in part, superior compression of out-of-sample data using a sparse coding dictionary learned with only a single image.Comment: 9 pages, 8 figure

    A stochastic algorithm for probabilistic independent component analysis

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    The decomposition of a sample of images on a relevant subspace is a recurrent problem in many different fields from Computer Vision to medical image analysis. We propose in this paper a new learning principle and implementation of the generative decomposition model generally known as noisy ICA (for independent component analysis) based on the SAEM algorithm, which is a versatile stochastic approximation of the standard EM algorithm. We demonstrate the applicability of the method on a large range of decomposition models and illustrate the developments with experimental results on various data sets.Comment: Published in at http://dx.doi.org/10.1214/11-AOAS499 the Annals of Applied Statistics (http://www.imstat.org/aoas/) by the Institute of Mathematical Statistics (http://www.imstat.org

    A Stochastic Algorithm for Probabilistic Independent Component Analysis

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    The decomposition of a sample of images on a relevant subspace is a recurrent problem in many different fields from Computer Vision to medical image analysis. We propose in this paper a new learning principle and implementation of the generative decomposition model generally known as noisy ICA (for independent component analysis) based on the SAEM algorithm, which is a versatile stochastic approximation of the standard EM algorithm. We demonstrate the applicability of the method on a large range of decomposition models and illustrate the developments with experimental results on various data sets

    Invariance of visual operations at the level of receptive fields

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    Receptive field profiles registered by cell recordings have shown that mammalian vision has developed receptive fields tuned to different sizes and orientations in the image domain as well as to different image velocities in space-time. This article presents a theoretical model by which families of idealized receptive field profiles can be derived mathematically from a small set of basic assumptions that correspond to structural properties of the environment. The article also presents a theory for how basic invariance properties to variations in scale, viewing direction and relative motion can be obtained from the output of such receptive fields, using complementary selection mechanisms that operate over the output of families of receptive fields tuned to different parameters. Thereby, the theory shows how basic invariance properties of a visual system can be obtained already at the level of receptive fields, and we can explain the different shapes of receptive field profiles found in biological vision from a requirement that the visual system should be invariant to the natural types of image transformations that occur in its environment.Comment: 40 pages, 17 figure