167 research outputs found

    Flooding attacks to internet threat monitors (ITM): Modeling and counter measures using botnet and honeypots

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    The Internet Threat Monitoring (ITM),is a globally scoped Internet monitoring system whose goal is to measure, detect, characterize, and track threats such as distribute denial of service(DDoS) attacks and worms. To block the monitoring system in the internet the attackers are targeted the ITM system. In this paper we address flooding attack against ITM system in which the attacker attempt to exhaust the network and ITM's resources, such as network bandwidth, computing power, or operating system data structures by sending the malicious traffic. We propose an information-theoretic frame work that models the flooding attacks using Botnet on ITM. Based on this model we generalize the flooding attacks and propose an effective attack detection using Honeypots

    Analysis of rxbot

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    Advanced Methods for Botnet Intrusion Detection Systems

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    OnionBots: Subverting Privacy Infrastructure for Cyber Attacks

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    Over the last decade botnets survived by adopting a sequence of increasingly sophisticated strategies to evade detection and take overs, and to monetize their infrastructure. At the same time, the success of privacy infrastructures such as Tor opened the door to illegal activities, including botnets, ransomware, and a marketplace for drugs and contraband. We contend that the next waves of botnets will extensively subvert privacy infrastructure and cryptographic mechanisms. In this work we propose to preemptively investigate the design and mitigation of such botnets. We first, introduce OnionBots, what we believe will be the next generation of resilient, stealthy botnets. OnionBots use privacy infrastructures for cyber attacks by completely decoupling their operation from the infected host IP address and by carrying traffic that does not leak information about its source, destination, and nature. Such bots live symbiotically within the privacy infrastructures to evade detection, measurement, scale estimation, observation, and in general all IP-based current mitigation techniques. Furthermore, we show that with an adequate self-healing network maintenance scheme, that is simple to implement, OnionBots achieve a low diameter and a low degree and are robust to partitioning under node deletions. We developed a mitigation technique, called SOAP, that neutralizes the nodes of the basic OnionBots. We also outline and discuss a set of techniques that can enable subsequent waves of Super OnionBots. In light of the potential of such botnets, we believe that the research community should proactively develop detection and mitigation methods to thwart OnionBots, potentially making adjustments to privacy infrastructure.Comment: 12 pages, 8 figure

    Securing Enterprise Networks with Statistical Node Behavior Profiling

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    The substantial proliferation of the Internet has made it the most critical infrastructure in today\u27s world. However, it is still vulnerable to various kinds of attacks/malwares and poses a number of great security challenges. Furthermore, we have also witnessed in the past decade that there is always a fast self-evolution of attacks/malwares (e.g. from worms to botnets) against every success in network security. Network security thereby remains a hot topic in both research and industry and requires both continuous and great attention. In this research, we consider two fundamental areas in network security, malware detection and background traffic modeling, from a new view point of node behavior profiling under enterprise network environments. Our main objectives are to extend and enhance the current research in these two areas. In particular, central to our research is the node behavior profiling approach that groups the behaviors of different nodes by jointly considering time and spatial correlations. We also present an extensive study on botnets, which are believed to be the largest threat to the Internet. To better understand the botnet, we propose a botnet framework and predict a new P2P botnet that is much stronger and stealthier than the current ones. We then propose anomaly malware detection approaches based directly on the insights (statistical characteristics) from the node behavior study and apply them on P2P botnet detection. Further, by considering the worst case attack model where the botmaster knows all the parameter values used in detection, we propose a fast and optimized anomaly detection approach by formulating the detection problem as an optimization problem. In addition, we propose a novel traffic modeling structure using behavior profiles for NIDS evaluations. It is efficient and takes into account the node heterogeneity in traffic modeling. It is also compatible with most current modeling schemes and helpful in generating better realistic background traffic. Last but not least, we evaluate the proposed approaches using real user trace from enterprise networks and achieve encouraging results. Our contributions in this research include: 1) a new node behavior profiling approach to study the normal node behavior; 2) a framework for botnets; 3) a new P2P botnet and performance comparisons with other P2P botnets; 4) two anomaly detection approaches based on node behavior profiles; 4) a fast and optimized anomaly detection approach under the worst case attack model; 5) a new traffic modeling structure and 6) simulations and evaluations of the above approaches under real user data from enterprise networks. To the best of our knowledge, we are the first to propose the botnet framework, consider the worst case attack model and propose corresponding fast and optimized solution in botnet related research. We are also the first to propose efficient solutions in traffic modeling without the assumption of node homogeneity

    A Survey of Botnet Detection Techniques by Command and Control Infrastructure

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    Botnets have evolved to become one of the most serious threats to the Internet and there is substantial research on both botnets and botnet detection techniques. This survey reviewed the history of botnets and botnet detection techniques. The survey showed traditional botnet detection techniques rely on passive techniques, primarily honeypots, and that honeypots are not effective at detecting peer-to-peer and other decentralized botnets. Furthermore, the detection techniques aimed at decentralized and peer-to-peer botnets focus on detecting communications between the infected bots. Recent research has shown hierarchical clustering of flow data and machine learning are effective techniques for detecting botnet peer-to-peer traffic

    Generating content-based signatures for detecting bot-infected machines

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    Ankara : The Department of Computer Engineering and the Institute of Engineering and Science of Bilkent University, 2008.Thesis (Master's) -- Bilkent University, 2008.Includes bibliographical references leaves 76-79.A botnet is a network of compromised machines that are remotely controlled and commanded by an attacker, who is often called the botmaster. Such botnets are often abused as platforms to launch distributed denial of service attacks, send spam mails or perform identity theft. In recent years, the basic motivations for malicious activity have shifted from script kiddie vandalism in the hacker community, to more organized attacks and intrusions for financial gain. This shift explains the reason for the rise of botnets that have capabilities to perform more sophisticated malicious activities. Recently, researchers have tried to develop botnet detection mechanisms. The botnet detection mechanisms proposed to date have serious limitations, since they either can handle only certain types of botnets or focus on only specific botnet attributes, such as the spreading mechanism, the attack mechanism, etc., in order to constitute their detection models. We present a system that monitors network traffic to identify bot-infected hosts. Our goal is to develop a more general detection model that identifies single infected machines without relying on the bot propagation vector. To this end, we leverage the insight that all of the bots get a command and perform an action as a response, since the command and response behavior is the unique characteristic that distinguishes the bots from other malware. Thus, we examine the network traffic generated by bots to locate command and response behaviors. Afterwards, we generate signatures from the similar commands that are followed by similar bot responses without any explicit knowledge about the command and control protocol. The signatures are deployed to an IDS that monitors the network traffic of a university. Finally, the experiments showed that our system is capable of detecting bot-infected machines with a low false positive rate.Bilge, LeylaM.S