527 research outputs found

    Myopic Versus Farsighted Behaviors in a Low-Carbon Supply Chain with Reference Emission Effects

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    The increased carbon emissions cause relatively climate deterioration and attract more attention of governments, consumers, and enterprises to the low-carbon manufacturing. This paper considers a dynamic supply chain, which is composed of a manufacturer and a retailer, in the presence of the cap-and-trade regulation and the consumers’ reference emission effects. To investigate the manufacturer’s behavior choice and its impacts on the emission reduction and pricing strategies together with the profits of both the channel members, we develop a Stackelberg differential game model in which the manufacturer acts in both myopic and farsighted manners. By comparing the equilibrium strategies, it can be found that the farsighted manufacturer always prefers to keep a lower level of emission reduction. When the emission permit price is relatively high, the wholesale/retail price is lower if the manufacturer is myopic and hence benefits consumers. In addition, there exists a dilemma that the manufacturer is willing to act in a farsighted manner but the retailer looks forward to a partnership with the myopic manufacturer. For a relatively high price of emission permit, adopting myopic strategies results in a better performance of the whole supply chain

    Brands Competition and the Law.

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    Brands, Competition, and the Law

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    The importance of green marketing for portuguese companies in the footwear industry

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    The concept of sustainability, with three pillars, environmental, social and economic appeared in the context of our society as a possible solution to our planet problems and challenges and it rapidly achieved the business world. Companies started to be committed to the future and to sustainability, through Corporate Social Responsibility practices, adopting a business model that evaluates the consequences and impacts of its actions and contemplates social and environmental aspects in its financial vision (Aligleri et. al., 2009). If we think about the footwear industry, that largely contributes to and is affected by the environmental degradation and social challenges that the society is now facing, it makes all sense to understand how companies in this sector operate, particularly in terms of environmental protection. If at an early stage, this industry was only concerned with fulfilment of the requirements established by environmental legislation, more recently it has been worried about the impact of its products and processes on the environment and has identified in these products a new business opportunity and a way to differentiate their products on the market. Therefore, the purpose of this research is to understand what strategies Portuguese companies in footwear industry adopt relatively to sustainability and environmental protection, namely in terms of green marketing strategies. In addition, it will be important to realise their importance for companies and motivations that lead to the adoption of this type of practices focused in environmental sustainability.O conceito de sustentabilidade, incluindo os seus três pilares, ambiental, social e económico surgiu na nossa sociedade como uma possível solução para os problemas e desafios que o nosso planeta enfrenta, mas rapidamente se difundiu para o contexto empresarial. As empresas começaram a estar atentas e comprometidas com o futuro e a sustentabilidade, através da adoção de práticas de responsabilidade social e de um modelo de negócio que avalia as consequências e impactos das suas ações e que contempla aspetos sociais e ambientais na sua perspetiva financeira (Aligleri et. al., 2009). Se pensarmos na indústria do calçado, que muito contribui e ao mesmo tempo é afetada pela degradação ambiental e pelos desafios sociais que a nossa sociedade hoje enfrenta, faz todo o sentido perceber como é que as empresas atuam neste setor, nomeadamente em relação à proteção do ambiente. Se numa fase inicial, esta indústria estava apenas preocupada com o cumprimento dos requisitos estabelecidos pela legislação ambiental, mais recentemente tem revelado cuidado com o impacto dos seus produtos e processos no ambiente e tem identificado nestes produtos uma nova oportunidade de negócio e uma forma de diferenciar a sua oferta no mercado. Assim sendo, o objetivo desta tese é perceber que estratégias são adotadas pelas empresas portuguesas no setor do calçado, nomeadamente práticas de marketing verde. Adicionalmente será importante explorar a sua importância para as empresas, assim como as motivações que levam à adoção deste tipo de estratégias focadas na sustentabilidade ambiental

    Nike marketing plan: the launch of Nike Academy in Portugal

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    In this master project, the objective is to develop a strategic and operational marketing plan to support the launching of a football academy, designed to ensure the physical, psychological and emotional welfare of its athletes. This football academy will be launched in Portugal, by Nike, during the summer of 2021. In this project, we have identified the potential participants, sponsors and fans, and studied the advantages that this initiative may bring to Nike. To achieve these conclusions, we made a strategic and operational study, that will allow to evaluate the impact the new service for the brand and what resources will be needed to implement this project. We studied the reality in which the current football academies are being developed, to construct terms of comparisons between them, and to understand what the good practices are, and what can be improved in this industry. We defined a marketing strategy and designed marketing-mix components, with the goal of creating a football academy that fulfills the young athletes’ needs, and not only the agents’ and managers’ needs. Our goal was to construct a model of an academy that could be followed by other football clubs, demonstrating the importance that the mental wellbeing of the players has for themselves and for their futures, but also for the clubs where they play in.Este projeto de mestrado tem como objetivo, desenvolver um plano estratégico e operacional de marketing, para apoiar o lançamento de uma academia de futebol, desenvolvida com o intuito de garantir o bem-estar físico, psicológico e emocional dos seus atletas. Esta academia de futebol será lançada em Portugal, pela Nike, durante o verão de 2021. Neste projeto, identificamos os potenciais participantes, patrocinadores e fãs, e estudamos as vantagens que esta iniciativa pode trazer para a Nike. Para chegar a estas conclusões, realizamos um estudo estratégico e operacional, que permitirá avaliar o impacto do novo serviço para a marca e quais os recursos necessários para implementar este projeto. Estudamos a realidade em que as atuais academias de futebol estão a ser desenvolvidas, para elaborar termos de comparação entre elas e para entender quais são as boas práticas e o que pode ser melhorado neste setor. Definimos uma estratégia de marketing e projetamos componentes de marketing-mix, com o objetivo de criar uma academia de futebol que atenda às necessidades dos jovens atletas, e não apenas às necessidades dos agentes e diretores desportivos. O nosso objetivo passou por construir um modelo de academia de futebol que pudesse ser seguido por outros clubes de futebol, demonstrando a importância que o bem-estar mental dos jogadores tem para o presente e para o futuro deles, mas também para os clubes onde jogam

    Productive and cognitive innovation strategy:African framework design

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    Since the mid 1900’s, economist have come to recognize the role of innovative activity in firms productivity growth, particularly in the competitive market economies. However, the most conducive market environment for innovative activity has also become a subject of interest. Thus, a major constraint on industrial dynamism in African countries is said to be the dearth of indigenous entrepreneurs. This paper therefore argued for the provision of comprehensive innovation policy, in which the government supports the innovators by providing appropriate financial measures; removing regulatory, institutional (competitive) obstacles to innovation; and strengthening the knowledge base through investment in education, research and industrial sites in Africa.innovation policy; Africa; Nigeria; investment; productivity; science parks; business clusters; economic zones; inventions; free trade zones; cognitive revolution, industrial revolution; infrastructures; technology; research and development; venture capital

    Antitrust and Platform Monopoly

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    Are large digital platforms that deal directly with consumers “winner take all,” or natural monopoly, firms? That question is surprisingly complex and does not produce the same answer for every platform. The closer one looks at digital platforms the less they seem to be winner-take-all. As a result, competition can be made to work in most of them. Further, antitrust enforcement, with its accommodation of firm variety, is generally superior to any form of statutory regulation that generalizes over large numbers. Assuming that an antitrust violation is found, what should be the remedy? Breaking up large firms subject to extensive scale economies or positive network effects is sure to be costly. In the past, structural relief of this type has led to lower output and higher prices or business firm failure. One likely exception is acquisitions of small firms that threaten to grow into substantial rivals. If breakup is not the answer, then what are the best antitrust remedies? Sometimes the best way to deal with platform monopoly is to break up ownership and management rather than assets. Leaving the platform intact as a production entity but making ownership more competitive could actually increase output, benefitting consumers, labor, and suppliers. The history of antitrust law is replete with firms that are organized as single entities for many legal purposes but that also function as combinations and can be treated that way by antitrust law. A second possibility is forced interoperability or pooling of important information, which can make markets more competitive while actually increasing the value of positive network externalities. Finally, this paper examines the problem of platform acquisition of nascent firms, where the biggest threat is not from horizontal mergers but rather from acquisitions of complements or differentiated technologies. For these, the tools we currently use in merger law are poorly suited. Here I offer some suggestions

    Marketing strategy for eco-apparel

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    The purpose of this research is to identify the marketing barriers of eco-apparel products and to develop a marketing strategy framework that can be employed by eco-apparel companies in the process of devising marketing tactics to overcome the marketing barriers. The overall research design is qualitative, using both thematic as well as content analysis methods for data analysis. The data were collected through 24 qualitative interviews and 12 technical reports on eco-apparel and conventional apparel. The research found that dull and monotonous products, improper labelling with substandard certification, unsuitable fitting, unfashionable and unstylish products, lack of warranties, exclusive distribution, healthiness and environmental friendliness, fair wages, disposal and recyclability, low branding, consumer ignorance, and premium pricing are marketing barriers to eco-apparel acquisition. The findings suggest that eco-apparel companies need to eliminate improper labelling that uses substandard certification and to eliminate exclusive distribution. They also need to raise intensity of distribution, widen the range of products; raise consumers’ awareness of the value of fair wages and of the value of disposability, recyclability, healthiness and environmental friendliness; promote durability, and comfort of fabric, reduce the price of their products; and reduce consumer ignorance about eco-apparel products. The companies should add warranties to their products and create more colour, suitable fitting, fashionable and stylish products, as well as make use of branding. The theoretical contribution of this research is the development of a marketing strategy framework for eco-apparel using the Strategy Canvas and Four Actions Framework (Kim & Mauborgne 2015). Marketing practitioners can use the outcomes of this research as basic premises for the design of their marketing tactics. The limitation of this research is that all research interview participants were from one country, Australia. In future, the scope of this research can be expanded to international markets

    Benefits, challenges, and product characteristics to evaluate when considering Internet sales

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    Thesis (M.Eng.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dept. of Civil and Environmental Engineering, 1999."June 1999."Includes bibliographical references (leaves 98-103).by James Vander Vliet.M.Eng
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