57,500 research outputs found

    EU and OECD benchmarking and peer review compared

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    Benchmarking and peer review are essential elements of the so-called EU open method of coordination (OMC) which has been contested in the literature for lack of effectiveness. In this paper we compare benchmarking and peer review procedures as used by the EU with those used by the OECD. Different types of benchmarking and peer review are distinguished and pitfalls for (international) benchmarking are discussed. We find that the OECD has a clear single objective for its benchmarking and peer review activities (i.e. horizontal policy transfers) whereas the EU suffers from a mix of objectives (a. horizontal policy learning; b. EU wide vertical policy coordination and c. multilateral monitoring and surveillance under the shadow of hierarchy). Whereas the OECD is able to skirt around most of the benchmarking pitfalls, this is not the case for the EU. It is argued that, rather than continue working with the panacea OMC benchmarking and peer review currently represents, EU benchmarking should take a number of more distinct shapes in order to improve effectiveness. Moreover, in some areas benchmarking and peer review are not sufficient coordination tools, and are at best additional to those means of coordination that include enforceable sanctions

    Assessing the Efficiency of Mass Transit Systems in the United States

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    Frustrated with increased parking problems, unstable gasoline prices, and stifling traffic congestion, a growing number of metropolitan city dwellers consider utilizing the mass transit system. Reflecting this sentiment, a ridership of the mass transit system across the United States has been on the rise for the past several years. A growing demand for the mass transit system, however, necessitates the expansion of service offerings, the improvement of basic infrastructure/routes, and the additional employment of mass transit workers, including drivers and maintenance crews. Such a need requires the optimal allocation of financial and human resources to the mass transit system in times of shrinking budgets and government downsizing. Thus, the public transit authority is faced with the dilemma of “doing more with less.” That is to say, the public transit authority needs to develop a “lean” strategy which can maximize transit services with the minimum expenses. To help the public transit authority develop such a lean strategy, this report identifies the best-in-class practices in the U.S. transit service sector and proposes transit policy guidelines that can best exploit lean principles built upon best-in-class practices

    Expected public and private benefits of embedding farm business performance systems in the Australian and New Zealand dairy industries

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    Dairy industry organizations, universities and government agencies are variously involved in embedding web-based, standardized farm business performance systems in the Australian and New Zealand industries. The spectrum of involvement prompts an exploration of demand drivers and expectations of benefits, public and private. Inclusion of South Australian dairy businesses in a web data system as part of implementing the South Australian dairy industry strategic plan is discussed as an example where public and private benefits are expected. To the extent that adoption of the web as a data management platform is an aid to dialogue in the public-private partnership of industry development more detailed research about the systems and their benefits to stakeholders is merited.Farm Management,

    Sustainable Success in Higher Education by Sharing the Best Practices as a Result of Benchmarking Process

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    The paper proposes to review the main benchmarking criteria, based on the quality indicators used by the higher education institutions and to present new indicators of reference as a result of the inter-universities cooperation. Once these indicators are defined, a national database could be created and through benchmarking methods, there could be established the level of national performance of the educational system. Going forward and generalizing the process, we can compare the national educational system with the European one, using the benchmarking approach. The final purpose is that of establishing a group of universities who come together to explore opportunities for benchmarks and best practices sharing on common interest areas in order to create a „quality culture” for the Romanian higher education system.benchmarking, higher education, best practices, quality indicators, quality culture

    Benchmarking citation measures among the Australian education professoriate

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    Individual researchers and the organisations for which they work are interested in comparative measures of research performance for a variety of purposes. Such comparisons are facilitated by quantifiable measures that are easily obtained and offer convenience and a sense of objectivity. One popular measure is the Journal Impact Factor based on citation rates but it is a measure intended for journals rather than individuals. Moreover, educational research publications are not well represented in the databases most widely used for calculation of citation measures leading to doubts about the usefulness of such measures in education. Newer measures and data sources offer alternatives that provide wider representation of education research. However, research has shown that citation rates vary according to discipline and valid comparisons depend upon the availability of discipline specific benchmarks. This study sought to provide such benchmarks for Australian educational researchers based on analysis of citation measures obtained for the Australian education professoriate

    On-Farm Benchmarking: How to Do It and How to Do It Better

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    Benchmarking is the practice of establishing the relative performance of a business or enterprise against an appropriate standard, generally industry standards derived from a survey of farms. The Policy Commission into the Future of Farming and Food (2002) highlighted a need to spread and improve benchmarking on farms. The requirements of effective benchmarking are illustrated in a ten step framework. The ten steps illustrate the range of expertise and resources a manager requires before being able to justify allocating resources to benchmarking. A comparison of alternative farm surveys and methodologies used to collect, analyse and report industry standards illustrates the difficulties farmers can have in identifying appropriate, robust and accurate industry standards. It is concluded that there needs to be a thorough rationalisation of farm surveys and agreement on methodologies to make benchmarking more effective and more efficient.benchmarking, comparative analysis, processes, industry standards, methodology, techniques, Farm Management,

    The level of provision of specialist palliative care services in Scotland: an international benchmarking study

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    Objectives: Comparative benchmarking of specialist palliative care (SPC) services across jurisdictions can be used to assess the adequacy of provision. Published in 2016, the Scottish Atlas of Palliative Care unlocks the possibility of benchmarking Scotland’s provision against other European Union (EU) countries. Our objectives were to describe the provision of SPC services in Scotland and compare this with other EU countries, assessing coverage against European norms. Methods: We conducted a secondary analysis of data collected as part for the Scottish Atlas by structured telephone (n=33) or online (n=3) survey with informants from 14 territorial health boards and 15 hospices who provided information about SPC services in their locality. National-level Scottish data were compared with data from other EU countries allowing ranking for each service type and service coverage as calculated against European Association for Palliative Care norms. Results: Scotland had a total of 23 SPC inpatient units containing 349 beds, 27 SPC hospital support teams and 38 SPC home care teams. Relative to other EU countries, Scotland ranked seventh for provision of SPC inpatient units and hospital support teams, and fifth for home care teams. Coverage for these services was 85%, 100% and 72%, respectively. Conclusion: Scotland is positioned among the top 10 EU countries for the level of provision of SPC services. National policy in Scotland has focused on the delivery of palliative care at home or in a homely setting. These data support a focus on developing services in community settings to meet Scotland’s policy ambitions