5 research outputs found

    Benefit of GEOSS Interoperability in Assessment of Environmental Impacts Illustrated by the Case of Photovoltaic Systems

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    International audienceAssessment of environmental impacts of a power system exploiting a renewable energy needs a large number of geographically-dependent data and of technological data. These data are located in various sources and available in various formats. To avoid the burden of data collection and reformatting, we exploit the interoperability capabilities set up in GEOSS and combine them with other GEOSS-compliant components proposed by projects funded by the European Commission. This is illustrated by the case of photovoltaic systems. A Web-based tool links the various sources of data and executes several models to offer various impacts factors in different areas: human health, climate change, primary energy, ecosystems

    Environmental data for the planning of off-shore wind parks from the EnerGEO Platform of Integrated Assessment (PIA)

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    International audienceThe EU-sponsored EnerGEO project aims at providing decision makers with a modelling platform to assess the environmental impacts of different sources of renewable energy. One of the pillars of the project is the Wind Energy Pilot, addressing the effects of offshore wind parks on air pollution and energy use. The methods used in the pilot and the underlying environmental databases are integrated into a WebGIS client tool and made available to the public. This paper is dedicated to describing the environmental databases and supporting data incorporated in the client tool. A 27-km resolution, 11-year wind database is created using the WRF model. The wind database is used to assess the wind climate in the north-west Atlantic region and to derive the potential power output from offshore wind parks. Auxiliary data concerning water depth, distance to shore and distance to the nearest suitable port are created to aid the planning and maintenance phases. Seasonal workability conditions are assessed using a 20-year wave database. The distance at which future wind parks should be placed to exhibit different wind climates is investigated

    GIS-based Software Infrastructure to Model PV Generation in Fine-grained Spatio-temporal Domain

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    Nowadays, we are moving forward to more sustainable societies, where a crucial issue consists on reducing footprint and greenhouse emissions. This transition can be achieved by increasing the penetration of distributed renewable energy sources together with a smarter use of energy. To achieve it, new tools are needed to plan the deployment of such renewable systems by modelling variability and uncertainty of their generation profiles. In this paper, we present a distributed software infrastructure for modelling and simulating energy production of Photovoltaic (PV) systems in urban context. In its core, it performs simulations in a spatio-temporal domain exploiting Geographic Information Systems together with meteorological data to estimate Photovoltaic generation profiles in real operating conditions. This solution provides results in real-sky conditions with different time-intervals: i) yearly, ii) monthly and iii) sub-hourly. To evaluate the accuracy of our simulations, we tested the proposed software infrastructure in a real world case study. Finally, experimental results are presented and compared with real energy production data collected from PV systems deployed in the case study area

    Benefit of GEOSS Interoperability in Assessment of Environmental Impacts Illustrated by the Case of Photovoltaic Systems

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    Energie solaire et observation de la terre

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    L’objet de ce document est de proposer une synthèse ainsi que les perspectives de mes activités de recherche depuis 2007 à MINES ParisTech. Cette recherche est bien sûr le fruit d’un travail collectif mené par l’équipe dont j’ai actuellement la responsabilité. Mon apport scientifique dans ce groupe réside essentiellement dans l’aide à la formalisation mathématique des problèmes et à leurs résolutions au moyen d’algorithmes mettant en oeuvre le traitement d’image, du signal, l’analyse statistique ou, de manière générale, les mathématiques appliquées. J’y apporte également mes connaissances dans la mesure du rayonnement par des instruments de mesures in-situ acquises ces dernières années