25 research outputs found

    Benchmarking gate-based quantum computers

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    With the advent of public access to small gate-based quantum processors, it becomes necessary to develop a benchmarking methodology such that independent researchers can validate the operation of these processors. We explore the usefulness of a number of simple quantum circuits as benchmarks for gate-based quantum computing devices and show that circuits performing identity operations are very simple, scalable and sensitive to gate errors and are therefore very well suited for this task. We illustrate the procedure by presenting benchmark results for the IBM Quantum Experience, a cloud-based platform for gate-based quantum computing.Comment: Accepted for publication in Computer Physics Communication

    PyQBench: a Python library for benchmarking gate-based quantum computers

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    We introduce PyQBench, an innovative open-source framework for benchmarking gate-based quantum computers. PyQBench can benchmark NISQ devices by verifying their capability of discriminating between two von Neumann measurements. PyQBench offers a simplified, ready-to-use, command line interface (CLI) for running benchmarks using a predefined parametrized Fourier family of measurements. For more advanced scenarios, PyQBench offers a way of employing user-defined measurements instead of predefined ones.Comment: 49 pages, 8 figure

    Massively parallel quantum computer simulator, eleven years later

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    A revised version of the massively parallel simulator of a universal quantum computer, described in this journal eleven years ago, is used to benchmark various gate-based quantum algorithms on some of the most powerful supercomputers that exist today. Adaptive encoding of the wave function reduces the memory requirement by a factor of eight, making it possible to simulate universal quantum computers with up to 48 qubits on the Sunway TaihuLight and on the K computer. The simulator exhibits close-to-ideal weak-scaling behavior on the Sunway TaihuLight,on the K computer, on an IBM Blue Gene/Q, and on Intel Xeon based clusters, implying that the combination of parallelization and hardware can track the exponential scaling due to the increasing number of qubits. Results of executing simple quantum circuits and Shor's factorization algorithm on quantum computers containing up to 48 qubits are presented.Comment: Substantially rewritten + new data. Published in Computer Physics Communicatio

    Testing quantum computers with the protocol of quantum state matching

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    The presence of noise in quantum computers hinders their effective operation. Even though quantum error correction can theoretically remedy this problem, its practical realization is still a challenge. Testing and benchmarking noisy, intermediate-scale quantum (NISC) computers is therefore of high importance. Here, we suggest the application of the so-called quantum state matching protocol for testing purposes. This protocol was originally proposed to determine if an unknown quantum state falls in a prescribed neighborhood of a reference state. We decompose the unitary specific to the protocol and construct the quantum circuit implementing one step of the dynamics for different characteristic parameters of the scheme and present test results for two different IBM quantum computers. By comparing the experimentally obtained relative frequencies of success to the ideal success probability with a maximum statistical tolerance, we discriminate statistical errors from device specific ones. For the characterization of noise, we also use the fact that while the output of the ideal protocol is insensitive to the internal phase of the input state, the actual implementation may lead to deviations. For systematically varied inputs we find that the device with the smaller quantum volume performs better on our tests than the one with larger quantum volume, while for random inputs they show a more similar performance