12 research outputs found

    Benchmarking Privacy Preserving Scientific Operations

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    In this work, we examine the efficiency of protocols for secure evaluation of basic mathematical functions (sqrt,sin,arcsin\mathtt{sqrt}, \mathtt{sin}, \mathtt{arcsin}, amongst others), essential to various application domains. e.g., Artificial Intelligence. Furthermore, we have incorporated our code in state-of-the-art Multiparty Computation (MPC) software, so we can focus on the algorithms to be used as opposed to the underlying MPC system. We make use of practical approaches that, although, some of them, theoretically can be regarded as less efficient, can, nonetheless, be implemented in such software libraries without further adaptation. We focus on basic scientific operations, and introduce a series of data-oblivious protocols based on fixed point representation techniques. Our protocols do not reveal intermediate values and do not need special adaptations from the underlying MPC protocols. We include extensive computational experimentation under various settings and MPC protocols

    A Note on Our Submission to Track 4 of iDASH 2019

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    iDASH is a competition soliciting implementations of cryptographic schemes of interest in the context of biology. In 2019, one track asked for multi-party computation implementations of training of a machine learning model suitable for two datasets from cancer research. In this note, we describe our solution submitted to the competition. We found that the training can be run on three AWS c5.9xlarge instances in less then one minute using MPC tolerating one semi-honest corruption, and less than ten seconds at a slightly lower accuracy.Comment: 4 page

    Secure Quantized Training for Deep Learning

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    We have implemented training of neural networks in secure multi-party computation (MPC) using quantization commonly used in the said setting. To the best of our knowledge, we are the first to present an MNIST classifier purely trained in MPC that comes within 0.2 percent of the accuracy of the same convolutional neural network trained via plaintext computation. More concretely, we have trained a network with two convolution and two dense layers to 99.2% accuracy in 25 epochs. This took 3.5 hours in our MPC implementation (under one hour for 99% accuracy).Comment: 17 page

    Zero Knowledge Arguments for Verifiable Sampling

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    International audienceIn privacy-preserving machine learning, it is less obvious to verify correct behavior of participants because they are not supposed to reveal their inputs in cleartext to other participants. It is hence important to make federated machine learning robust against data poisoning and related attacks. While input data can be related to a distributed ledger (blockchain), a less studied input is formed by the random sampling parties perform. In this paper, we describe strategies based on zero knowledge proofs to allow parties to prove they perform sampling (and other computations) correctly. We sketch a number of alternative ways to implement our idea and provide some preliminary experimental results

    Through the Looking-Glass: Benchmarking Secure Multi-Party Computation Comparisons for ReLU\u27s

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    Comparisons or Inequality Tests are an essential building block of Rectified Linear Unit functions (ReLU\u27s), ever more present in Machine Learning, specifically in Neural Networks. Motivated by the increasing interest in privacy-preserving Artificial Intelligence, we explore the current state of the art of privacy preserving comparisons over Multi-Party Computation (MPC). We then introduce constant round variations and combinations, which are compatible with customary fixed point arithmetic over MPC. Our main focus is implementation and benchmarking; hence, we showcase our contributions via an open source library, compatible with current MPC software tools. Furthermore, we include a comprehensive comparative analysis on various adversarial settings. Our results improve running times in practical scenarios. Finally, we offer conclusions about the viability of these protocols when adopted for privacy-preserving Machine Learning

    The Cost of IEEE Arithmetic in Secure Computation

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    Programmers are used to the rounding and error properties of IEEE double precision arithmetic, however in secure computing paradigms, such as provided by Multi-Party Computation (MPC), usually a different form of approximation is provided for real number arithmetic. We compare the two standard variants using for LSSS-based MPC, with an implementation of IEEE compliant double precision using binary circuit-based MPC. We compare the relative performance, and conclude that the addition cost of IEEE compliance maybe too great for some applications. Thus in the secure domain standards bodies may wish to examine a different form of real number approximations

    Deep Learning-Based Medical Diagnostic Services: A Secure, Lightweight, and Accurate Realization

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    In this paper, we propose CryptMed, a system framework that enables medical service providers to offer secure, lightweight, and accurate medical diagnostic service to their customers via an execution of neural network inference in the ciphertext domain. CryptMed ensures the privacy of both parties with cryptographic guarantees. Our technical contributions include: 1) presenting a secret sharing based inference protocol that can well cope with the commonly-used linear and non-linear NN layers; 2) devising an optimized secure comparison function that can efficiently support comparison-based activation functions in NN architectures; 3) constructing a suite of secure smooth functions built on precise approximation approaches for accurate medical diagnoses. We evaluate CryptMed on 6 neural network architectures across a wide range of non-linear activation functions over two benchmark and four real-world medical datasets. We comprehensively compare our system with prior art in terms of end-to-end service workload and prediction accuracy. Our empirical results demonstrate that CryptMed achieves up to respectively 413Ă—413\times, 19Ă—19\times, and 43Ă—43\times bandwidth savings for MNIST, CIFAR-10, and medical applications compared with prior art. For the smooth activation based inference, the best choice of our proposed approximations preserve the precision of original functions, with less than 1.2\% accuracy loss and could enhance the precision due to the newly introduced activation function family

    Manticore: Efficient Framework for Scalable Secure Multiparty Computation Protocols

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    We propose a novel MPC framework, Manticore, in the multiparty setting, with full threshold and semi-honest security model, supporting a combination of real number arithmetic (arithmetic shares), Boolean arithmetic (Boolean shares) and garbled circuits (Yao shares). In contrast to prior work [MZ17, MR18], Manticore never overflows, an important feature for machine learning applications. It achieves this without compromising efficiency or security. Compared to other overflow-free recent techniques such as MP-SPDZ [EGKRS20] that convert arithmetic to Boolean shares, we introduce a novel highly efficient modular lifting/truncation method that stays in the arithmetic domain. We revisit some of the basic MPC operations such as real-valued polynomial evaluation, division, logarithm, exponential and comparison by employing our modular lift in combination with existing efficient conversions between arithmetic, Boolean and Yao shares. Furthermore, we provide a highly efficient and scalable implementation supporting logistic regression models with real-world training data sizes and high numerical precision through PCA and blockwise variants (for memory and runtime optimizations). On a dataset of 50 million rows and 50 columns distributed among two players, it completes in one day with at least 10 decimal digits of precision.Our logistic regression solution placed first at Track 3 of the annual iDASH’2020 Competition. Finally, we mention a novel oblivious sorting algorithm built using Manticore

    Input Secrecy & Output Privacy: Efficient Secure Computation of Differential Privacy Mechanisms

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    Data is the driving force of modern businesses. For example, customer-generated data is collected by companies to improve their products, discover emerging trends, and provide insights to marketers. However, data might contain personal information which allows to identify a person and violate their privacy. Examples of privacy violations are abundant – such as revealing typical whereabout and habits, financial status, or health information, either directly or indirectly by linking the data to other available data sources. To protect personal data and regulate its collection and processing, the general data protection regulation (GDPR) was adopted by all members of the European Union. Anonymization addresses such regulations and alleviates privacy concerns by altering personal data to hinder identification. Differential privacy (DP), a rigorous privacy notion for anonymization mechanisms, is widely deployed in the industry, e.g., by Google, Apple, and Microsoft. Additionally, cryptographic tools, namely, secure multi-party computation (MPC), protect the data during processing. MPC allows distributed parties to jointly compute a function over their data such that only the function output is revealed but none of the input data. MPC and DP provide orthogonal protection guarantees. MPC provides input secrecy, i.e., MPC protects the inputs of a computation via encrypted processing. DP provides output privacy, i.e., DP anonymizes the output of a computation via randomization. In typical deployments of DP the data is randomized locally, i.e., by each client, and aggregated centrally by a server. MPC allows to apply the randomization centrally as well, i.e., only once, which is optimal for accuracy. Overall, MPC and DP augment each other nicely. However, universal MPC is inefficient – requiring large computation and communication overhead – which makes MPC of DP mechanisms challenging for general real-world deployments. In this thesis, we present efficient MPC protocols for distributed parties to collaboratively compute DP statistics with high accuracy. We support general rank-based statistics, e.g., min, max, median, as well as decomposable aggregate functions, where local evaluations can be efficiently combined to global ones, e.g., for convex optimizations. Furthermore, we detect heavy hitters, i.e., most frequently appearing values, over known as well as unknown data domains. We prove the semi-honest security and differential privacy of our protocols. Also, we theoretically analyse and empirically evaluate their accuracy as well as efficiency. Our protocols provide higher accuracy than comparable solutions based on DP alone. Our protocols are efficient, with running times of seconds to minutes evaluated in real-world WANs between Frankfurt and Ohio (100 ms delay, 100 Mbits/s bandwidth), and have modest hardware requirements compared to related work (mainly, 4 CPU cores at 3.3 GHz and 2 GB RAM per party). Additionally, our protocols can be outsourced, i.e., clients can send encrypted inputs to few servers which run the MPC protocol on their behalf