14 research outputs found

    Belief Condensation Filtering For Rssi-Based State Estimation In Indoor Localization

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    Recent advancements in signal processing and communication systems have resulted in evolution of an intriguing concept referred to as Internet of Things (IoT). By embracing the IoT evolution, there has been a surge of recent interest in localization/tracking within indoor environments based on Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) technology. The basic motive behind BLE-enabled IoT applications is to provide advanced residential and enterprise solutions in an energy efficient and reliable fashion. Although recently different state estimation (SE) methodologies, ranging from Kalman filters, Particle filters, to multiple-modal solutions, have been utilized for BLEbased indoor localization, there is a need for ever more accurate and real-time algorithms. The main challenge here is that multipath fading and drastic fluctuations in the indoor environment result in complex non-linear, non-Gaussian estimation problems. The paper focuses on an alternative solution to the existing filtering techniques and introduce/discuss incorporation of the Belief Condensation Filter (BCF) for localization via BLE-enabled beacons. The BCF is a member of the universal approximation family of densities with performance bound achieving accuracy and efficiency in sequential SE and Bayesian tracking. It is a resilient filter in harsh environments where nonlinearities and non-Gaussian noise profiles persist, as seen in such applications as Indoor Localization

    A smartphone localization algorithm using RSSI and inertial sensor measurement fusion

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    Indoor navigation using the existing wireless infrastructure and mobile devices is a very active research area. The major challenge is to leverage the extensive smartphone sensor suite to achieve location tracking with high accuracy. In this paper, we develop a navigation algorithm which fuses the WiFi received signal strength indicator (RSSI) and smartphone inertial sensor measurements. A sequential Monte Carlo filter is developed for inertial sensor based tracking, and a radiolocation algorithm is developed to infer mobile location based on RSSI measurements. The simulation results show that the proposed algorithm significantly outperforms the extended Kalman filter (EKF), and achieves competitive location accuracy compared with the round trip time (RTT) based ultra-wideband (UWB) system.National Science Foundation (U.S.) (Grant ECCS-0901034)United States. Office of Naval Research (Grant N00014-11-1-0397)Defense University Research Instrumentation Program (U.S.) (Grant N00014-08-1-0826)Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Institute for Soldier Nanotechnologie

    Probabilistic Load Forecasting Based on Adaptive Online Learning

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    Load forecasting is crucial for multiple energy management tasks such as scheduling generation capacity, planning supply and demand, and minimizing energy trade costs. Such relevance has increased even more in recent years due to the integration of renewable energies, electric cars, and microgrids. Conventional load forecasting techniques obtain singlevalue load forecasts by exploiting consumption patterns of past load demand. However, such techniques cannot assess intrinsic uncertainties in load demand, and cannot capture dynamic changes in consumption patterns. To address these problems, this paper presents a method for probabilistic load forecasting based on the adaptive online learning of hidden Markov models. We propose learning and forecasting techniques with theoretical guarantees, and experimentally assess their performance in multiple scenarios. In particular, we develop adaptive online learning techniques that update model parameters recursively, and sequential prediction techniques that obtain probabilistic forecasts using the most recent parameters. The performance of the method is evaluated using multiple datasets corresponding with regions that have different sizes and display assorted time-varying consumption patterns. The results show that the proposed method can significantly improve the performance of existing techniques for a wide range of scenarios.Ramon y Cajal Grant RYC-2016-19383 Basque Government under the grant "Artificial Intelligence in BCAM number EXP. 2019/00432" Iberdrola Foundation under the 2019 Research Grant

    Vehicular Position Tracking Using LTE Signals

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    This paper proposes and validates, in the field, an approach for position tracking that is based on Long-Term Evolution (LTE) downlink signal measurements. A setup for real data live gathering is used to collect LTE signals while driving a car in the town of Rapperswil, Switzerland. The collected data are then processed to extract the received LTE cell-specific reference signals (CRSs), which are exploited for estimating pseudoranges. More precisely, the pseudoranges are evaluated by using the \u201cESPRIT and Kalman Filter for Time-of-Arrival Tracking\u201d (EKAT) algorithm and by taking advantage of signal combining in the time, frequency, spatial, and cell ID domains. Finally, the pseudoranges are corrected for base station's clock bias and drift, which are previously estimated, and are used in a positioning filter. The obtained results demonstrate the feasibility of a position tracking system based on the reception of LTE downlink signals

    Generalized Maximum Entropy for Supervised Classification

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    The maximum entropy principle advocates to evaluate events’ probabilities using a distribution that maximizes entropy among those that satisfy certain expectations’ constraints. Such principle can be generalized for arbitrary decision problems where it corresponds to minimax approaches. This paper establishes a framework for supervised classification based on the generalized maximum entropy principle that leads to minimax risk classifiers (MRCs). We develop learning techniques that determine MRCs for general entropy functions and provide performance guarantees by means of convex optimization. In addition, we describe the relationship of the presented techniques with existing classification methods, and quantify MRCs performance in comparison with the proposed bounds and conventional methods.RYC-2016-1938

    Spatiotemporal information coupling in network navigation

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    Network navigation, encompassing both spatial and temporal cooperation to locate mobile agents, is a key enabler for numerous emerging location-based applications. In such cooperative networks, the positional information obtained by each agent is a complex compound due to the interaction among its neighbors. This information coupling may result in poor performance: algorithms that discard information coupling are often inaccurate, and algorithms that keep track of all the neighbors’ interactions are often inefficient. In this paper, we develop a principled framework to characterize the information coupling present in network navigation. Specifically, we derive the equivalent Fisher information matrix for individual agents as the sum of effective information from each neighbor and the coupled information induced by the neighbors’ interaction. We further characterize how coupled information decays with the network distance in representative case studies. The results of this work can offer guidelines for the development of distributed techniques that adequately account for information coupling, and hence enable accurate and efficient network navigation.RYC-2016-1938