296 research outputs found

    Adaptation strategies and approaches for forested watersheds

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    Intentional climate adaptation planning for ecosystems has become a necessary part of the job for natural resource managers and natural resource professionals in this era of non-stationarity. One of the major challenges in adapting ecosystems to climate change is in the translation of broad adaptation concepts to specific, tangible actions. Addressing management goals and values while considering the long-term risks associated with local climate change can make forested watershed management plans more robust to uncertainty and changing conditions. We provide a menu of tiered adaptation strategies, which we developed with a focus on forests of the Midwest and Northeastern U.S., as part of a flexible framework to support the integration of climate change considerations into forested watershed management and conservation activities. This menu encapsulates ideas from the literature into statements that signify climate adaptation intention and provide examples of associated tactics to help ground the concepts in specific actions. Finally, we describe two demonstration projects, shared through the Northern Institute of Applied Climate Science’s Climate Change Response Framework, that have used this Forested Watershed Adaptation Menu and Adaptation Workbook in project-level planning

    Food literacy and healthy diets of Canadian parents : Associations and evaluation of the Eat Well Campaign

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    Une mauvaise alimentation est un facteur de risque important contribuant au fardeau des maladies chroniques. La littéracie alimentaire contribue à l’adoption de saines habitudes alimentaires et aide les consommateurs à développer de la résilience envers les effets négatifs de l’environnement alimentaire malsain qui offre une grande variété d’aliments à petits prix, souvent riches en énergie et de pauvre qualité nutritionnelle. Un besoin de réaliser de la recherche au Canada sur les déterminants de la littéracie alimentaire et leur association à la qualité de l’alimentation a déjà été identifié. La campagne « Bien manger » est une initiative portant sur la saine alimentation développée par Santé Canada pour sensibiliser les parents canadiens à la saine alimentation et augmenter leurs connaissances ainsi que leur participation à la planification des repas familiaux – une composante de la littéracie alimentaire. Les partenariats multisectoriels avec les détaillants alimentaires, les médias et les organisations de santé ont facilité la diffusion de la campagne et ont contribué à l’accroissement de sa portée et de son efficacité auprès des parents canadiens. La planification de repas n’est pas une composante de la littéracie alimentaire qui a été bien documentée dans la littérature, et jamais aucune intervention populationnelle sur ce sujet n’a fait objet d’une évaluation. De telles évaluations sont nécessaires pour fournir de la rétroaction aux parties prenantes concernant des pistes d’améliorations d’initiatives en santé et pour identifier des stratégies optimales visant à soutenir les progrès en santé publique. L’objectif principal de cette thèse est de mener des évaluations de processus et d’impacts de la campagne « Bien manger », explorer les associations entre la littéracie alimentaire et la qualité de l’alimentation des parents canadiens et de transférer les connaissances auprès des décideurs et des parties prenantes. Pour réaliser les objectifs, un échantillon composé de partenaires multisectoriels de Santé Canada a été interrogé et une enquête a été réalisée auprès de parents canadiens. Dans un premier temps, une évaluation qualitative du processus d’implantation a été effectuée avec 21 partenaires pour déterminer quels facteurs ont influencé leur décision d’adopter la campagne « Bien manger » et pour identifier les iv facteurs facilitants et les obstacles reliés à l’implantation de la campagne. Dans un deuxième temps, une évaluation quantitative a été effectuée auprès de 964 parents canadiens pour caractériser la portée de la campagne et déterminer les effets sur les attitudes reliés à la planification des repas familiaux. Dans un troisième temps, des associations entre la littéracie alimentaire, le statut d’emploi et la qualité de l’alimentation ont été examinés au sein de 767 parents. L’évaluation de processus a mis au jour de nombreux éléments clés à prendre en considération lors de futures collaborations. Notamment, indépendamment de la mission de chaque organisation, celles partageant des valeurs compatibles ont de bonnes chances d’être de bons partenaires. En revanche, la planification collaborative et la communication sont nécessaires pour maintenir l’engagement de l’organisation et pour soutenir l’implantation des activités. L’évaluation d’impact a dévoilé que le rappel de la campagne était plus important chez les francophones, les personnes sans éducation universitaire et les personnes à faibles revenus. Les taux de rappels ont largement varié à travers le pays, avec les taux les moins élevés à Vancouver, Winnipeg et Toronto et les taux les plus élevés à Québec et dans les régions rurales du Québec. De plus, le rappel de la campagne était associé à des attitudes plus favorables envers la planification de repas. Finalement, les analyses exploratoires ont dévoilé que le statut d’emploi n’est pas associé à la littéracie alimentaire, que le temps était un obstacle important à la préparation de repas, et que les dimensions de connaissances en nutrition et conceptualisation d’aliments étaient associées à une meilleure qualité alimentaire. En conclusion, les futures initiatives de santé publique en matière de nutrition peuvent être renforcées par l’implication de partenaires avec des valeurs semblables dès l’étape de planification de l’intervention. Les initiatives futures devraient être élaborées en ciblant les dimensions de littéracie alimentaire qui ont la plus grande chance d’influencer des facteurs nutritionnels positives telles que les dimensions de connaissances alimentaires ou conceptualisation alimentaire, et prendre en considération des stratégies permettant aux parents de surmonter les obstacles reliés au manque de temps.Poor diet is a major risk factor for non-communicable chronic diseases such as obesity, cardiovascular disease and certain cancers. Food literacy supports healthy eating practices and can help individuals build resilience to food environments that provide consumers with a large variety of energy-dense nutrient poor foods in abundance at low-costs. A need for further research in Canada on the determinants of food literacy and their relationship to diet quality has previously been identified. The Eat Well Campaign (Food Skills) (EWC) is a healthy eating initiative developed by Health Canada to increase parents’ awareness, knowledge of and engagement in meal planning – a component of food literacy. Cross-sector partnerships with the retail food industry, media and health organizations facilitated the diffusion of the EWC and were pivotal to extend its reach and effectiveness. Meal planning is not well described in the literature and no population-wide communication interventions targeting meal planning have been evaluated to date. Evaluations are essential to provide feedback to stakeholders on improving health initiatives, identify optimal strategies to support advances in public health and ensure government accountability. The main objective of this thesis was to conduct process and impact evaluations of the EWC, explore associations between food literacy and diet quality of Canadian parents and put this information into context for decision makers and stakeholders. To achieve these objectives, a purposeful sample of Health Canada’s cross-sector partners were interviewed and a cross-section of Canadian parents were surveyed. First, a qualitative process evaluation was conducted with 21 cross-sector partners to determine which factors influenced their decision to adopt the EWC and identify facilitators and barriers that they experienced during the EWC implementation. Second, a quantitative impact evaluation was conducted with 964 parents from across Canada to characterise the reach (i.e., awareness) of the EWC and determine whether the campaign’s awareness influenced meal planning attitudes, behaviors and self-efficacy. Third, associations between different food literacy dimensions, employment status and diet quality were investigated in a subsample of 767 parents. The process evaluation revealed several key considerations for future collaborations with partners from multiple sectors. Of note, regardless of mission, organizations with similar values are likely to make stronger partnerships; however, advanced collaborative planning and consistent communication are necessary to maintain organizational engagement and activity implementation. The impact evaluation revealed that the highest rates of campaign awareness were among French-speakers, parents without university education and those from low-income households. Awareness varied greatly across the country with the lowest rates in Vancouver, Winnipeg and Toronto, and the highest rates in Quebec City and rural Quebec. Additionally, campaign awareness was associated with more positive attitudes towards meal planning. Finally, exploratory analyses of different food literacy dimensions revealed that employment status was not associated with food literacy, time was a major limitation for home-based meal preparation and nutrition knowledge and food conceptualisation are significantly associated with diet quality. In conclusion, future public health nutrition initiatives can be strengthened by involving partners with similar values during the intervention planning stage. Future interventions should target dimensions of food literacy that are most likely to influence dietary outcomes such as nutrition knowledge or food conceptualisation and need to consider strategies to overcome time barriers to healthy eating

    Connecting the nation : an historical institutionalist explanation for divergent communications technology outcomes in Canada and Australia

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    Australia's slow rate of progress in rolling out broadband technologies became a major election issue in 2007, resulting in the National Broadband Network (NBN), the largest public infrastructure investment in Australia's history. Numerous international comparative reports reveal that Australia's lag in the deployment of broadband technologies in relation to Canada, another geographically large, sparsely populated federal system, is significant. Nevertheless, Australia's poor broadband performance is no different than the sluggish adoption of many other forms of electromagnetic communications technologies since the time of the telegraph. This thesis adopts an historical institutionalist approach to explain why Australia trails behind Canada in the take-up of communications technologies. The thesis identifies the different approaches to enabling, coordinating and regulating communications technologies in each country. Importantly, different federal powers for communications technologies have resulted in longstanding differences in the deployment of communications technologies. The Australian government's exclusive powers to legislate for communications technologies resulted in a series of centralised, top-down, single national solutions. Conversely, Canada's decentralised, bottom-up, provincial and municipal solutions approach stems from the provinces' powers to legislate for communications technologies within the provinces. Constitutionally, the Canadian government's powers are for the most part restricted to issues of interconnection between the provinces. Australian policy-makers favour standardised national systems designed to provide equality of service provision which invariably takes longer to deliver services to citizens. While Canada's approach leads to different standards of service provision, the approach is faster in delivering communications technology services to citizens. In explaining why a decentralised approach to deploying communications technologies results in faster take-up of new communications technologies, the concept of varieties of particularism is developed. The term 'varieties of particularism' refers to the unique social, political, economic, technological and geographical peculiarities that exist at the nexus of government, business and communications technologies. These various characteristics differ for each region, jurisdiction, provider and user and present a complex series of challenges for the deployment of new communications technologies. In the broadband era, the traditional monolithic telecommunications carrier model is increasingly obsolete. The research finds that single national solutions designed to meet citizens' communications technology requirements (such as those adopted by Australian policy makers) do not adequately address the varieties of particularism and therefore are slow to be deployed and to be taken-up by citizens. Further, the centralisation of political power in the communication industries prevents many citizens from participating in policy development - a 'build it and they will come' scenario - which neglects the human element of the 'network society'. Consequently, the centralised approach results in policy focused on particular technologies or devices predetermined by government, rather than user functionality which can be delivered by a mix of available technologies. The research finds that Australia's centralised approach discourages innovative uses of available technologies, whereas the Canadian decentralised approach enables citizens to be active policy and network participants where political issues are resolved at the regional or local level. In light of the NBN, the comparison with Canada demonstrates that Australia's centralised approach has important ramifications for future communications technology deployment

    Next Generation Connectivity: A Review of Broadband Internet Transitions and Policy From Around the World

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    Fostering the development of a ubiquitously networked society, connected over high-capacity networks, is a widely shared goal among both developed and developing countries. High capacity networks are seen as strategic infrastructure, intended to contribute to high and sustainable economic growth and to core aspects of human development. In the pursuit of this goal, various countries have, over the past decade and a half, deployed different strategies, and enjoyed different results. At the Commission's request, this study reviews the current plans and practices pursued by other countries in the transition to the next generation of connectivity, as well as their past experience. By observing the experiences of a range of market-oriented democracies that pursued a similar goal over a similar time period, we hope to learn from the successes and failures of others about what practices and policies best promote that goal. By reviewing current plans or policy efforts, we hope to learn what others see as challenges in the next generation transition, and to learn about the range of possible solutions to these challenges

    Next Generation Connectivity: A Review of Broadband Internet Transitions and Policy from Around the World

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    Fostering the development of a ubiquitously networked society, connected over high-capacity networks, is a widely shared goal among both developed and developing countries. High capacity networks are seen as strategic infrastructure, intended to contribute to high and sustainable economic growth and to core aspects of human development.

    I smooth\u27d him up with fair words : Intersocietal law, from fur trade to treaty

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    History is an essential part of aboriginal law. The two disciplines, however, may produce incompatible narratives of indigenous-settler relations. In addition, indigenous legal traditions and the fur trade in the old North West have been under-represented in Canadian legal history, a gap that demotes over two centuries of working relationships to a brief preface to the numbered treaties and confederation. This dissertation seeks to bring under-observed normative relations between indigenous and European traders into Canadian legal history. It further considers the relevance of fur trade law to the jurisprudence on aboriginal treaty rights and the significance of history in overcoming historical injustice in settler states. Using an ethnohistorical methodology, three case studies are presented on the law of the fur trade followed by a chapter connecting the interpretation of the intersocietal law of the fur trade to the interpretation of treaties in history and law. Focussing the fur trade as conducted by the Hudson\u27s Bay Company and the North West Company, the case studies investigate the normative expectations of the indigenous and company traders around particular aspects of the trading relationship. These aspects include institutions of leadership, the formation and maintenance of friendships, negotiations of trading post location, and the exchange of provisions and support in times of famine and illness. In these case studies, the intersocietal law of the trade is interpreted as incomplete and often laden with misunderstanding. It involved competition between normative systems and harboured persistent disagreements, even while sufficient shared obligations and occasional shared meanings emerged to support robust working relationships. This interpretation of the intersocietal law of the fur trade demands a shift in the characterization of treaties in history and law. I argue that to better serve the aims of justice and reconciliation, both the classification of treaties in history and the interpretive focus of the treaty rights jurisprudence must change to allow the complexity of the historical relationship - including the disagreements and injustices buried in simpler narratives - to emerge

    """I smooth'd him up with fair words"": Intersocietal law, from fur trade to treaty"

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    History is an essential part of aboriginal law. The two disciplines, however, may produce incompatible narratives of indigenous-settler relations. In addition, indigenous legal traditions and the fur trade in the old North West have been under-represented in Canadian legal history, a gap that demotes over two centuries of working relationships to a brief preface to the numbered treaties and confederation. This dissertation seeks to bring under-observed normative relations between indigenous and European traders into Canadian legal history. It further considers the relevance of fur trade law to the jurisprudence on aboriginal treaty rights and the significance of history in overcoming historical injustice in settler states. Using an ethnohistorical methodology, three case studies are presented on the law of the fur trade followed by a chapter connecting the interpretation of the intersocietal law of the fur trade to the interpretation of treaties in history and law. Focussing the fur trade as conducted by the Hudson's Bay Company and the North West Company, the case studies investigate the normative expectations of the indigenous and company traders around particular aspects of the trading relationship. These aspects include institutions of leadership, the formation and maintenance of friendships, negotiations of trading post location, and the exchange of provisions and support in times of famine and illness. In these case studies, the intersocietal law of the trade is interpreted as incomplete and often laden with misunderstanding. It involved competition between normative systems and harboured persistent disagreements, even while sufficient shared obligations and occasional shared meanings emerged to support robust working relationships. This interpretation of the intersocietal law of the fur trade demands a shift in the characterization of treaties in history and law. I argue that to better serve the aims of justice and reconciliation, both the classification of treaties in history and the interpretive focus of the treaty rights jurisprudence must change to allow the complexity of the historical relationship - including the disagreements and injustices buried in simpler narratives - to emerge

    Strengthening decision-making processes to promote water sustainability in the South African mining context: the role of good environmental governance and the law

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    This thesis examines whether the concept of good (environmental) governance provides a useful tool and legal base for the achievement of water sustainability in South Africa's mining sector. The thesis introduces water pollution as one sustainability challenge that South Africa is facing in its mining sector. The main question is how the legal framework should promote and guide water sustainability through good environmental governance. The question results from the fact that mining is a constant threat to water resources. Mining is one of the leading causes of water pollution which adversely affects human life among others when water contaminated with heavy metals is consumed. Farming, as an essential component of food security, is under constant threat in places like Mpumalanga as soils are rendered less productive by mine-contaminated water infiltrating from topsoil or rising from underground mines. Similarly, polluted water adversely affects biodiversity, thus, destroying ecosystems and vegetation which serve as livestock feed. The analysis of sustainability, governance and good governance theories and specific concepts underpinning them shows that they can inform water protection in the South African mining sector. Sustainability, found to be a broad and interdisciplinary concept, is a necessary guideline for the pursuit of water governance in the mining sector. Despite conflicting perceptions or facts regarding sustainability, it is evident that for water to be preserved, sustainable practices are essential. This requires mining activities to be conducted while always minimising the occurrence of water pollution to ensure water sustainability in the South African mining sector. The thesis also expounds that water sustainability pursued through governance practices is likely to be effective in alleviating or preventing water concerns. Thus, the concept of governance is presented as a tool with which individuals or organisations can achieve effective water sustainability, through decision-making, planning and law enforcement. Governance as a concept is complex, multifaceted and interdisciplinary, but can ensure water sustainability and the wellbeing of members of society who depend on the natural environment. The thesis further highlights that water sustainability is more likely when pursued through governance in its best possible form. The concept of good environmental governance is therefore explained as a theory that can guide effective decisionmaking and serve as a tool at the disposal of interested and affected parties to judge the performance of administrative officials. Effective decision-making processes and its elements are to be promoted through cooperative governance, accountability, transparency and public participation, for effective administrative action. The thesis then analyses the South African legal framework and establishes that water governance in the mining sector is extensively catered for therein. The Constitution sets the water sustainability mandate based on which legislation is enacted, both followed by legal interpretation in the courts. The analysis, however, show that there are various shortcomings relating to the implementation and enforcement of the law through administrative action. Nevertheless, the analysis remains hopeful that water sustainability can still be achieved in the mining sector. Despite the existence of environmental provisions and various attempts to achieve water sustainability, the current South African legal framework still fails to control water pollution effectively. The failure may be attributed to the shortcomings of the said framework, but it is, to a larger extent, a result of poor implementation and enforcement. One main reason is less effective administrative action due to inefficient decision-making processes, which implies that the quality of governance regarding water protection in the mining sector is inadequate. Such findings show that water sustainability could have been achieved or improved if decisionmakers had relied fully on good governance principles to implement and enforce provisions aimed at water protection in the mining sector. Hence, this thesis finds that no new regulation is required; rather it suggests a reform of various provisions within the existing legal framework to improve water sustainability. This is subject to improved implementation and enforcement mechanisms

    From serendipity to sustainable Green IoT: technical, industrial and political perspective

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    Recently, Internet of Things (IoT) has become one of the largest electronics market for hardware production due to its fast evolving application space. However, one of the key challenges for IoT hardware is the energy efficiency as most of IoT devices/objects are expected to run on batteries for months/years without a battery replacement or on harvested energy sources. Widespread use of IoT has also led to a largescale rise in the carbon footprint. In this regard, academia, industry and policy-makers are constantly working towards new energy-efficient hardware and software solutions paving the way for an emerging area referred to as green-IoT. With the direct integration and the evolution of smart communication between physical world and computer-based systems, IoT devices are also expected to reduce the total amount of energy consumption for the Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) sector. However, in order to increase its chance of success and to help at reducing the overall energy consumption and carbon emissions a comprehensive investigation into how to achieve green-IoT is required. In this context, this paper surveys the green perspective of the IoT paradigm and aims to contribute at establishing a global approach for green-IoT environments. A comprehensive approach is presented that focuses not only on the specific solutions but also on the interaction among them, and highlights the precautions/decisions the policy makers need to take. On one side, the ongoing European projects and standardization efforts as well as industry and academia based solutions are presented and on the other side, the challenges, open issues, lessons learned and the role of policymakers towards green-IoT are discussed. The survey shows that due to many existing open issues (e.g., technical considerations, lack of standardization, security and privacy, governance and legislation, etc.) that still need to be addressed, a realistic implementation of a sustainable green-IoT environment that could be universally accepted and deployed, is still missing
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