35,929 research outputs found

    National models of ISR: Belgium

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    Research on the Competitiveness Factors of Small and Medium Enterprises

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    An Small and Medium Enterprise (SME) is able to cope with the global challenge if it realizes reliable, balanced and high-standard operation in its business. There are some management and organizational methods increasing the competitiveness of SME. Controlling as a management tool and management function as well as a factor affecting competitiveness has come more into focus. Outsourcing of activities not belonging to the main profile of the enterprise seems natural for most SME-s. Family as the driving force of the business can bear bigger loads than SME of similar sizes but not organized around a family.competitiveness factors, management methods, family business speciality.

    Entrepreneurship in the Netherlands; SMEs and International co-operation

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    This is the seventh edition of the series 'Entrepreneurship in the Netherlands'. The series started in 1997 and is a joint publication of the Netherlands Ministry of Economic Affairs and EIM Business & Policy Research. This edition deals with international cooperation of SMEs. The first Chapter by EIM describes characteristics of international cooperation: why, how and with what type of effects? Thereafter staff members of the Ministry sketch the aims and the ambition of policy instruments in the field. As practical illustrations three enterprises haven been portrayed. In addition to authors from EIM and the Ministry of Economic Affairs, three staff members working on internationalisation and entrepreneurship at the Nottingham University Business school in UK, reflect on the issues covered in this publication by presenting and commenting on ten myths that surround the internationalisation of smaller private firms.

    The internationalisation of the Spanish SME sector

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    As part of a wider research program, we analysed the theoretical framework and the recent developments of the process of internationalisation (transnationalisation) of the small- and medium-sized enterprises in Spain. The paper highlights the main trends and barriers of this internationalisation process. Methodology included document analyses, interviews, and the analyses of statistical databases

    The City's role in providing for the public equity financing needs of UK SMEs

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    The City of London recognises the important contribution made by small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs) to the UK economy and the critical role played by UK financial services in providing equity finance to facilitate their growth. As a result the City of London has commissioned research to assess the role and contribution made by UK financial services in terms of supporting the provision of and access to equity finance for UK SMEs. This commission is timely given the Government’s concerns over gaps in the SME funding escalator and the recent economic downturn, which has led to a withdrawal of venture capital funds and a loss of investor confidence

    Firm Performance in Vietnam:Evidence from Manufacturing Small and Medium Enterprises

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    This paper examines the performance of domestic non-state manufacturing small and medium enterprises (SMEs) in Vietnam. Specifically, it evaluates firm level technical efficiency and identifies the determinants of technical efficiency of these SMEs. The paper uses an econometric approach based on a stochastic frontier production function to analyse 5,204 observations of SMEs from three surveys conducted in 2002, 2005 and 2007. The results from the estimations reveal that manufacturing SMEs in Vietnam have relatively high average technical efficiency ranging from 84.2 percent to 92.5 percent. The paper further examines the factors influencing efficiency. It finds that firm age, size, location, ownership, cooperation with a foreign partner, subcontracting, product innovation, competition, and government assistance are significantly related to technical efficiency, albeit with varying degrees and directions. Exporting does not appear to influence technical efficiency. The paper offers some evidence-based policy recommendations to improve the technical efficiency and competitiveness of manufacturing SMEs.manufacturing small and medium enterprises, firm performance, technical efficiency, stochastic frontier production function, Vietnam.


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    SMEs need external business support, in particular during the early development stage. Government agencies have developed a number of initiatives and voucher system is targeted at counselling combined with information and training. A pilot program started in two small regions and the program is scheduled to cover the whole territory, relying on the network of local enterprise centres. In 2006 the know-how for the system was transferred into Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia. This paper presents the fundamental concept of the voucher system and the rules for a comprehensive approach, discusses the organizational structure and functions of different stakeholders. The assumptions for an effective system are analyzed and comments from evaluations are discussed. The potentials for further development of the system in FYROM on the basis of the know-how from Slovenia are assessed. An innovative outcome of the study is development of the framework for bench-marking based policy measure evaluation.Support to SMEs, policy measures, government, transition economy, market failure, counselling, consultants, local enterprise centre, small and medium-sized businesses, performance, voucher system, satisfaction level.
