12 research outputs found

    Novel AI strategies for Multi-Player games at intermediate board states

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    This paper considers the problem of designing efficient AI strategies for playing games at intermediate board states. While general heuristic-based methods are applicable for all boards states, the search required in an alpha-beta scheme depends heavily on the move ordering. Determining the best move ordering to be used in the search is particularly interesting and complex in an intermediate board state, compared to the situation where the game starts with an initial board state, as we do not assume the availability of “Opening book” moves. Furthermore, unlike the two-player scenario that is traditionally analyzed, we investigate the more complex scenario when the game is a multi-player game, like Chinese Checkers. One recent approach, the Best-Reply Search (BRS), resolves this by a process of grouping opponents, which although successful, incurs a very large branching factor. To address this, the authors of this work earlier proposed the Threat-ADS move ordering heuristic, by augmenting the BRS by invoking techniques from the field of Adaptive Data Structures (ADSs) to order the moves. Indeed, the Threat-ADS performs well under a variety of parameters when the game was analyzed at or near the game’s initial state. This work demonstrates that the Threat-ADS also serves as a solution to the unresolved question of finding a viable solution in the far-more variable, intermediate game states. Our present results confirm that the Threat-ADS performs well in these intermediate states for various games. Surprisingly, it, in fact, performs better in some cases, when compared to the start of the game

    Enhancing history-based move ordering in game playing using adaptive data structures

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    This paper pioneers the avenue of enhancing a well-known paradigm in game playing, namely the use of History-based heuristics, with a totally-unrelated area of computer science, the field of Adaptive Data Structures (ADSs). It is a well-known fact that highly-regarded game playing strategies, such as alpha-beta search, benefit strongly from proper move ordering, and from this perspective, the History heuristic is, probably, one of the most acclaimed techniques used to achieve AI-based game playing. Recently, the authors of this present paper have shown that techniques derived from the field of ADSs, which are concerned with query optimization in a data structure, can be applied to move ordering in multi-player games. This was accomplished by ranking opponent threat levels. The work presented in this paper seeks to extend the utility of ADS-based techniques to two-player and multi-player games, through the development of a new move ordering strategy that incorporates the historical advantages of the moves. The resultant technique, the History-ADS heuristic, has been found to produce substantial (i.e, even up to 70%) savings in a variety of two-player and multi-player games, at varying ply depths, and at both initial and midgame board states. As far as we know, results of this nature have not been reported in the literature before

    Opponent-Pruning Paranoid Search

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    This paper proposes a new search algorithm for fully observable, deterministic multiplayer games: Opponent-Pruning Paranoid Search (OPPS). OPPS is a generalization of a state-of-the-art technique for this class of games, Best-Reply Search (BRS+). Just like BRS+, it allows for Alpha-Beta style pruning through the paranoid assumption, and both deepens the tree and reduces the pessimism of the paranoid assumption through pruning of opponent moves. However, it introduces

    Guiding multiplayer MCTS by focusing on yourself

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    In n-player sequential move games, the second root-player move appears at tree depth n + 1. Depending on n and time, tree search techniques can struggle to expand the game tree deeply enough to find multiple-move plans of the root player, which is often more important for strategic play than considering every possible opponent move in between. The minimax-based Paranoid search and BRS+ algorithms currently achieve state-of-the-art performance, especially at short time settings, by using a generally incorrect opponent model.