95 research outputs found

    Maximum Matching in Turnstile Streams

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    We consider the unweighted bipartite maximum matching problem in the one-pass turnstile streaming model where the input stream consists of edge insertions and deletions. In the insertion-only model, a one-pass 22-approximation streaming algorithm can be easily obtained with space O(nlogn)O(n \log n), where nn denotes the number of vertices of the input graph. We show that no such result is possible if edge deletions are allowed, even if space O(n3/2δ)O(n^{3/2-\delta}) is granted, for every δ>0\delta > 0. Specifically, for every 0ϵ10 \le \epsilon \le 1, we show that in the one-pass turnstile streaming model, in order to compute a O(nϵ)O(n^{\epsilon})-approximation, space Ω(n3/24ϵ)\Omega(n^{3/2 - 4\epsilon}) is required for constant error randomized algorithms, and, up to logarithmic factors, space O(n22ϵ)O( n^{2-2\epsilon} ) is sufficient. Our lower bound result is proved in the simultaneous message model of communication and may be of independent interest

    Hardness of Exact Distance Queries in Sparse Graphs Through Hub Labeling

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    A distance labeling scheme is an assignment of bit-labels to the vertices of an undirected, unweighted graph such that the distance between any pair of vertices can be decoded solely from their labels. An important class of distance labeling schemes is that of hub labelings, where a node vGv \in G stores its distance to the so-called hubs SvVS_v \subseteq V, chosen so that for any u,vVu,v \in V there is wSuSvw \in S_u \cap S_v belonging to some shortest uvuv path. Notice that for most existing graph classes, the best distance labelling constructions existing use at some point a hub labeling scheme at least as a key building block. Our interest lies in hub labelings of sparse graphs, i.e., those with E(G)=O(n)|E(G)| = O(n), for which we show a lowerbound of n2O(logn)\frac{n}{2^{O(\sqrt{\log n})}} for the average size of the hubsets. Additionally, we show a hub-labeling construction for sparse graphs of average size O(nRS(n)c)O(\frac{n}{RS(n)^{c}}) for some 0<c<10 < c < 1, where RS(n)RS(n) is the so-called Ruzsa-Szemer{\'e}di function, linked to structure of induced matchings in dense graphs. This implies that further improving the lower bound on hub labeling size to n2(logn)o(1)\frac{n}{2^{(\log n)^{o(1)}}} would require a breakthrough in the study of lower bounds on RS(n)RS(n), which have resisted substantial improvement in the last 70 years. For general distance labeling of sparse graphs, we show a lowerbound of 12O(logn)SumIndex(n)\frac{1}{2^{O(\sqrt{\log n})}} SumIndex(n), where SumIndex(n)SumIndex(n) is the communication complexity of the Sum-Index problem over ZnZ_n. Our results suggest that the best achievable hub-label size and distance-label size in sparse graphs may be Θ(n2(logn)c)\Theta(\frac{n}{2^{(\log n)^c}}) for some 0<c<10<c < 1

    Welfare Maximization with Limited Interaction

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    We continue the study of welfare maximization in unit-demand (matching) markets, in a distributed information model where agent's valuations are unknown to the central planner, and therefore communication is required to determine an efficient allocation. Dobzinski, Nisan and Oren (STOC'14) showed that if the market size is nn, then rr rounds of interaction (with logarithmic bandwidth) suffice to obtain an n1/(r+1)n^{1/(r+1)}-approximation to the optimal social welfare. In particular, this implies that such markets converge to a stable state (constant approximation) in time logarithmic in the market size. We obtain the first multi-round lower bound for this setup. We show that even if the allowable per-round bandwidth of each agent is nϵ(r)n^{\epsilon(r)}, the approximation ratio of any rr-round (randomized) protocol is no better than Ω(n1/5r+1)\Omega(n^{1/5^{r+1}}), implying an Ω(loglogn)\Omega(\log \log n) lower bound on the rate of convergence of the market to equilibrium. Our construction and technique may be of interest to round-communication tradeoffs in the more general setting of combinatorial auctions, for which the only known lower bound is for simultaneous (r=1r=1) protocols [DNO14]

    Submodular Maximization Meets Streaming: Matchings, Matroids, and More

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    We study the problem of finding a maximum matching in a graph given by an input stream listing its edges in some arbitrary order, where the quantity to be maximized is given by a monotone submodular function on subsets of edges. This problem, which we call maximum submodular-function matching (MSM), is a natural generalization of maximum weight matching (MWM), which is in turn a generalization of maximum cardinality matching (MCM). We give two incomparable algorithms for this problem with space usage falling in the semi-streaming range---they store only O(n)O(n) edges, using O(nlogn)O(n\log n) working memory---that achieve approximation ratios of 7.757.75 in a single pass and (3+ϵ)(3+\epsilon) in O(ϵ3)O(\epsilon^{-3}) passes respectively. The operations of these algorithms mimic those of Zelke's and McGregor's respective algorithms for MWM; the novelty lies in the analysis for the MSM setting. In fact we identify a general framework for MWM algorithms that allows this kind of adaptation to the broader setting of MSM. In the sequel, we give generalizations of these results where the maximization is over "independent sets" in a very general sense. This generalization captures hypermatchings in hypergraphs as well as independence in the intersection of multiple matroids.Comment: 18 page

    Streaming Verification of Graph Computations via Graph Structure

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    We give new algorithms in the annotated data streaming setting - also known as verifiable data stream computation - for certain graph problems. This setting is meant to model outsourced computation, where a space-bounded verifier limited to sequential data access seeks to overcome its computational limitations by engaging a powerful prover, without needing to trust the prover. As is well established, several problems that admit no sublinear-space algorithms under traditional streaming do allow protocols using a sublinear amount of prover/verifier communication and sublinear-space verification. We give algorithms for many well-studied graph problems including triangle counting, its generalization to subgraph counting, maximum matching, problems about the existence (or not) of short paths, finding the shortest path between two vertices, and testing for an independent set. While some of these problems have been studied before, our results achieve new tradeoffs between space and communication costs that were hitherto unknown. In particular, two of our results disprove explicit conjectures of Thaler (ICALP, 2016) by giving triangle counting and maximum matching algorithms for n-vertex graphs, using o(n) space and o(n^2) communication

    Sublinear Estimation of Weighted Matchings in Dynamic Data Streams

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    This paper presents an algorithm for estimating the weight of a maximum weighted matching by augmenting any estimation routine for the size of an unweighted matching. The algorithm is implementable in any streaming model including dynamic graph streams. We also give the first constant estimation for the maximum matching size in a dynamic graph stream for planar graphs (or any graph with bounded arboricity) using O~(n4/5)\tilde{O}(n^{4/5}) space which also extends to weighted matching. Using previous results by Kapralov, Khanna, and Sudan (2014) we obtain a polylog(n)\mathrm{polylog}(n) approximation for general graphs using polylog(n)\mathrm{polylog}(n) space in random order streams, respectively. In addition, we give a space lower bound of Ω(n1ε)\Omega(n^{1-\varepsilon}) for any randomized algorithm estimating the size of a maximum matching up to a 1+O(ε)1+O(\varepsilon) factor for adversarial streams

    Approximating Semi-Matchings in Streaming and in Two-Party Communication

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    We study the communication complexity and streaming complexity of approximating unweighted semi-matchings. A semi-matching in a bipartite graph G = (A, B, E), with n = |A|, is a subset of edges S that matches all A vertices to B vertices with the goal usually being to do this as fairly as possible. While the term 'semi-matching' was coined in 2003 by Harvey et al. [WADS 2003], the problem had already previously been studied in the scheduling literature under different names. We present a deterministic one-pass streaming algorithm that for any 0 <= \epsilon <= 1 uses space O(n^{1+\epsilon}) and computes an O(n^{(1-\epsilon)/2})-approximation to the semi-matching problem. Furthermore, with O(log n) passes it is possible to compute an O(log n)-approximation with space O(n). In the one-way two-party communication setting, we show that for every \epsilon > 0, deterministic communication protocols for computing an O(n^{1/((1+\epsilon)c + 1)})-approximation require a message of size more than cn bits. We present two deterministic protocols communicating n and 2n edges that compute an O(sqrt(n)) and an O(n^{1/3})-approximation respectively. Finally, we improve on results of Harvey et al. [Journal of Algorithms 2006] and prove new links between semi-matchings and matchings. While it was known that an optimal semi-matching contains a maximum matching, we show that there is a hierarchical decomposition of an optimal semi-matching into maximum matchings. A similar result holds for semi-matchings that do not admit length-two degree-minimizing paths.Comment: This is the long version including all proves of the ICALP 2013 pape