49 research outputs found

    A visual demonstration of convergence properties of cooperative coevolution

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    We introduce a model for cooperative coevolutionary algorithms (CCEAs) using partial mixing, which allows us to compute the expected long-run convergence of such algorithms when individuals ’ fitness is based on the maximum payoff of some N evaluations with partners chosen at random from the other population. Using this model, we devise novel visualization mechanisms to attempt to qualitatively explain a difficult-to-conceptualize pathology in CCEAs: the tendency for them to converge to suboptimal Nash equilibria. We further demonstrate visually how increasing the size of N, or biasing the fitness to include an ideal-collaboration factor, both improve the likelihood of optimal convergence, and under which initial population configurations they are not much help

    Robustness in cooperative coevolution

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    Cooperative coevolution of control for a real multirobot system

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    The potential of cooperative coevolutionary algorithms (CCEAs) as a tool for evolving control for heterogeneous multirobot teams has been shown in several previous works. The vast majority of these works have, however, been confined to simulation-based experiments. In this paper, we present one of the first demonstrations of a real multirobot system, operating outside laboratory conditions, with controllers synthesised by CCEAs. We evolve control for an aquatic multirobot system that has to perform a cooperative predator-prey pursuit task. The evolved controllers are transferred to real hardware, and their performance is assessed in a non-controlled outdoor environment. Two approaches are used to evolve control: a standard fitness-driven CCEA, and novelty-driven coevolution. We find that both approaches are able to evolve teams that transfer successfully to the real robots. Novelty-driven coevolution is able to evolve a broad range of successful team behaviours, which we test on the real multirobot system.info:eu-repo/semantics/acceptedVersio

    Novelty-driven cooperative coevolution

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    Cooperative coevolutionary algorithms (CCEAs) rely on multiple coevolving populations for the evolution of solutions composed of coadapted components. CCEAs enable, for instance, the evolution of cooperative multiagent systems composed of heterogeneous agents, where each agent is modelled as a component of the solution. Previous works have, however, shown that CCEAs are biased toward stability: the evolutionary process tends to converge prematurely to stable states instead of (near-)optimal solutions. In this study, we show how novelty search can be used to avoid the counterproductive attraction to stable states in coevolution. Novelty search is an evolutionary technique that drives evolution toward behavioural novelty and diversity rather than exclusively pursuing a static objective. We evaluate three novelty-based approaches that rely on, respectively (1) the novelty of the team as a whole, (2) the novelty of the agents’ individual behaviour, and (3) the combination of the two. We compare the proposed approaches with traditional fitness-driven cooperative coevolution in three simulated multirobot tasks. Our results show that team-level novelty scoring is the most effective approach, significantly outperforming fitness-driven coevolution at multiple levels. Novelty-driven cooperative coevolution can substantially increase the potential of CCEAs while maintaining a computational complexity that scales well with the number of populations.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Cooperative coevolution of morphologically heterogeneous robots

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    Morphologically heterogeneous multirobot teams have shown significant potential in many applications. While cooperative coevolutionary algorithms can be used for synthesising controllers for heterogeneous multirobot systems, they have been almost exclusively applied to morphologically homogeneous systems. In this paper, we investigate if and how cooperative coevolutionary algorithms can be used to evolve behavioural control for a morphologically heterogeneous multirobot system. Our experiments rely on a simulated task, where a ground robot with a simple sensor-actuator configuration must cooperate tightly with a more complex aerial robot to find and collect items in the environment. We first show how differences in the number and complexity of skills each robot has to learn can impair the effectiveness of cooperative coevolution. We then show how coevolution’s effectiveness can be improved using incremental evolution or novelty-driven coevolution. Despite its limitations, we show that coevolution is a viable approach for synthesising control for morphologically heterogeneous systems.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Multiagent Learning Through Indirect Encoding

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    Designing a system of multiple, heterogeneous agents that cooperate to achieve a common goal is a difficult task, but it is also a common real-world problem. Multiagent learning addresses this problem by training the team to cooperate through a learning algorithm. However, most traditional approaches treat multiagent learning as a combination of multiple single-agent learning problems. This perspective leads to many inefficiencies in learning such as the problem of reinvention, whereby fundamental skills and policies that all agents should possess must be rediscovered independently for each team member. For example, in soccer, all the players know how to pass and kick the ball, but a traditional algorithm has no way to share such vital information because it has no way to relate the policies of agents to each other. In this dissertation a new approach to multiagent learning that seeks to address these issues is presented. This approach, called multiagent HyperNEAT, represents teams as a pattern of policies rather than individual agents. The main idea is that an agent’s location within a canonical team layout (such as a soccer team at the start of a game) tends to dictate its role within that team, called the policy geometry. For example, as soccer positions move from goal to center they become more offensive and less defensive, a concept that is compactly represented as a pattern. iii The first major contribution of this dissertation is a new method for evolving neural network controllers called HyperNEAT, which forms the foundation of the second contribution and primary focus of this work, multiagent HyperNEAT. Multiagent learning in this dissertation is investigated in predator-prey, room-clearing, and patrol domains, providing a real-world context for the approach. Interestingly, because the teams in multiagent HyperNEAT are represented as patterns they can scale up to an infinite number of multiagent policies that can be sampled from the policy geometry as needed. Thus the third contribution is a method for teams trained with multiagent HyperNEAT to dynamically scale their size without further learning. Fourth, the capabilities to both learn and scale in multiagent HyperNEAT are compared to the traditional multiagent SARSA(λ) approach in a comprehensive study. The fifth contribution is a method for efficiently learning and encoding multiple policies for each agent on a team to facilitate learning in multi-task domains. Finally, because there is significant interest in practical applications of multiagent learning, multiagent HyperNEAT is tested in a real-world military patrolling application with actual Khepera III robots. The ultimate goal is to provide a new perspective on multiagent learning and to demonstrate the practical benefits of training heterogeneous, scalable multiagent teams through generative encoding

    Evolving team compositions by agent swapping

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    Optimizing collective behavior in multiagent systems requires algorithms to find not only appropriate individual behaviors but also a suitable composition of agents within a team. Over the last two decades, evolutionary methods have emerged as a promising approach for the design of agents and their compositions into teams. The choice of a crossover operator that facilitates the evolution of optimal team composition is recognized to be crucial, but so far, it has never been thoroughly quantified. Here, we highlight the limitations of two different crossover operators that exchange entire agents between teams: restricted agent swapping (RAS) that exchanges only corresponding agents between teams and free agent swapping (FAS) that allows an arbitrary exchange of agents. Our results show that RAS suffers from premature convergence, whereas FAS entails insufficient convergence. Consequently, in both cases, the exploration and exploitation aspects of the evolutionary algorithm are not well balanced resulting in the evolution of suboptimal team compositions. To overcome this problem, we propose combining the two methods. Our approach first applies FAS to explore the search space and then RAS to exploit it. This mixed approach is a much more efficient strategy for the evolution of team compositions compared to either strategy on its own. Our results suggest that such a mixed agent-swapping algorithm should always be preferred whenever the optimal composition of individuals in a multiagent system is unknown

    Multiagent Q-learning with Sub-Team Coordination

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    In many real-world cooperative multiagent reinforcement learning (MARL) tasks, teams of agents can rehearse together before deployment, but then communication constraints may force individual agents to execute independently when deployed. Centralized training and decentralized execution (CTDE) is increasingly popular in recent years, focusing mainly on this setting. In the value-based MARL branch, credit assignment mechanism is typically used to factorize the team reward into each individual's reward - individual-global-max (IGM) is a condition on the factorization ensuring that agents' action choices coincide with team's optimal joint action. However, current architectures fail to consider local coordination within sub-teams that should be exploited for more effective factorization, leading to faster learning. We propose a novel value factorization framework, called multiagent Q-learning with sub-team coordination (QSCAN), to flexibly represent sub-team coordination while honoring the IGM condition. QSCAN encompasses the full spectrum of sub-team coordination according to sub-team size, ranging from the monotonic value function class to the entire IGM function class, with familiar methods such as QMIX and QPLEX located at the respective extremes of the spectrum. Experimental results show that QSCAN's performance dominates state-of-the-art methods in matrix games, predator-prey tasks, the Switch challenge in MA-Gym. Additionally, QSCAN achieves comparable performances to those methods in a selection of StarCraft II micro-management tasks