158,555 research outputs found

    Bayesian networks to explain the effect of label information on product perception

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    Interdisciplinary approaches in food research require new methods in data analysis that are able to deal with complexity and facilitate the communication among model users. Four parallel full factorial within-subject designs were performed to examine the relative contribution to consumer product evaluation of intrinsic product properties and information given on packaging. Detailed experimental designs and results obtained from analyses of variance were published [1]. The data was analyzed again with the machine learning modelling technique Bayesian networks. The objective of the current paper is to explain basic features of this technique and its advantages over the standard statistical approach regarding handling of complexity and communication of results. With analysis of variance, visualization and interpretation of main effects and interactions effects becomes difficult in complex systems. The Bayesian network model offers the possibility to formally incorporate (domain) experts knowledge. By combining empirical data with the pre-defined network structure, new relationships can be learned, thus generating an update of current knowledge. Probabilistic inference in Bayesian networks allows instant and global use of the model; its graphical representation makes it easy to visualize and communicate the results. Making use of the most of data from one single experiment, as well as combining data of independent experiments makes Bayesian networks for analysing these and similarly complex and rich data set

    Optimising ITS behaviour with Bayesian networks and decision theory

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    We propose and demonstrate a methodology for building tractable normative intelligent tutoring systems (ITSs). A normative ITS uses a Bayesian network for long-term student modelling and decision theory to select the next tutorial action. Because normative theories are a general framework for rational behaviour, they can be used to both define and apply learning theories in a rational, and therefore optimal, way. This contrasts to the more traditional approach of using an ad-hoc scheme to implement the learning theory. A key step of the methodology is the induction and the continual adaptation of the Bayesian network student model from student performance data, a step that is distinct from other recent Bayesian net approaches in which the network structure and probabilities are either chosen beforehand by an expert, or by efficiency considerations. The methodology is demonstrated by a description and evaluation of CAPIT, a normative constraint-based tutor for English capitalisation and punctuation. Our evaluation results show that a class using the full normative version of CAPIT learned the domain rules at a faster rate than the class that used a non-normative version of the same system