11 research outputs found

    Inter-core crosstalk dependence on design parameters in coherent detection weakly-coupled multicore fiber systems

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    We assess, through numerical simulation, the dependence of the variance of the inter-core crosstalk (ICXT) and the maximum allowable ICXT level on the design parameters of coherent detection MCF systems. The analysed design parameters are the order of the quadrature amplitude modulation (QAM) signals, roll-off factor, time misalignment between the signal in different cores and skew between cores. The results show that, when the roll-off factor is 0, the maximum allowable ICXT level is independent of the skew and decreases for higher QAM orders. For a roll-off factor of 1, the maximum allowable ICXT level depends on the skew and time misalignment of core signals. In this case, the maximum allowable ICXT level increases by 3.6 dB relative to the case of roll-off factor of 0 with null skew, and by 2 dB, when the skew is much higher than the symbol period.info:eu-repo/semantics/acceptedVersio

    A universal specification for multicore fiber crosstalk

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    © 2019 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes,creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other works.In order to transition multi-core fiber (MCF) technologies from their research state to volume production, the key design specifications have to be broadly agreed upon, first and foremost an acceptable level of inter-core crosstalk per unit length. Against common belief, we show that MCF crosstalk requirements per unit length are fairly independent of transmission distance in the context of modern coherent optical communication systems. As a consequence, a single value for the tolerable inter-core crosstalk per unit length can be used to specify MCFs, valid from metropolitan (~100 km) to trans-pacific (~10 000 km) deployment scenarios. The notion of a universal inter-core crosstalk specification allows for application-independent MCF designs (including a distance-independent optimum core density) and will facilitate the standardization and volume manufacturing of MCF.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    5G fronthauls with multicore fibers: CPRI signals performance degradation induced by intercore crosstalk

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    Weakly-coupled multicore fibers (MCFs) have been proposed to support the huge data capacity demanded by future 5G fronthauls. However, in MCFs, intercore crosstalk (ICXT), i.e., power coupling between different MCF cores, can degrade significantly the performance of the 5G fronthaul, particularly, when using Common Public Radio Interface (CPRI) signals and direct-detection at the optical receiver. In this work, the performance degradation induced by ICXT in 5G fronthauls with MCFs and direct-detection is assessed by numerical simulation. We show that the study of the outage probability is essential to ensure the reliability and the good quality of service in 5G fronthauls supported by MCFs impaired by ICXT with CPRI signals transmission. The ICXT level that leads to an outage probability of 10-4 is more than 5.6 dB lower than the ICXT level necessary to reach the power penalty of 1 dB. Our results also indicate that fronthaul systems with lower extinction ratio exhibit an higher tolerance to ICXTinfo:eu-repo/semantics/acceptedVersio

    Impact of inter-core crosstalk on the performance of multi-core fibers-based SDM systems with coherent detection

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    Inter-core crosstalk (ICXT) can limit the multi-core fiber (MCF) systems performance and transmission reach. Over the last years, the impact of the ICXT on the performance of MCF optical communication systems with coherent detection has been investigated in several works. However, the influence of the MCF parameters and transmitted signal characteristics on the ICXT mechanism and the degradation induced by it on the performance of coherent detection MCF systems are still to be completely assessed. In this work, the impact of the ICXT on the performance of coherent detection MCF-based transmission systems is assessed through numerical simulation considering fiber linear propagation. The metrics used to assess the MCF system performance are the bit error rate (BER) and the optical signal-to-noise ratio (OSNR) penalty due to the ICXT. Our results show that the BER and the OSNR penalty due to the detected ICXT, in MCF-based systems with coherent detection, are influenced by the s kew, time misalignment between the transmitted signals and the roll-off factor of the transmitted signals. In the range of skew and roll-off factors analyzed, the maximum reduction of maximum ICXT level for a 1 dB OSNR penalty by appropriate choice of skew and roll-off factor does not exceed 1.7 dB.info:eu-repo/semantics/acceptedVersio

    Outage probability due to crosstalk from multiple interfering cores in PAM4 inter-datacenter connections

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    In this work, we propose to use four-level pulse amplitude modulation (PAM4) and multicore fibers (MCFs) to support very high capacity datacenter interconnect (DCI) links. The limitations imposed by inter-core crosstalk (ICXT) on the performance of 112 Gb/s up to 80 km-long optically amplified PAM4 inter-DCI links with intensity-modulation and direct-detection and full chromatic dispersion compensation in the optical domain are analyzed through numerical simulation for high and low skew-symbol rate product (SSRP). With only one interfering core, we show that those PAM4 inter-DCI links achieve an outage probability (OP) of 10−4 with a maximum ICXT level of −13.9 dB for high SSRP and require an ICXT level reduction of about 8.1 dB to achieve the same OP for low SSRP. Due to using full dispersion compensation, for an OP of 10−4, the maximum acceptable ICXT level shows only a 1.4 dB variation with the MCF length increase from 10 km to 80 km. When considering the ICXT induced by several interfering cores, the maximum ICXT level per interfering core for an OP of 10−4 decreases around 3 dB when doubling the number of interfering cores. This conclusion holds for high and low SSRP regimes. For two interfering cores, we show that a single interfering core with low SSRP is enough to induce a severe reduction of the maximum acceptable ICXT level.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Transmission of 5G signals in multicore fibers impaired by inter-core crosstalk

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    A capacidade de dados exigida pelo surgimento do 5G levou a mudanças na arquitetura das redes sem fios passando a incluir fibras multinúcleo (MCFs, acrónimo anglo-saxónico de multicore fibers) no fronthaul. No entanto, a transmissão de sinais nas MCFs é degradada pela interferência entre núcleos (ICXT, acrónimo anglo-saxónico de intercore crosstalk). Neste trabalho, o impacto da ICXT sobre o desempenho na transmissão de sinais CPRI (acrónimo anglo-saxónico de Common Public Radio Interface) numa rede de acesso 5G com detecção direta, suportada por MCFs homogéneas com um acoplamento reduzido entre núcleos, é estudado através de simulação numérica. A taxa de erros de bit (BER, acrónimo anglo-saxónico de bit error rate), a análise de padrões de olho, a penalidade de potência e a indisponibilidade são utilizadas como métricas para avaliar o impacto da ICXT no desempenho do sistema, considerando dois modelos para a polariza- ção dos sinais. Os resultados numéricos são obtidos através da combinação de simulação de Monte Carlo com um método semi-analítico para avaliar a BER. Para uma penalidade de potência de 1 dB, para sinais CPRI com FEC (acrónimo anglo-saxónico de forward-error correction), devido ao aumento do walkoff da MCF de 1 ps/km para 50 ps/km, a tolerância dos sinais CPRI relativamente à ICXT aumenta 1.4 dB. No entanto, para níveis de interferência que levam a uma penalidade de potência de 1 dB, o sistema está praticamente indisponível. Para alcançar uma probabilidade de indisponibilidade de 10-5 usando sinais com FEC, são necessários níveis de interferência muito mais reduzidos, abaixo de -27:8 dB e -24:8 dB, para sinais de polarização única e dupla, respectivamente. Este trabalho demonstra que é essencial estudar a indisponibilidade em vez da penalidade de potência de 1 dB para garantir a qualidade do serviço em sistemas de comunicação óptica com detecção direta suportados por MCFs homogéneas com um acoplamento reduzido entre núcleos onde a ICXT domina a degradação do desempenho.The data capacity demanded by the emergence of 5G lead to changes in the wireless network architecture with proposals including multicore fibers (MCFs) in the fronthaul. However, the transmission of signals in MCFs is impaired by intercore crosstalk (ICXT). In this work, the impact of ICXT on the transmission performance of Common Public Radio Interface (CPRI) signals in a 5G network fronthaul supported by homogeneous weakly-coupled MCFs with direct detection is studied by numerical simulation. Bit error rate (BER), eye-patterns analysis, power penalty and outage probability are used as metrics to assess the ICXT impact on the system performance, considering two models for the signals polarizations. The results are obtained by combining Monte Carlo simulation and a semi-analytical method to assess numerically the BER. For 1 dB power penalty, with forward error correction (FEC) CPRI signals, due to the increase of the MCF walkoff from 1 ps/km to 50 ps/km, an improvement of the tolerance of CPRI signals to ICXT of 1.4 dB is observed. However, for crosstalk levels that lead to 1 dB power penalty, the system is unavailable with very high outage probability. To reach a reasonable outage probability of 10−5 for FEC signals, much lower crosstalk levels, below -27:8 dB, and -24:8 dB, for single and dual polarization signals, respectively, are required. Hence, this work shows that it is essential to study the outage probability instead of the 1 dB power penalty to guarantee quality of service in direct-detection optical communication systems supported by weakly-coupled homogeneous MCFs and impaired by ICXT