6 research outputs found

    The Literature Review of Technology Acceptance Model: A Study of the Bibliometric Distributions

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    Technology acceptance model plays a signified issue in the information systems field since this theory was introduced by Davis in 1989. This paper investigates the features of technology acceptance model literature based on bibliometric method. By searching the ISI Web of knowledge database under the keyword of “technology acceptance model,” 689 articles were retrieved and analyzed though growth of the literatures and citation, document type, publication countries, subject area, keyword analysis are addressed. The distribution of journal paper was also examined using Bradford’s law and Lotka’s law. As the result, this research found that technology acceptance model literature has a steady growth as well as the citations. Relevant articles were concentrating on computer science, information systems, management, information science, and library science. The author productivity distribution data in technology acceptance literature was consistent with Lotka’s law. Furthermore, eight core journals were identified utilizing the Bradford’s law

    Application of Lotka’s Law in Bell’s palsy (facial paralysis) research output during 2004 -2018.

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    This paper examines the validity of Lotka’s law of scientific publication productivity of the articles published on Bell’s palsy disease during 2004-2018. Data for this analysis was retrieved from WOS data base of Clarivate analytics. In this study, the straight and complete count of authorship was used. A total of 4039 articles along with 3384 and 14517 authors were identified by using straight and complete count method of authorship respectively. K-S goodness of- fit statistical test were employed to verify the applicability of Lotka’s law. The results showed that, Lotka’s law fits with the data of straight count of authors. While this law doesn’t find fits to complete count authorship\u27s. Hence, it is concluded that Lotka’s law partially fits with Bell’s palsy literature

    Lotka’s Law and Authorship distribution pattern in Global Synthetic Biology Literature

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    An attempt is made to examine the authorship distribution in Synthetic Biology (SB) literature and to validate Lotka\u27s law of author productivity. Authors obtained data for this study from the WOS database. A total of 12012 papers with 33151 unique authors has identified , and used for further analysis. Authors calculated the exponents n and c . Researchers employed Kolmogorov-Smirnov (K-S) test of goodness-of-fit to verify the validity of Lotka\u27s Law in SB literature. The results of this study proved that Lotka\u27s Law of author productivity does fit with SB literature based on the calculated values n = -2.45 and c= 0.74

    Empirical Examination of Lotka’s Law for Information Science and Library Science

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    The paper presents a bibliometric study on the fit of Lotka’s law on Information Science & Library Science journals indexed in Social Science Citation Index of Journal Citation Report from the period 1956 to 2014. The parameters of the Lotka's law model, C and α, were found using the linear least squares method and the Kolmogorov-Smirnov test was applied to estimate the kindness of adjustment of the results to the Lotka’s distribution. It was found that the pattern of publication of the LIS category articles fits to Lotka’s law

    Empirical Examination of Lotka’s Law for Information Science and Library Science

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    The paper presents a bibliometric study on the fit of Lotka’s law on Information Science & Library Science journals indexed in Social Science Citation Index of Journal Citation Report from the period 1956 to 2014. The parameters of the Lotka's law model, C and α, were found using the linear least squares method and the Kolmogorov-Smirnov test was applied to estimate the kindness of adjustment of the results to the Lotka’s distribution. It was found that the pattern of publication of the LIS category articles fits to Lotka’s law

    An examination of computer-mediated communication's scholarly communication.

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    This dissertation asks "what is meant by computer-mediated communication?" CMC was defined as it exists in the scholarly communication concerning business, education, psychology, sociology, and social sciences. This exploratory longitudinal analysis: examined the dynamic of computer-mediated communication in general, identified where academic scrutiny was being focused, and gives a general sense of the kinds of issues that were dominant during the time of examination.There were disparate foci between disciplines of differing perspectives. Multi-disciplinary with some interdisciplinary linkages would be a good description of CMC. Where there was interdisciplinary overlap, the communication discipline appears to be the boundary spanner in the majority of cases. This role did not extend to the business index analyzed.What was found was an area of scholarly communication, heavily popularized in education-related journals. Psychology and other social science affiliated disciplines contributed in a less prolific fashion.Specifically, this study employed bibliometric analytical techniques to establish CMC's artifacts, producers, and concepts within that domain. These were defined as journals, authors of those journals, and conceptual keywords. Artifacts and producers were identified based on their prevalence in the field and academic orientation. A more fine-grained analysis was applied to concepts. They were examined in terms of their prevalence, academic orientation and also their relationship to each other.This study was significant for three reasons. First, it documented CMC's historical emergence. Second, it identified descriptive boundaries concerning CMC's authors, journals, and areas of inquiry that were prevalent. Third, it examines the communication discipline's role in the literature as defined. Additionally, it provides guidance concerning CMC's future research.The distribution of first authors was overwhelming populated by one-time authorship. This significantly differed from theoretically defined literatures associated with a field of study. Moreover, CMC's articles tended to be localized in a relatively few journals. Clusters of conceptual topics tended to be database affiliated. Those with the most wide ranging support among all databases tended to come from topics traditionally associated with the communication discipline. Also "telecommunications", "information network" and "Internet" affiliated topics were widely indicated from a number of the databases