4 research outputs found

    Predicting encounter and colocation events

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    Although an extensive literature has been devoted to mine and model mobility features, forecasting where, when and whom people will encounter/colocate still deserve further research effort s. Forecasting people\u2019s encounter and colocation features is the key point for the success of many applications rang- ing from epidemiology to the design of new networking paradigms and services such as delay tolerant and opportunistic networks. While many algorithms which rely on both mobility and social informa- tion have been proposed, we propose a novel encounter and colocation predictive model which predicts user\u2019s encounter and colocation events and their features by exploiting the spatio-temporal regularity in the history of these events. We adopt a weighted features Bayesian predictor and evaluate its accuracy on two large scales WiFi and cellular datasets. Results show that our approach could improve prediction accuracy with respect to standard na\uefve Bayesian and some of the state of the art predictors

    Big-Data inspired, proximity-aware 4G/5G service supporting urban social interactions

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    Unlike virtual sociality, in their daily social behavior individuals are used to communicate with a limited number of persons and periodically meet their inner social circle in specific city locations to perform common social activities. Physical encounters among a restricted number of people interestingly give rise to a significant amount of in-proximity voice/data traffic on the cellular network and advocate the provisioning of a new class of services supporting it. This paper gives empirical evidence of the role played by these location-centered social interactions through the extensive analysis of a large anonymized dataset of Call Detail Records (CDR) relying on the phone activities of nearly 1 million people in the city of Milano. The analysis and understanding of these human interactions have inspired the design of a new mobile service that detects, after user's consent, proximity with a person in my inner social circle and autonomously deploys the mobile social network supporting proximity interactions. The approach we propose brings together a few important contributions: first, it concretely shows that the current NFV-enabled trend of placing cloud services at the edge of the operator's network has a payoff in terms of traffic offloading and improved user's experience; secondly, it demonstrates for the first time that a few typical cloud-based services can actually be directly performed by the mobile network operator by simply leveraging the rich amount of data they possess and never exploit


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    Nowadays we witness a rapid increase of people mobility as the world population has become more interconnected and is relying on faster transportation methods, simplified connections and shorter commuting times. Unveiling and understanding human mobility patterns have become a crucial issue to support decisions and prediction activities when managing the complexity of the today's social organization. The strict connections between human mobility patterns, the planning, deployment and management of a variety of public and commercial services have fueled the rise of a vast research activity. Throughout this work, we are more interested and mainly focusing on urban mobility because here most of the human interactions take place and mobility has the greatest impact on management and optimization of public and commercial services. In this thesis, we provided a general framework for dealing with the modeling importance of locations from a per-user perspective and identified a few novel properties of human mobility. Also through characterizing the transition patterns driving user movement among visited places, we pave the way to propose a new mobility model in urban spaces. Meanwhile relying on the relevance of visited places, we propose a new algorithm for detecting and distinguishing Home and Workplaces. And finally, we suggest a framework for predicting the different aspects of Encounter/Colocation events. By exploiting the weighted Bayesian predictor we could enhance the accuracy of prediction w.r.t. the standard naive Bayesian and also to some other state-of-the-art predictors

    Law in the present future : approaching the legal imaginary of smart cities with science (and) fiction

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    This doctoral research concerns smart cities, describing digital solutions and social issues related to their innovative technologies, adopted models, and major projects around the world. The many perspectives mentioned in it were identified by online tools used for the textual analysis of two databases that were built from relevant publications on the main subject by authors coming from media and academia. Expected legal elements emerged from the applied process, such as privacy, security, transparency, participation, accountability, and governance. A general review was produced on the information available about the public policies of Big Data in the two municipal cases of Rio de Janeiro and Montréal, and their regulation in the Brazilian and Canadian contexts. The combined approaches from science and literature were explored to reflect on the normative concerns represented by the global challenges and local risks brought by urban surveillance, climate change, and other neoliberal conditions. Cyberpunk Science Fiction reveals itself useful for engaging with the shared problems that need to be faced in the present time, all involving democracy. The results achieved reveal that this work was, in fact, about the complex network of practices and senses between (post)modern law and the imaginary of the future.Cette recherche doctorale centrée sur les villes intelligentes met en évidence les solutions numériques et les questionnements sociétaux qui ont trait aux technologies innovantes, ainsi qu’aux principaux modèles et projets développés autour d’elles à travers le monde. Des perspectives multiples en lien avec ces développements ont été identifiées à l’aide d’outils en ligne qui ont permis l’analyse textuelle de deux bases de données comprenant des publications scientifiques et des écrits médiatiques. De ce processus analytique ont émergé des éléments juridiques relatifs aux questions de vie privée, de sécurité, de transparence, de participation, d’imputabilité et de gouvernance. De plus, à partir de ces informations a été réalisée une revue des politiques publiques relatives aux mégadonnées dans les villes de Rio de Janeiro et de Montréal, ainsi que des réglementations nationales du Canada et du Brésil en lien avec ce sujet. Finalement, à travers l’exploration d’écrits scientifiques et fictionnels de la littérature, les principaux enjeux normatifs soulevés localement et mondialement par la surveillance urbaine, les changements climatiques et les politiques néolibérales ont pu être mis à jour. Le courant cyberpunk de la science-fiction s’est avéré particulièrement utile pour révéler les principaux problèmes politiques, en lien avec la préservation de la démocratie, auxquelles sont confrontées nos sociétés présentement. Les résultats de la recherche démontrent finalement la présence d’un réseau de pratiques et de significations entre le droit (post)moderne et les représentations imaginaires du futur