10,789 research outputs found

    Logic and model checking for hidden Markov models

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    The branching-time temporal logic PCTL* has been introduced to specify quantitative properties over probability systems, such as discrete-time Markov chains. Until now, however, no logics have been defined to specify properties over hidden Markov models (HMMs). In HMMs the states are hidden, and the hidden processes produce a sequence of observations. In this paper we extend the logic PCTL* to POCTL*. With our logic one can state properties such as "there is at least a 90 percent probability that the model produces a given sequence of observations" over HMMs. Subsequently, we give model checking algorithms for POCTL* over HMMs

    End-to-end Phoneme Sequence Recognition using Convolutional Neural Networks

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    Most phoneme recognition state-of-the-art systems rely on a classical neural network classifiers, fed with highly tuned features, such as MFCC or PLP features. Recent advances in ``deep learning'' approaches questioned such systems, but while some attempts were made with simpler features such as spectrograms, state-of-the-art systems still rely on MFCCs. This might be viewed as a kind of failure from deep learning approaches, which are often claimed to have the ability to train with raw signals, alleviating the need of hand-crafted features. In this paper, we investigate a convolutional neural network approach for raw speech signals. While convolutional architectures got tremendous success in computer vision or text processing, they seem to have been let down in the past recent years in the speech processing field. We show that it is possible to learn an end-to-end phoneme sequence classifier system directly from raw signal, with similar performance on the TIMIT and WSJ datasets than existing systems based on MFCC, questioning the need of complex hand-crafted features on large datasets.Comment: NIPS Deep Learning Workshop, 201

    A POMDP approach to Affective Dialogue Modeling

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    We propose a novel approach to developing a dialogue model that is able to take into account some aspects of the user's affective state and to act appropriately. Our dialogue model uses a Partially Observable Markov Decision Process approach with observations composed of the observed user's affective state and action. A simple example of route navigation is explained to clarify our approach. The preliminary results showed that: (1) the expected return of the optimal dialogue strategy depends on the correlation between the user's affective state & the user's action and (2) the POMDP dialogue strategy outperforms five other dialogue strategies (the random, three handcrafted and greedy action selection strategies)

    Second-Order Belief Hidden Markov Models

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    Hidden Markov Models (HMMs) are learning methods for pattern recognition. The probabilistic HMMs have been one of the most used techniques based on the Bayesian model. First-order probabilistic HMMs were adapted to the theory of belief functions such that Bayesian probabilities were replaced with mass functions. In this paper, we present a second-order Hidden Markov Model using belief functions. Previous works in belief HMMs have been focused on the first-order HMMs. We extend them to the second-order model

    Sentient Networks

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    In this paper we consider the question whether a distributed network of sensors and data processors can form "perceptions" based on the sensory data. Because sensory data can have exponentially many explanations, the use of a central data processor to analyze the outputs from a large ensemble of sensors will in general introduce unacceptable latencies for responding to dangerous situations. A better idea is to use a distributed "Helmholtz machine" architecture in which the collective state of the network as a whole provides an explanation for the sensory data.Comment: PostScript, 14 page