188 research outputs found

    Humanoid Theory Grounding

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    In this paper we consider the importance of using a humanoid physical form for a certain proposed kind of robotics, that of theory grounding. Theory grounding involves grounding the theory skills and knowledge of an embodied artificially intelligent (AI) system by developing theory skills and knowledge from the bottom up. Theory grounding can potentially occur in a variety of domains, and the particular domain considered here is that of language. Language is taken to be another “problem space” in which a system can explore and discover solutions. We argue that because theory grounding necessitates robots experiencing domain information, certain behavioral-form aspects, such as abilities to socially smile, point, follow gaze, and generate manual gestures, are necessary for robots grounding a humanoid theory of language

    Exploring Automated Leadership and Agent Interaction Modalities

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    Advances in computer technology and research in the field of artificial intelligence have enabled computers to take on roles traditionally held by humans. Insights from leadership research have identified behaviors that, when applied strategically and systematically, can improve individual and team performance. We propose that some aspects of leadership are candidates for automation. This paper briefly reviews relevant leadership literature and describes three leadership behaviors that may be possibly automated: goal setting, performance monitoring, and performance consequences. The paper also explores the relationship of different embodiments of the artificial leaders, the impact of these embodiments in conveying social presence and the impact of this presence on performance and satisfaction outcomes. We conducted an experiment to investigate the effect of automated leadership on follower attitudes and behavior. Initial results suggest that automated leadership may positively influence performance and accuracy for individuals engaged in a clerical task

    Rare neural correlations implement robotic conditioning with delayed rewards and disturbances

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    Neural conditioning associates cues and actions with following rewards. The environments in which robots operate, however, are pervaded by a variety of disturbing stimuli and uncertain timing. In particular, variable reward delays make it difficult to reconstruct which previous actions are responsible for following rewards. Such an uncertainty is handled by biological neural networks, but represents a challenge for computational models, suggesting the lack of a satisfactory theory for robotic neural conditioning. The present study demonstrates the use of rare neural correlations in making correct associations between rewards and previous cues or actions. Rare correlations are functional in selecting sparse synapses to be eligible for later weight updates if a reward occurs. The repetition of this process singles out the associating and reward-triggering pathways, and thereby copes with distal rewards. The neural network displays macro-level classical and operant conditioning, which is demonstrated in an interactive real-life human-robot interaction. The proposed mechanism models realistic conditioning in humans and animals and implements similar behaviors in neuro-robotic platforms

    Developmental Robots - A New Paradigm

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    It has been proved to be extremely challenging for humans to program a robot to such a sufficient degree that it acts properly in a typical unknown human environment. This is especially true for a humanoid robot due to the very large number of redundant degrees of freedom and a large number of sensors that are required for a humanoid to work safely and effectively in the human environment. How can we address this fundamental problem? Motivated by human mental development from infancy to adulthood, we present a theory, an architecture, and some experimental results showing how to enable a robot to develop its mind automatically, through online, real time interactions with its environment. Humans mentally “raise” the robot through “robot sitting” and “robot schools” instead of task-specific robot programming

    Skinner operant conditioning model and robot bionic self-learning control

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    Fuzzy Skinner Operant Conditioning Automaton (FSOCA) sastavljen je na temelju Operant Conditioning mehanizma primjenom teorije neizrazitih skupova. Osnovno obilježje automata FSOCA je sljedeće: neizraziti rezultati stanja pomoću Gausove funkcije koriste se kao skupovi neizrazitog stanja; neizrazita pravila preslikavanja (fuzzy mapping rules) kod fuzzy-conditioning-operacije zamjenjuju stohastičke "conditioning-operant" skupove preslikavanja. Stoga se automat FSOCA može koristiti za opisivanje, simuliranje i dizajniranje raznih samo-organizirajućih radnji fuzzy nesigurnog sustava. Automat FSOCA najprije usvaja online algoritam grupiranja (clustering) u svrhu podjele ulaznog prostora (input space) te koristi intenzitet pobude pravila preslikavanja kako bi odlučio treba li generirati novo pravilo preslikavanja da bi broj pravila preslikavanja bio ekonomičan. Dizajnirani FSOCA automat primijenjen je za reguliranje balansiranja gibanja robota s dva kotača. Kako se učenje nastavlja, odabrana vjerojatnoća fuzzy operanta koji optimalno slijedi postepeno će se povećavati, entropijsko djelovanje fuzzy operanta će se postepeno smanjivati pa će se automatski generirati i izbrisati neizrazita pravila preslikavanja. Nakon otprilike sedamnaest krugova obuke, odabrane vjerojatnosti neizrazitog posljedičnog optimalnog operanta postupno teže prema jednoj, entropija djelovanja neizrazitog operanta postupno se smanjuje i broj neizrazitih pravila preslikavanja postaje optimalan. Tako robot postupno uči vještinu balansiranja gibanja.A Fuzzy Skinner Operant Conditioning Automaton (FSOCA) is constructed based on Operant Conditioning Mechanism with Fuzzy Set theory. The main character of FSOCA automaton is: the fuzzed results of state by Gaussian function are used as fuzzy state sets; the fuzzy mapping rules of fuzzy-conditioning-operation replace the stochastic "conditioning-operant" mapping sets. So the FSOCA automaton can be used to describe, simulate and design various self-organization actions of a fuzzy uncertain system. The FSOCA automaton firstly adopts online clustering algorithm to divide the input space and uses the excitation intensity of mapping rule to decide whether a new mapping rule needs to be generated in order to ensure that the number of mapping rules is economical. The designed FSOCA automaton is applied to motion balanced control of two-wheeled robot. With the learning proceeding, the selected probability of the optimal consequent fuzzy operant will gradually increase, the fuzzy operant action entropy will gradually decrease and the fuzzy mapping rules will automatically be generated and deleted. After about seventeen rounds of training, the selected probabilities of fuzzy consequent optimal operant gradually tend to one, the fuzzy operant action entropy gradually tends to minimum and the number of fuzzy mapping rules is optimum. So the robot gradually learns the motion balance skill

    Procedural-Reasoning Architecture for Applied Behavior Analysis-based Instructions

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    Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is a complex developmental disability affecting as many as 1 in every 88 children. While there is no known cure for ASD, there are known behavioral and developmental interventions, based on demonstrated efficacy, that have become the predominant treatments for improving social, adaptive, and behavioral functions in children. Applied Behavioral Analysis (ABA)-based early childhood interventions are evidence based, efficacious therapies for autism that are widely recognized as effective approaches to remediation of the symptoms of ASD. They are, however, labor intensive and consequently often inaccessible at the recommended levels. Recent advancements in socially assistive robotics and applications of virtual intelligent agents have shown that children with ASD accept intelligent agents as effective and often preferred substitutes for human therapists. This research is nascent and highly experimental with no unifying, interdisciplinary, and integral approach to development of intelligent agents based therapies, especially not in the area of behavioral interventions. Motivated by the absence of the unifying framework, we developed a conceptual procedural-reasoning agent architecture (PRA-ABA) that, we propose, could serve as a foundation for ABA-based assistive technologies involving virtual, mixed or embodied agents, including robots. This architecture and related research presented in this disser- tation encompass two main areas: (a) knowledge representation and computational model of the behavioral aspects of ABA as applicable to autism intervention practices, and (b) abstract architecture for multi-modal, agent-mediated implementation of these practices

    Construction of a memory model using neural networks and its application to a humanoid robot

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    制度:新 ; 文部省報告番号:甲2424号 ; 学位の種類:博士(工学) ; 授与年月日:2007/3/1 ; 早大学位記番号:新451

    A Survey of Robotics Control Based on Learning-Inspired Spiking Neural Networks

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    Biological intelligence processes information using impulses or spikes, which makes those living creatures able to perceive and act in the real world exceptionally well and outperform state-of-the-art robots in almost every aspect of life. To make up the deficit, emerging hardware technologies and software knowledge in the fields of neuroscience, electronics, and computer science have made it possible to design biologically realistic robots controlled by spiking neural networks (SNNs), inspired by the mechanism of brains. However, a comprehensive review on controlling robots based on SNNs is still missing. In this paper, we survey the developments of the past decade in the field of spiking neural networks for control tasks, with particular focus on the fast emerging robotics-related applications. We first highlight the primary impetuses of SNN-based robotics tasks in terms of speed, energy efficiency, and computation capabilities. We then classify those SNN-based robotic applications according to different learning rules and explicate those learning rules with their corresponding robotic applications. We also briefly present some existing platforms that offer an interaction between SNNs and robotics simulations for exploration and exploitation. Finally, we conclude our survey with a forecast of future challenges and some associated potential research topics in terms of controlling robots based on SNNs