5 research outputs found

    Technology Independent Synthesis of CMOS Operational Amplifiers

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    Analog circuit design does not enjoy as much automation as its digital counterpart. Analog sizing is inherently knowledge intensive and requires accurate modeling of the different parametric effects of the devices. Besides, the set of constraints in a typical analog design problem is large, involving complex tradeoffs. For these reasons, the task of modeling an analog design problem in a form viable for automation is much more tedious than the digital design. Consequently, analog blocks are still handcrafted intuitively and often become a bottleneck in the integrated circuit design, thereby increasing the time to market. In this work, we address the problem of automatically solving an analog circuit design problem. Specifically, we propose methods to automate the transistor-level sizing of OpAmps. Given the specifications and the netlist of the OpAmp, our methodology produces a design that has the accuracy of the BSIM models used for simulation and the advantage of a quick design time. The approach is based on generating an initial first-order design and then refining it. In principle, the refining approach is a simulated-annealing scheme that uses (i) localized simulations and (ii) convex optimization scheme (COS). The optimal set of input variables for localized simulations has been selected by using techniques from Design of Experiments (DOE). To formulate the design problem as a COS problem, we have used monomial circuit models that are fitted from simulation data. These models accurately predict the performance of the circuit in the proximity of the initial guess. The models can also be used to gain valuable insight into the behavior of the circuit and understand the interrelations between the different performance constraints. A software framework that implements this methodology has been coded in SKILL language of Cadence. The methodology can be applied to design different OpAmp topologies across different technologies. In other words, the framework is both technology independent and topology independent. In addition, we develop a scheme to empirically model the small signal parameters like \u27gm\u27 and \u27gds\u27 of CMOS transistors. The monomial device models are reusable for a given technology and can be used to formulate the OpAmp design problem as a COS problem. The efficacy of the framework has been demonstrated by automatically designing different OpAmp topologies across different technologies. We designed a two-stage OpAmp and a telescopic OpAmp in TSMC025 and AMI016 technologies. Our results show significant (10–15%) improvement in the performance of both the OpAmps in both the technologies. While the methodology has shown encouraging results in the sub-micrometer regime, the effectiveness of the tool has to be investigated in the deep-sub-micron technologies

    Framework de síntese de sistemas digitais em alto nível de abstração para emprego em ferramentas CAD

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    The development of digital systems requires an extreme attention by the circuit designer due to the different abstraction domains that the same system could be; therefore, the difficulty of building a circuit might be higher primarily because a schematic in a high level of abstraction has to be modeled, and just then, from the constructed component, the system can be implemented into a low level language. According to the top down methodology, this process of translating a circuit from a level of abstraction to another is called synthesis. This project brings up a framework that is able to translate schematics of digital systems built on the CAD tool Logisim, into implementations at the hardware level. The set of tests applied on 41 different circuits models have shown that the tool ellaborated works and it is effective, ensuring the desired output.A modelagem de sistemas digitais exige que o designer de circuitos atente-se á adequação de um projeto aos demais domínios de abstração. Logo, o nível de dificuldade de construção de um circuito pode-se tornar um tanto quanto elevado, já que deve-se elaborar um modelo esquemático em um alto nível de abstração para depois então, `a partir do diagrama construído, implementar o sistema em uma linguagem de baixo nível. De acordo com a metodologia top down, esse processo de mudança de um sistema digital de um nível de abstração para outro nível mais baixo é denominado síntese. Este projeto oferece um framework capaz de realizar a tradução de modelos esquemáticos de circuitos lógicos produzidos através da ferramenta CAD Logisim para implementações a nível de descrição de hardware. Os testes executados em 41 modelos de circuitos mostraram que a ferramenta é confiável e cumpre de forma eficaz o seu propósito

    Behavioral Synthesis of Analog Systems using Two-Layered Design Space Exploration

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    This paper presents a novel approach for synthesis of analog systems from behavioral VHDL-AMS specifications. We implemented this approach in the VASE behavioral-synthesis tool. The synthesis process produces a netlist of electronic components that are selected from a component library and sized such that the overall area is minimized and the rest of the performance constraints such as power, slew-rate, bandwidth, etc. are met. The gap between system level specifications and implementations is bridged using a hierarchically-organized, design-space exploration methodology. Our methodology performs a two-layered synthesis, the first being architecture generation, and the other component synthesis and constraint transformation. For architecture generation we suggest a branch-and-bound algorithm, while component synthesis and constraint transformation use a Genetic Algorithm based heuristic method. Crucial to the success of our exploration methodology is a fast and accurate performance est..

    Méthode de modélisation et de raffinement pour les systèmes hétérogènes. Illustration avec le langage System C-AMS

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    Les systèmes sur puces intègrent aujourd hui sur le même substrat des parties analogiques et des unités de traitement numérique. Tandis que la complexité de ces systèmes s accroissait, leur temps de mise sur le marché se réduisait. Une conception descendante globale et coordonnée du système est devenue indispensable de façon à tenir compte des interactions entre les parties analogiques et les partis numériques dès le début du développement. Dans le but de répondre à ce besoin, cette thèse expose un processus de raffinement progressif et méthodique des parties analogiques, comparable à ce qui existe pour le raffinement des parties numériques. L'attention a été plus particulièrement portée sur la définition des niveaux analogiques les plus abstraits et à la mise en correspondance des niveaux d abstraction entre parties analogiques et numériques. La cohérence du raffinement analogique exige de détecter le niveau d abstraction à partir duquel l utilisation d un modèle trop idéalisé conduit à des comportements irréalistes et par conséquent d identifier l étape du raffinement à partir de laquelle les limitations et les non linéarités aux conséquences les plus fortes sur le comportement doivent être introduites. Cette étape peut être d un niveau d'abstraction élevé. Le choix du style de modélisation le mieux adapté à chaque niveau d'abstraction est crucial pour atteindre le meilleur compromis entre vitesse de simulation et précision. Les styles de modélisations possibles à chaque niveau ont été examinés de façon à évaluer leur impact sur la simulation. Les différents modèles de calcul de SystemC-AMS ont été catégorisés dans cet objectif. Les temps de simulation obtenus avec SystemC-AMS ont été comparés avec Matlab Simulink. L'interface entre les modèles issus de l'exploration d'architecture, encore assez abstraits, et les modèles plus fin requis pour l'implémentation, est une question qui reste entière. Une bibliothèque de composants électroniques complexes décrits en SystemC-AMS avec le modèle de calcul le plus précis (modélisation ELN) pourrait être une voie pour réussir une telle interface. Afin d illustrer ce que pourrait être un élément d une telle bibliothèque et ainsi démontrer la faisabilité du concept, un modèle d'amplificateur opérationnel a été élaboré de façon à être suffisamment détaillé pour prendre en compte la saturation de la tension de sortie et la vitesse de balayage finie, tout en gardant un niveau d'abstraction suffisamment élevé pour rester indépendant de toute hypothèse sur la structure interne de l'amplificateur ou la technologie à employer.Systems on Chip (SoC) embed in the same chip analogue parts and digital processing units. While their complexity is ever increasing, their time to market is becoming shorter. A global and coordinated top-down design approach of the whole system is becoming crucial in order to take into account the interactions between the analogue and digital parts since the beginning of the development. This thesis presents a systematic and gradual refinement process for the analogue parts comparable to what exists for the digital parts. A special attention has been paid to the definition of the highest abstracted analogue levels and to the correspondence between the analogue and the digital abstraction levels. The analogue refinement consistency requires to detect the abstraction level where a too idealised model leads to unrealistic behaviours. Then the refinement step consist in introducing for instance the limitations and non-linearities that have a strong impact on the behaviour. Such a step can be done at a relatively high level of abstraction. Correctly choosing a modelling style, that suits well an abstraction level, is crucial to obtain the best trade-off between the simulation speed and the accuracy. The modelling styles at each abstraction level have been examined to understand their impact on the simulation. The SystemC-AMS models of computation have been classified for this purpose. The SystemC-AMS simulation times have been compared to that obtained with Matlab Simulink. The interface between models arisen from the architectural exploration still rather abstracted and the more detailed models that are required for the implementation, is still an open question. A library of complex electronic components described with the most accurate model of computation of SystemC-AMS (ELN modelling) could be a way to achieve such an interface. In order to show what should be an element of such a library, and thus prove the concept, a model of an operational amplifier has been elaborated. It is enough detailed to take into account the output voltage saturation and the finite slew rate of the amplifier. Nevertheless, it remains sufficiently abstracted to stay independent from any architectural or technological assumption.SAVOIE-SCD - Bib.électronique (730659901) / SudocGRENOBLE1/INP-Bib.électronique (384210012) / SudocGRENOBLE2/3-Bib.électronique (384219901) / SudocSudocFranceF