119,946 research outputs found

    The role of supply chain integration in achieving competitive advantage: A study of UK automobile manufacturers

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    The competitive nature of the global automobile industry has resulted in a battle for efficiency and consistency in supply chain management (SCM). For manufacturers, the diversified network of suppliers represents more than just a production system; it is a strategic asset that must be managed, evaluated, and revised in order to attain competitive advantage. One capability that has become an increasingly essential means of alignment and assessment is supply chain integration (SCI). Through such practices, manufacturers create informational capital that is inimitable, yet transferrable, allowing suppliers to participate in a mutually-beneficial system of performance-centred outcomes. From cost reduction to time improvements to quality control, the benefits of SCI extend throughout the supply chain lifecycle, providing firms with improved predictability, flexibility, and responsiveness. Yet in spite of such benefits, key limitations including exposure to risks, supplier failures, or changing competitive conditions may expose manufacturers to a vulnerable position that can severely impact value and performance. The current study summarizes the perspectives and predictions of managers within the automobile industry in the UK, highlighting a dynamic model of interdependency and interpolation that embraces SCI as a strategic resource. Full commitment to integration is critical to achieving improved outcomes and performance; therefore, firms seeking to integrate throughout their extended supply chain must be willing to embrace a less centralized locus of control

    Supply Chains and Porous Boundaries: The Disaggregation of Legal Services

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    The economic downturn has had significant effects on law firms, and is causing many of them to rethink some basic assumptions about how they operate. In important respects, however, the downturn has simply intensified the effects of some deeper trends that preceded it, which are likely to continue after any recovery that may occur. This paper explores one of these trends, which is corporate client insistence that law firms “disaggregate” their services into discrete tasks that can be delegated to the least costly providers who can perform them. With advances in communications technology, there is increasing likelihood that some of these persons may be located outside the formal boundaries of the firm. This means that law firms may need increasingly to confront the make or buy decision that their corporate clients have regularly confronted for some time. The potential for vertical disintegration is a relatively recent development for legal services, but is well-established in other sectors of the global economy. Empirical work in several disciplines has identified a number of issues that arise for organizations as the make or buy decision becomes a potentially more salient feature of their operations. Much of this work has focused in particular on the implications of relying on outsourcing as an integral part of the production process. This paper discusses research on: (1) the challenges of ensuring that work performed outside the firm is fully integrated into the production process; (2) coordinating projects for which networks of organizations are responsible; (3) managing the transfer of knowledge inside and outside of firms that are participants in a supply chain; and (4) addressing the impact of using contingent workers on an organization’s workforce, structure, and culture. A review of this research suggests considerations that law firms will need to assess if they begin significantly to extend the process of providing services beyond their formal boundaries. Discussing the research also is intended to introduce concepts that may become increasingly relevant to law firms, but which currently are not commonly used to analyze their operations. Considering how these concepts are applicable to law firms may prompt us to rethink how to conceptualize these firms and what they do. This paper therefore is a preliminary attempt to explore: (1) the extent to which law firms may come to resemble the vertically disintegrated organizations that populate many other economic sectors and (2) the potential implications of this trend for the provision of legal services,the trajectory of legal careers, and lawyers’ sense of themselves as members of a distinct profession

    The embeddedness of global production networks: The impact of crisis on Fiji's garment export sector

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    In this paper the author explores how changing geopolitical conditions reconfigure network embeddedness and theorises the conditions of network disconnection and transformation. Through a case study of the changes in interfirm relationships within the Fiji – Australia garment-production network after Fiji’s 2000 political coup d’état, the author develops a relational and dynamic view of embeddedness, highlighting its multifaceted and multiscalar character and emphasising the interrelationships between embeddedness, trust, and power


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    Modern supply chains are international, complex, dynamic networks that are subject to uncertainty, vulnerability, large time-lags, and variability in delivery. One of the main reasons that have made supply chain networks more vulnerable is the raise of lean or JIT manufacturing practices. Those approaches are to eliminate all the wastes in supply chains and focus greatly on cost reduction by centralising the assets, reducing the supplier base or decreasing the stocks dramatically. However, the benefits must be weighed and balanced against the future risks of disruptions and costs. Furthermore, since sourcing policy is closely relative to supply chain continuity and security, this study examines how sourcing decisions in one large-scale leather manufacturing organisation could help mitigate supply chain disruption risks, focusing on identifying and examining key factors which have great impact on sourcing decision making processes to figure out the most appropriate sourcing policy for organisations to mitigate supply chain disruption risks. It is suggested from this study that organisations should examine external and internal potential risks to build a risk awareness culture across the networks and to introduce flexibility for more resilient supply chain networks. Since disruption risks are unpredictable and inevitable, organisations should embrace them and tackle them properly. Proper preparation before occurrences would mitigate the harm brought along by supply chain disruptions. In addition, from the research and the case study of Prime Asia Group, it is concluded that (i) sourcing policy and sourcing decisions play a significant role in protecting supply chain against disruption risks; (ii) the essential variables derived from the case study are quite different from what literature proposed. (iii) However, the variables identified and analysed do help decision makers ponder on how to find a more appropriate sourcing policy to mitigate disruption risks after the evaluation of trade-offs

    Why do people migrate? A review of the theoretical literature

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    Massey et al. (1994) is a ground-breaking paper in the migration literature that discusses and unifies different migration theories. However, their review and synthesis is incomplete and fairly brief for researchers interested in a deeper understanding of the migration theory literature. This paper therefore aims to review the complete spectrum of economic migration theory from the 1950s until today and to show the differences and complementarities between the different approaches.migration; migration theory