187 research outputs found

    Spanning trees in random graphs

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    For each Δ>0\Delta>0, we prove that there exists some C=C(Δ)C=C(\Delta) for which the binomial random graph G(n,Clogn/n)G(n,C\log n/n) almost surely contains a copy of every tree with nn vertices and maximum degree at most Δ\Delta. In doing so, we confirm a conjecture by Kahn.Comment: 71 pages, 31 figures, version accepted for publication in Advances in Mathematic

    Hamiltonicity, Pancyclicity, and Cycle Extendability in Graphs

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    The study of cycles, particularly Hamiltonian cycles, is very important in many applications. Bondy posited his famous metaconjecture, that every condition sufficient for Hamiltonicity actually guarantees a graph is pancyclic. Pancyclicity is a stronger structural property than Hamiltonicity. An even stronger structural property is for a graph to be cycle extendable. Hendry conjectured that any graph which is Hamiltonian and chordal is cycle extendable. In this dissertation, cycle extendability is investigated and generalized. It is proved that chordal 2-connected K1,3-free graphs are cycle extendable. S-cycle extendability was defined by Beasley and Brown, where S is any set of positive integers. A conjecture is presented that Hamiltonian chordal graphs are {1, 2}-cycle extendable. Dirac’s Theorem is an classic result establishing a minimum degree condition for a graph to be Hamiltonian. Ore’s condition is another early result giving a sufficient condition for Hamiltonicity. In this dissertation, generalizations of Dirac’s and Ore’s Theorems are presented. The Chvatal-Erdos condition is a result showing that if the maximum size of an independent set in a graph G is less than or equal to the minimum number of vertices whose deletion increases the number of components of G, then G is Hamiltonian. It is proved here that the Chvatal-Erdos condition guarantees that a graph is cycle extendable. It is also shown that a graph having a Hamiltonian elimination ordering is cycle extendable. The existence of Hamiltonian cycles which avoid sets of edges of a certain size and certain subgraphs is a new topic recently investigated by Harlan, et al., which clearly has applications to scheduling and communication networks among other things. The theory is extended here to bipartite graphs. Specifically, the conditions for the existence of a Hamiltonian cycle that avoids edges, or some subgraph of a certain size, are determined for the bipartite case. Briefly, this dissertation contributes to the state of the art of Hamiltonian cycles, cycle extendability and edge and graph avoiding Hamiltonian cycles, which is an important area of graph theory

    Generation and New Infinite Families of K2K_2-hypohamiltonian Graphs

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    We present an algorithm which can generate all pairwise non-isomorphic K2K_2-hypohamiltonian graphs, i.e. non-hamiltonian graphs in which the removal of any pair of adjacent vertices yields a hamiltonian graph, of a given order. We introduce new bounding criteria specifically designed for K2K_2-hypohamiltonian graphs, allowing us to improve upon earlier computational results. Specifically, we characterise the orders for which K2K_2-hypohamiltonian graphs exist and improve existing lower bounds on the orders of the smallest planar and the smallest bipartite K2K_2-hypohamiltonian graphs. Furthermore, we describe a new operation for creating K2K_2-hypohamiltonian graphs that preserves planarity under certain conditions and use it to prove the existence of a planar K2K_2-hypohamiltonian graph of order nn for every integer n134n\geq 134. Additionally, motivated by a theorem of Thomassen on hypohamiltonian graphs, we show the existence K2K_2-hypohamiltonian graphs with large maximum degree and size.Comment: 21 page

    B0_0-VPG Representation of AT-free Outerplanar Graphs

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    B0_0-VPG graphs are intersection graphs of axis-parallel line segments in the plane. In this paper, we show that all AT-free outerplanar graphs are B0_0-VPG. We first prove that every AT-free outerplanar graph is an induced subgraph of a biconnected outerpath (biconnected outerplanar graphs whose weak dual is a path) and then we design a B0_0-VPG drawing procedure for biconnected outerpaths. Our proofs are constructive and give a polynomial time B0_0-VPG drawing algorithm for the class. We also characterize all subgraphs of biconnected outerpaths and name this graph class "linear outerplanar". This class is a proper superclass of AT-free outerplanar graphs and a proper subclass of outerplanar graphs with pathwidth at most 2. It turns out that every graph in this class can be realized both as an induced subgraph and as a spanning subgraph of (different) biconnected outerpaths.Comment: A preliminary version, which did not contain the characterization of linear outerplanar graphs (Section 3), was presented in the 8th8^{th} International Conference on Algorithms and Discrete Applied Mathematics (CALDAM) 2022. The definition of linear outerplanar graphs in this paper differs from that in the preliminary version and hence Section 4 is ne

    Sequential importance sampling for estimating expectations over the space of perfect matchings

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    This paper makes three contributions to estimating the number of perfect matching in bipartite graphs. First, we prove that the popular sequential importance sampling algorithm works in polynomial time for dense bipartite graphs. More carefully, our algorithm gives a (1ϵ)(1-\epsilon)-approximation for the number of perfect matchings of a λ\lambda-dense bipartite graph, using O(n12λ8λ+ϵ2)O(n^{\frac{1-2\lambda}{8\lambda}+\epsilon^{-2}}) samples. With size nn on each side and for 12>λ>0\frac{1}{2}>\lambda>0, a λ\lambda-dense bipartite graph has all degrees greater than (λ+12)n(\lambda+\frac{1}{2})n. Second, practical applications of the algorithm requires many calls to matching algorithms. A novel preprocessing step is provided which makes significant improvements. Third, three applications are provided. The first is for counting Latin squares, the second is a practical way of computing the greedy algorithm for a card guessing game with feedback, and the third is for stochastic block models. In all three examples, sequential importance sampling allows treating practical problems of reasonably large sizes

    The bandwidth theorem for locally dense graphs

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    The Bandwidth theorem of B\"ottcher, Schacht and Taraz gives a condition on the minimum degree of an nn-vertex graph GG that ensures GG contains every rr-chromatic graph HH on nn vertices of bounded degree and of bandwidth o(n)o(n), thereby proving a conjecture of Bollob\'as and Koml\'os. In this paper we prove a version of the Bandwidth theorem for locally dense graphs. Indeed, we prove that every locally dense nn-vertex graph GG with δ(G)>(1/2+o(1))n\delta (G) > (1/2+o(1))n contains as a subgraph any given (spanning) HH with bounded maximum degree and sublinear bandwidth.Comment: 35 pages. Author accepted version, to appear in Forum of Mathematics, Sigm

    Killing a Vortex

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    The Graph Minors Structure Theorem of Robertson and Seymour asserts that, for every graph H,H, every HH-minor-free graph can be obtained by clique-sums of ``almost embeddable'' graphs. Here a graph is ``almost embeddable'' if it can be obtained from a graph of bounded Euler-genus by pasting graphs of bounded pathwidth in an ``orderly fashion'' into a bounded number of faces, called the \textit{vortices}, and then adding a bounded number of additional vertices, called \textit{apices}, with arbitrary neighborhoods. Our main result is a {full classification} of all graphs HH for which the use of vortices in the theorem above can be avoided. To this end we identify a (parametric) graph St\mathscr{S}_{t} and prove that all St\mathscr{S}_{t}-minor-free graphs can be obtained by clique-sums of graphs embeddable in a surface of bounded Euler-genus after deleting a bounded number of vertices. We show that this result is tight in the sense that the appearance of vortices cannot be avoided for HH-minor-free graphs, whenever HH is not a minor of St\mathscr{S}_{t} for some tN.t\in\mathbb{N}. Using our new structure theorem, we design an algorithm that, given an St\mathscr{S}_{t}-minor-free graph G,G, computes the generating function of all perfect matchings of GG in polynomial time. Our results, combined with known complexity results, imply a complete characterization of minor-closed graph classes where the number of perfect matchings is polynomially computable: They are exactly those graph classes that do not contain every St\mathscr{S}_{t} as a minor. This provides a \textit{sharp} complexity dichotomy for the problem of counting perfect matchings in minor-closed classes.Comment: An earlier version of this paper has appeared at FOCS 2022 We also changed the term "vga-hierarchy" with the more appropriate term "vga-lattice". arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:2010.12397 by other author

    Characterizing Forbidden Pairs for Hamiltonian Properties

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