1,912 research outputs found

    Big data analysis on the business process and management for the store layout and bundling sales

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    [[abstract]]Purpose – In the retailing industry, database is the time and place where a retail transaction is completed. E-business processes are increasingly adopting databases that can obtain in-depth customers and sales knowledge with the big data analysis. The specific big data analysis on a database system allows a retailer designing and implementing business process management (BPM) to maximize profits, minimize costs and satisfy customers on a business model. Thus, the research of big data analysis on the BPM in the retailing is a critical issue. The paper aims to discuss this issue. Design/methodology/approach – This paper develops a database, ER model, and uses cluster analysis, C&R tree and the a priori algorithm as approaches to illustrate big data analysis/data mining results for generating business intelligence and process management, which then obtain customer knowledge from the case firm’s database system. Findings – Big data analysis/data mining results such as customer profiles, product/brand display classifications and product/brand sales associations can be used to propose alternatives to the case firm for store layout and bundling sales business process and management development. Originality/value – This research paper is an example to develop the BPM of database model and big data/ data mining based on insights from big data analysis applications for store layout and bundling sales in the retailing industry.[[notice]]補正完

    Supermarkets as new food authorities

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    Single story layout - efficient format for digital magazine publishing on tablet devices

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    The aim of this thesis is to define digital magazine format characteristics and examine its influence on the reading experience. The motivation behind was to examine the viability of single story magazine concept -- publishing format for the mobile generation. The field of research is digital publishing, focused primarily on magazines for tablet computers. Print magazine businesses and entrepreneurs with web publishing background both are approaching the new medium by experimenting with format, contents and distribution. The standards for the digital magazine formats have not yet been established, and the definition of digital magazine implies meanings within broad categories. The study reviews print and digital magazine workflows analyzing variations of mutual integrations. Theoretical chapters also include revision of digital magazine format components and overview of authoring tools. Practical experiment was conducted to reveal usability problems in digital magazine formats. Two existing magazines are tested, digital version of traditional magazine and single story magazine representing unbundled publication. Mixed methods were chosen for usability testing – heuristic analysis, observation and evaluation questionnaire. It was found that digital magazine readers prefer smaller volumes of content in comparison to print legacy formats. Research reveals that readers are not accustomed to magazine reading on tablets. Study also offers suggestions for improved usability and more satisfying reading experience concluding that single story magazines is a viable opportunity in digital magazine landscape, worth further investigation.http://tartu.ester.ee/record=b2656169~S1*es

    Vyhodnocení návrhu elektronického obchodu a užitých propagačních strategií

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    The worldwide impact of the digital and information revolution is hard to overestimate. This impact was particularly strongly felt by the economic sector. With rising competition online there is now an ever-increasing need for companies with online presence than ever before to have a sound strategy for digital marketing. One of the pivotal components of this strategy is often the design of business website. The aim of this study is to explore some possible website design approaches and strategies, evaluate them based on previous research and test if this research still holds true even today. The main focus are the solutions to challenges faced by online stores and from these specifically the strategies and approaches concerned with customer conversion rate and customer retention rate. This study has found that customer conversion rate and retention rate are the main challenges face by online stores nowadays. It has proposed two unique approaches with web flow design focus and website usability focus and has tested if these approaches still work as of March 2019. The findings show that website usability focus influences both the customer retention rate and the quality of the online relationship. The flow design focus was however found to not work as well as previously suggested. All the claims in this study should however be, due to the small sample size and various other constraints taken with a healthy bit of scepticism.Celosvětový dopad digitální a informační revoluce lze jen těžko přecenit. Tento dopad byl cítit obzvláště silně v ekonomickém sektoru. Se stoupající konkurencí na internetu je teď čím dál větší potřeba aby společnosti, jež se prezentují online měli dobrou digitální marketingovou strategii. Jednou z nedílných součástí této strategie je velmi často design obchodních webových stránek. Cílem této práce je prozkoumat některé možné přístupy a strategie, jež se dají použít při návrhu a tvorbě takovýchto stránek, zhodnotit je na základě předchozího výzkumu a ověřit, zda tento výzkum stále platí. V práci se zaměřujeme zejména na řešení problematiky konvertování návštěvníků na zákazníky a jejich následné udržení. Tato práce shrnuje že právě tato problematika je jedna z nejvíce podstatných, kterým čelí dnešní internetové podniky. V této práci navrhujeme dva různé postupy, kterými jsou design plynulého webu a design soustředěný okolo snadného používání stránky a testujeme, zda stále fungují v březnu 2019. V práci jsme zjistily, že strategie soustředěná okolo snadného používání stránky má pozitivní vliv jak na udržení si zákazníků do budoucna, tak na kvalitu vztahu mezi zákazníkem a obchodníkem. Nicméně zjistili jsme, že design plynulého webu není až tak užitečný, jak tvrdí minulé studie. Každopádně doporučujeme brát výsledky této práce s nadhledem, z důvodu zejména malé velikosti zkoumaného vzorku.155 - Katedra aplikované informatikyvýborn

    Omni-channel logistics : state of the art

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    This book is the result of a first-time cooperation between the Association of Logistics Designers (VLO) and the European Supply Chain Forum (eSCF) – both closely related to university and having knowledge sharing as its focal points. It contains chapters that combine university professors or researchers from eSCF with logistics designers from VLO.Omni-channel logistics is becoming more and more the buzzword in the logistics and supply chain world. Both online and offline retail companies see it as a way to broaden their offering to customers.The key question is how this is happening and how the relevant supply processes need to be adapted to handle this omni-channel thinking.This book gives an interesting overview of the current state-of-the-art in the literature and practice related to omni-channel logistics. All relevant decision problems are reviewed and discussed in detail. Clearly, the world is changing as we speak. Nevertheless, we aimed to give a complete overview of the current evolution. A number of real-life cases are offered and discussed, as suchcomplementing the academic literature. We are indebted to 17 more authors from both our associations that have put effort into establishing a logistics designer’s view on omni-channel logistics

    Sports Outfitters' Marketing Strategies: A Comparative Exploratory Study in the U.S. and Canada

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    Abstract The outdoor/sports outfitter industry comprises primarily of independent businesses engaged in selling a diverse array of sporting and athletic goods for fitness and exercise, golfing, camping, fishing, winter sports, shooting, racket sports, kayaking and other sports. The successful marketing strategy of outdoor/sports outfitters requires the identification of a target market and development of a marketing mix (product/service, place, price and promotion) that will best satisfy the needs of this target market. This research was conducted to investigate the marketing strategies implemented by outfitters to meet the needs of consumers. A census of the 20 outfitters in the contiguous regions of Quebec and New York/Vermont was visited by observers. Systematic observations were compiled for each establishment. More similarities than differences were found. Sports Outfitters in both regions have well-developed product/service strategies, and personal selling strategies, but weaker promotion strategies with respect to advertising. The Quebec sports outfitters have better location and establishment design strategies than Vermont/New York establishments, while the latter have better pricing strategies. American retailers can benefit from the benchmark provided by Canadian stores with respect to location, while Canadian stores can learn from the pricing strategies of American stores. Improvement in promotion initiatives is needed in both regions

    Omni-channel logistics : state of the art

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    This book is the result of a first-time cooperation between the Association of Logistics Designers (VLO) and the European Supply Chain Forum (eSCF) – both closely related to university and having knowledge sharing as its focal points. It contains chapters that combine university professors or researchers from eSCF with logistics designers from VLO.Omni-channel logistics is becoming more and more the buzzword in the logistics and supply chain world. Both online and offline retail companies see it as a way to broaden their offering to customers.The key question is how this is happening and how the relevant supply processes need to be adapted to handle this omni-channel thinking.This book gives an interesting overview of the current state-of-the-art in the literature and practice related to omni-channel logistics. All relevant decision problems are reviewed and discussed in detail. Clearly, the world is changing as we speak. Nevertheless, we aimed to give a complete overview of the current evolution. A number of real-life cases are offered and discussed, as suchcomplementing the academic literature. We are indebted to 17 more authors from both our associations that have put effort into establishing a logistics designer’s view on omni-channel logistics