5 research outputs found

    Toward an Integrative Understanding of Information Technology Training Research across Information Systems and Human-Computer Interaction: A Comprehensive Review

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    Researchers investigating issues in the domain of training and human-computer interaction share a common interest in ensuring that users are skilled in the use of Information Technologies (IT). When users have the necessary skills, they can utilize IT productively and also have a pleasant human-to-computer interaction. Over the past three decades, Information System (IS) researchers have made considerable efforts in identifying the most effective ways to develop users’ IT skills. However, at this point in time, there are many changes taking place in the IT environment and organizations find it challenging to keep their employees trained and updated on IT skills. Hence, it is important for the IS community to respond by taking the lead in identifying and conducting research that can help organizations effectively address these challenges. We take the first step in conducting a comprehensive review of training research published in major IS and HCI journals over the past three decades so as to synthesize IT training research, provide an integrative understanding of findings, and propose directions for future research. Our study indicates that while IS research on training has made steady progress in advancing our understanding of alternative IT training methods and cognitive learning processes, it also has several shortcomings. Past research has: a) focused primarily on the training program without sufficient attention to activities prior to and after the program, b) used a small set of theoretical foundations, and c) focused on a few topics and on single-user systems rather than integrated enterprise systems. Critical issues such as improving user motivations prior to training, transfer of training skills to the workplace, assessment of training, and supporting user learning that occurs after training have not been given adequate attention. We identify several research opportunities by tapping into relatively unexplored theories and urge researchers to continue research to address the gaps identified in this comprehensive review as well as to develop innovative methods to help employees learn through newer channels, such as e-learning and social media

    Personali koolitamine ja arendamine MTÜ Tantsukool Laguun

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    Usage of and satisfaction with accounting information systems in the hotel industry : the case of Malaysia

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    In the last 20 years, organisations have invested heavily in Information Technology (IT) to support their businesses. The work systems of organisations nowadays are increasingly IT-enabled. The tourism industry in general and hospitality industry in particular is one of the industries that are much affected by the revolution of IT. There have been made various calls for additional research to improve knowledge about the usage of and satisfaction with information systems (IS) in organisations. This study is motivated by the lack of knowledge of the use of Accounting Information Systems (AIS) in the hotel industry, especially in developing countries. Thus, this research attempts to fill a knowledge gap by exploring the adoption of AIS and the factors that influence usage of and satisfaction with the AIS, as well as the relationship between satisfaction with the AIS and its organisational impact, in Malaysia. This study uses an extension of the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) which is regarded as one of the most influential research models in explaining IT usage or acceptance behaviour in various contexts.The research adopts a triangulation approach combining both a survey and interviews. The data from the survey were collected through a postal questionnaire to senior accounting managers in three, four and five star rated hotels. The data were analysed using Partial Least Squares (PLS) which is the PLS-Graph Beta Version 3.0. Semistructured interviews with managers in six hotels supplement the findings from the survey. The interviews explained further, managers’ insights into experience and views as a means to triangulate the research. The findings confirm the wide use of computerised accounting systems in three, four and five star rated hotels, although, the extent of the AIS use is relatively unsophisticated with the focus on basic accounting modules and fundamental accounting-based applications. The main factors to influence perceived usefulness (PU) are perceived ease of use (PEOU), involvement and training. The factors that influence PEOU are experience, external expertise and PU. It is found that usage of the AIS, PU and PEOU significantly influence satisfaction with the AIS. This study also provides positive support for a relationship between satisfaction with the AIS and organisational impact. Despite the widely held belief that IT is fundamental to a firm’s survival andgrowth, previous studies struggled to link IT to organisational impact.This research adds to existing studies about the usage of and satisfaction with IT/IS. It provides further support to the TAM in terms of AIS in the hotel industry. The findings from this study also provide awareness to academics and practitioners about the importance of IT/IS in general and AIS in particular to create competitive advantages and to improve firms’ efficiency and effectiveness, as well as to impact to overall firm performance

    Essays on Technology-Mediated Training: Implications for Design and Evaluation

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    Information technology (IT) is increasingly used to impart a variety training skills, and these skills may range from specific software application operations and computer programming to learning about generic business processes. Using IT to assist training is broadly termed “Technology-Mediated Learning” (TML). Following the three essay model, this dissertation examines training interventions in the context of TML. In Essay 1, a thorough literature survey of technology training in Information Systems (IS) was conducted, resulting in clarification of the nomenclature used in TML. Essay 1 also identified of two leading theories used in TML research: (a) Social cognitive theory (SCT) (b) cognitive load theory (CLT). These two theories were subsequently explored in detail in Essay 2 and Essay 3. According to SCT, humans learn via observational learning (OL) processes of attention, retention, production, and motivation. Essay 2 developed and tested a nomological model of relationships among OL processes. Essay 2 also examined the effectiveness of a mental rehearsal training intervention in the technology-mediated training context of Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) simulation. A between-subjects quasi-experiment with n = 150 was conducted to do so, where the control group received training which espoused vicarious learning as well as enactive learning to form the baseline. The treatment group was exposed to additional mental rehearsal. The results supported the hypothesized model of observational learning. Further, the mental rehearsal (i.e., intervention) group formed knowledge structures that shared greater similarity with ERP experts’ knowledge structures compared to the control group. The treatment group also scored significantly higher in terms of business process knowledge and integration knowledge compared to the control group. Essay 3 examined the mechanism behind the effectiveness of mental rehearsal in a technology-mediated training context of Massively Open Online Classes (MOOCs). To do so, it employed cognitive load theory (CLT). A randomized two-group post-test online experiment was conducted with a sample size of 258 to test the conjecture that mental rehearsal reduced extraneous load while enhanced germane load. Results supported the hypotheses related to germane load and extraneous load. It was also found that mental rehearsal led to the formation of knowledge structures that shared greater similarity to experts’ knowledge structures compared to the control group. Thus, supporting the notion that mental rehearsal enhances the effectiveness of training in TML contexts

    Decisividade : desenvolvimento da tomada de decisão em jovens do ensino superior

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    A perda, diminuição ou ausência de autonomia é um dos fatores principais de psicopatologia, com impacto no bem-estar geral e na capacidade de prossecução dos objetivos de cada um. Esta investigação pretendeu contribuir para a promoção da decisividade -a capacidade de tomar decisões de qualidade -em adultos emergentes, tendo sido construído o Programa de Desenvolvimento da Tomada de Decisão (TD+), dirigido a estudantes do ensino superior, influenciado pela Teoria do Conflito, a Competência de Tomada de Decisão Adulta, modelos de duplo processamento e o modelo da Qualidade da Decisão. Para além da construção do programa, foi validado o Questionário de Melbourne de Tomada de Decisão (QMTD) para avaliação do TD+ e foram realizados grupos focais com adultos emergentes para recolha de perceções sobre a decisividade para utilização na construção do programa. O TD+ foi aplicado e avaliado numa amostra de estudantes universitários (N = 49), através de um desenho quasi-experimental de pré-teste/pós-teste com grupo de controlo (n = 16) e grupo experimental (n = 33), incluindo um follow-up no grupo experimental (n = 11). O QMTD manteve a sua estrutura original e mostrou ser invariante em termos de género e idade. Nos grupos focais os participantes indicaram considerar útil uma formação para a promoção da decisividade, apontando ainda a gestão emocional, a gestão das influências sociais, criatividade e maior consciência da decisão como aspetos a promover. O TD+ aumentou o uso do padrão vigilante de decisão, a autoestima na tomada de decisão, a frequência de emoções positivas, enquanto diminuiu as emoções negativas. O programa promoveu maior satisfação com a vida e tendência a maior sucesso académico. Com esta investigação passamos a ter disponível em português um questionário de avaliação da tomada de decisão e um programa dirigido ao desenvolvimento da decisividade que melhora a competência de tomada de decisão. Simultaneamente, são disponibilizados dados descritivos que contribuem para uma melhor compreensão da decisão em adultos emergentesThe loss, decrease or absence of autonomy, is one of the main factors of psychopathology, with an impact on the general well-being and the ability to achieve one’s objectives. This research aims to promote decisiveness -the ability to make quality decisions -in emerging adults, developing for these purposes the Decision Making Development Program (DM+), influenced by the Conflict Theory, the Adult Decision Making Competence, dual processing models and the Decision Quality model. The Melbourne Decision-Making Questionnaire (MDMQ) was validated to assess DM+, and focus groups were conducted with emerging adults to collect perceptions about decisiveness and subsequent use in the construction of the program. The DM+ was evaluated (N = 49) through a quasi-experimental pre-test/post-test design with control group (n = 16) and experimental group (n = 33), including a follow-up in the experimental group (n = 11). The MDMQ maintained the original structure, showing to be invariant in terms of gender and age. In the focus groups, the participants indicated that they considered useful training for the promotion of decision-making, pointing to emotional management, management of social influences, creativity, and greater awareness of the decision as aspects to be promoted. The DM+ increased the use of the vigilant pattern, self-esteem in decision making, frequency of positive emotions, while decreasing negative emotions. The program promoted greater satisfaction with life and a tendency to greater academic success. A decision-making assessment questionnaire and a decision-making program that improves decision-making competence become available in Portuguese. At the same time, descriptive data that contributes to a better understanding of decision-making in emerging adults is made available