28 research outputs found

    Semantic Bidirectionalization Revisited

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    A bidirectional transformation is a pair of mappings between source and view data objects, one in each direction. When the view is modified, the source is updated accordingly with respect to some laws. Over the years, a lot of effort has been made to offer better language support for programming such transformations, essentially allowing the programmers to construct one mapping of the pair and have the other automatically generated. As an alternative to creating specialized new languages, one can try to analyse and transform programs written in general purpose languages, and "bidirectionalize" them. Among others, a technique termed as semantic bidirectionalization stands out in term of user-friendliness. The unidirectional program can be written using arbitrary language constructs, as long as the function is polymorphic and the language constructs respect parametricity. The free theorem that follows from the polymorphic type of the program allows a kind of forensic examination of the transformation, determining its effect without examining its implementation. This is convenient, in the sense that the programmer is not restricted to using a particular syntax; but it does require the transformation to be polymorphic. In this paper, we revisit the idea of semantic bidirectionalization and reveal the elegant principles behind the current state-of-the-art techniques. Guided by the findings, we derive much simpler implementations that scale easily

    Bidirectionalization for Free with Runtime Recording: Or, a Light-Weight Approach to the View-Update Problem

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    A bidirectional transformation is a pair of mappings between source and view data objects, one in each direction. When the view is modified, the source is updated accordingly with respect to some laws. Over the years, a lot of effort has been made to offer better language support for programming such transformations. In particular, a technique known as bidirectionalization is able to analyze and transform unidirectional programs written in general purpose languages, and "bidirectionalize" them. Among others, a technique termed as semantic bidirectionalization proposed by Voigtländer stands out in term of user-friendliness. The unidirectional program can be written using arbitrary language constructs, as long as the function is polymorphic and the language constructs respect parametricity. The free theorems that follow from the polymorphic type of the program allow a kind of forensic examination of the transformation, determining its effect without examining its implementation. This is convenient, in the sense that the programmer is not restricted to using a particular syntax; but it does require the transformation to be polymorphic. In this paper, we lift this polymorphism requirement to improve the applicability of semantic bidirectionalization. Concretely, we provide a type class PackM γ α μ, which intuitively reads "a concrete datatype γ is abstracted to a type α, and the 'observations' made by a transformation on values of type γ are recorded by a monad μ". With PackM, we turn monomorphic transformations into polymorphic ones, that are ready to be bidirectionalized. We demonstrate our technique with a case study of standard XML queries, which were considered beyond semantic bidirectionalization because of their monomorphic nature

    Synbit:Synthesizing Bidirectional Programs using Unidirectional Sketches

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    Applicative Bidirectional Programming with Lenses

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    A bidirectional transformation is a pair of mappings between source and view data objects, one in each direction. When the view is modified, the source is updated accordingly with respect to some laws. One way to reduce the development and maintenance effort of bidirectional transformations is to have specialized languages in which the resulting programs are bidirectional by construction---giving rise to the paradigm of bidirectional programming. In this paper, we develop a framework for applicative-style and higher-order bidirectional programming, in which we can write bidirectional transformations as unidirectional programs in standard functional languages, opening up access to the bundle of language features previously only available to conventional unidirectional languages. Our framework essentially bridges two very different approaches of bidirectional programming, namely the lens framework and Voigtlander’s semantic bidirectionalization, creating a new programming style that is able to bag benefits from both

    A Bidirectional Collaboration Framework for Bio-Model Development

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    High-level graph data structures have gained favour in representing biologicalknowledge in a computationally executable form, but the information containedtherein must remain accessible to all users no matter their background. Bidirectionalgraph transformations may be used to synchronise and maintain the consistencyof these graph data structures as they evolve through the process of creatingand refining a bio-model knowledge base. We outline a bidirectional collaborationframework by which users with vastly differing backgrounds may contribute to thedevelopment and evolution of such a knowledge base, and examine a simple example to illustrate its merits. We also identify avenues for further research necessary to refine the framework. No prior biological knowledge is assumed

    Relations as executable specifications: taming partiality and non-determinism using invariants

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    Comunicação publicada em "Lecture Notes in Computer Science", vol. 7560 (2012), pag. 146-161The calculus of relations has been widely used in program specification and reasoning. It is very tempting to use such specifications as running prototypes of the desired program, but, even considering finite domains, the inherent partiality and non-determinism of relations makes this impractical and highly inefficient. To tame partiality we prescribe the usage of invariants, represented by coreflexives, to characterize the exact domains and codomains of relational specifications. Such invariants can be used as pre-condition checkers to avoid runtime errors. Moreover, we show how such invariants can be used to narrow the non-deterministic execution of relational specifications, making it viable for a relevant class of problems. In particular, we show how the proposed techniques can be applied to execute specifications of bidirectional transformations, a domain where partiality and non-determinism are paramount.Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologi

    Calculating with lenses: optimising bidirectional transformations

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    This paper presents an equational calculus to reason about bidirectional transformations specified in the point-free style. In particular, it focuses on the so-called lenses as a bidirectional idiom, and shows that many standard laws characterising point-free combinators and recursion patterns are also valid in that setting. A key result is that uniqueness also holds for bidirectional folds and unfolds, thus unleashing the power of fusion as a program optimisation technique. A rewriting system for automatic lens optimisation is also presented, to prove the usefulness of the proposed calculus.(undefined

    Generic point-free lenses

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    Lenses are one the most popular approaches to define bidirectional transformations between data models. A bidirectional transformation with view-update, denoted a lens, encompasses the definition of a forward transformation projecting concrete models into abstract views, together with a backward transformation instructing how to translate an abstract view to an update over concrete models. In this paper we show that most of the standard point-free combinators can be lifted to lenses with suitable backward semantics, allowing us to use the point-free style to define powerful bidirectional transformations by composition. We also demonstrate how to define generic lenses over arbitrary inductive data types by lifting standard recursion patterns, like folds or unfolds. To exemplify the power of this approach, we “lensify” some standard functions over naturals and lists, which are tricky to define directly “by-hand” using explicit recursion

    Refactoring pattern matching

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    Defining functions by pattern matching over the arguments is advantageous for understanding and reasoning, but it tends to expose the implementation of a datatype. Significant effort has been invested in tackling this loss of modularity; however, decoupling patterns from concrete representations while maintaining soundness of reasoning has been a challenge. Inspired by the development of invertible programming, we propose an approach to program refactoring based on a right-invertible language rinv—every function has a right (or pre-) inverse. We show how this new design is able to permit a smooth incremental transition from programs with algebraic datatypes and pattern matching, to ones with proper encapsulation, while maintaining simple and sound reasoning