828 research outputs found

    Molecular Model of Dynamic Social Network Based on E-mail communication

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    In this work we consider an application of physically inspired sociodynamical model to the modelling of the evolution of email-based social network. Contrary to the standard approach of sociodynamics, which assumes expressing of system dynamics with heuristically defined simple rules, we postulate the inference of these rules from the real data and their application within a dynamic molecular model. We present how to embed the n-dimensional social space in Euclidean one. Then, inspired by the Lennard-Jones potential, we define a data-driven social potential function and apply the resultant force to a real e-mail communication network in a course of a molecular simulation, with network nodes taking on the role of interacting particles. We discuss all steps of the modelling process, from data preparation, through embedding and the molecular simulation itself, to transformation from the embedding space back to a graph structure. The conclusions, drawn from examining the resultant networks in stable, minimum-energy states, emphasize the role of the embedding process projecting the non–metric social graph into the Euclidean space, the significance of the unavoidable loss of information connected with this procedure and the resultant preservation of global rather than local properties of the initial network. We also argue applicability of our method to some classes of problems, while also signalling the areas which require further research in order to expand this applicability domain

    Embedding Directed Graphs in Potential Fields Using FastMap-D

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    Embedding undirected graphs in a Euclidean space has many computational benefits. FastMap is an efficient embedding algorithm that facilitates a geometric interpretation of problems posed on undirected graphs. However, Euclidean distances are inherently symmetric and, thus, Euclidean embeddings cannot be used for directed graphs. In this paper, we present FastMap-D, an efficient generalization of FastMap to directed graphs. FastMap-D embeds vertices using a potential field to capture the asymmetry between the pairwise distances in directed graphs. FastMap-D learns a potential function to define the potential field using a machine learning module. In experiments on various kinds of directed graphs, we demonstrate the advantage of FastMap-D over other approaches.Comment: 9 pages, Published in Symposium on Combinatorial Search(SoCS-2020). Erratum with updated Result

    Ricci Curvature of the Internet Topology

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    Analysis of Internet topologies has shown that the Internet topology has negative curvature, measured by Gromov's "thin triangle condition", which is tightly related to core congestion and route reliability. In this work we analyze the discrete Ricci curvature of the Internet, defined by Ollivier, Lin, etc. Ricci curvature measures whether local distances diverge or converge. It is a more local measure which allows us to understand the distribution of curvatures in the network. We show by various Internet data sets that the distribution of Ricci cuvature is spread out, suggesting the network topology to be non-homogenous. We also show that the Ricci curvature has interesting connections to both local measures such as node degree and clustering coefficient, global measures such as betweenness centrality and network connectivity, as well as auxilary attributes such as geographical distances. These observations add to the richness of geometric structures in complex network theory.Comment: 9 pages, 16 figures. To be appear on INFOCOM 201

    Non-Metric Coordinates for Predicting Network Proximity

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    Prioritized Metric Structures and Embedding

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    Metric data structures (distance oracles, distance labeling schemes, routing schemes) and low-distortion embeddings provide a powerful algorithmic methodology, which has been successfully applied for approximation algorithms \cite{llr}, online algorithms \cite{BBMN11}, distributed algorithms \cite{KKMPT12} and for computing sparsifiers \cite{ST04}. However, this methodology appears to have a limitation: the worst-case performance inherently depends on the cardinality of the metric, and one could not specify in advance which vertices/points should enjoy a better service (i.e., stretch/distortion, label size/dimension) than that given by the worst-case guarantee. In this paper we alleviate this limitation by devising a suit of {\em prioritized} metric data structures and embeddings. We show that given a priority ranking (x1,x2,…,xn)(x_1,x_2,\ldots,x_n) of the graph vertices (respectively, metric points) one can devise a metric data structure (respectively, embedding) in which the stretch (resp., distortion) incurred by any pair containing a vertex xjx_j will depend on the rank jj of the vertex. We also show that other important parameters, such as the label size and (in some sense) the dimension, may depend only on jj. In some of our metric data structures (resp., embeddings) we achieve both prioritized stretch (resp., distortion) and label size (resp., dimension) {\em simultaneously}. The worst-case performance of our metric data structures and embeddings is typically asymptotically no worse than of their non-prioritized counterparts.Comment: To appear at STOC 201

    Graph embeddings for low-stretch greedy routing

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    The simplest greedy geometric routing forwards packets to make most progress in terms of geometric distance within reach. Its notable advantages are low complexity, and the use of local information only. However, two problems of greedy routing are that delivery is not always guaranteed, and that the greedy routes may take more hops than the corresponding shortest paths. Additionally, in dynamic multihop networks, routing elements can join or leave during network operation or exhibit intermittent failures. Even a single link or node removal may invalidate the greedy routing success guarantees. Greedy embedding is a graph embedding that makes the simple greedy packet forwarding successful for every source-destination pair. In this dissertation, we consider the problems of designing greedy graph embeddings that also yield low hop stretch of the greedy paths over the shortest paths and can accommodate network dynamics. In the first part of the dissertation, we consider embedding and routing for arbitrary unweighted network graphs, based on greedy routing and utilizing virtual node coordinates. We propose an algorithm for online greedy graph embedding in the hyperbolic plane that enables incremental embedding of network nodes as they join the network, without disturbing the global embedding. As an alternative to frequent reembedding of temporally dynamic network graphs in order to retain the greedy embedding property, we propose a simple but robust generalization of greedy geometric routing called Gravity--Pressure (GP) routing. Our routing method always succeeds in finding a route to the destination provided that a path exists, even if a significant fraction of links or nodes is removed subsequent to the embedding. GP routing does not require precomputation or maintenance of special spanning subgraphs and is particularly suitable for operation in tandem with our proposed algorithm for online graph embedding. In the second part of the dissertation we study how topological and geometric properties of embedded graphs influence the hop stretch. Based on the obtained insights, we synthesize embedding heuristics that yield minimal hop stretch greedy embeddings. Finally, we verify their effectiveness on models of synthetic graphs as well as instances of several classes of real-world network graphs
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