2 research outputs found

    Benchmarking the Semi-Supervised Naïve Bayes Classifier

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    Semi-supervised learning involves constructing predictive models with both labelled and unlabelled training data. The need for semi-supervised learning is driven by the fact that unlabelled data are often easy and cheap to obtain, whereas labelling data requires costly and time consuming human intervention and expertise. Semi-supervised methods commonly use self training, which involves using the labelled data to predict the unlabelled data, then iteratively reconstructing classifiers using the predicted labels. Our aim is to determine whether self training classifiers actually improves performance. Expectation maximization is a commonly used self training scheme. We investigate whether an expectation maximization scheme improves a naïve Bayes classifier through experimentation with 30 discrete and 20 continuous real world benchmark UCI datasets. Rather surprisingly we find that in practice the self training actually makes the classifier worse. The cause for this detrimental affect on performance could either be with the self training scheme itself, or how self training works in conjunction with the classifier. Our hypothesis is that it is the latter cause, and the violation of the naïve Bayes model assumption of independence of attributes means predictive errors propagate through the self training scheme. To test whether this is the case, we generate simulated data with the same attribute distribution as the UCI data, but where the attributes are independent. Experiments with this data demonstrate that semi-supervised learning does improve performance, leading to significantly more accurate classifiers. These results demonstrate that semi-supervised learning cannot be applied blindly without considering the nature of the classifier, because the assumptions implicit in the classifier may result in a degradation in performance

    Empirical Evaluation of Semi-Supervised Naïve Bayes for Active Learning

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    This thesis describes an empirical evaluation of semi-supervised and active learning individually, and in combination for the naïve Bayes classifier. Active learning aims to minimise the amount of labelled data required to train the classifier by using the model to direct the labelling of the most informative unlabelled examples. The key difficulty with active learning is that the initial model often gives a poor direction for labelling the unlabelled data in the early stages. However, using both labelled and unlabelled data with semi-supervised learning might be achieve a better initial model because the limited labelled data are augmented by the information in the unlabelled data. In this thesis, a suite of benchmark datasets is used to evaluate the benefit of semi-supervised learning and presents the learning curves for experiments to compare the performance of each approach. First, we will show that the semi-supervised naïve Bayes does not significantly improve the performance of the naïve Bayes classifier. Subsequently, a down-weighting technique is used to control the influence of the unlabelled data, but again this does not improve performance. In the next experiment, a novel algorithm is proposed by using a sigmoid transformation to recalibrate the overly confident naïve Bayes classifier. This algorithm does not significantly improve on the naïve Bayes classifier, but at least does improve the semi-supervised naïve Bayes classifier. In the final experiment we investigate the effectiveness of the combination of active and semi-supervised learning and empirically illustrate when the combination does work, and when does not