420 research outputs found

    Begrebsafklaring og oplæg til kvalitetskriterier for sekundavand

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    Tre slags panenteisme: et forsøg på en begrebsafklaring

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    It is argued that panentheism, attractive as it is, is far from stable. Also Aquinas and Spinoza occasionally used the expression that “all things exist in God”. Moreover, the world’s presence in God can be construed in different ways, as a locative presence (the container model), as a realization of a wider set of divine possibilities (the quasi-mathematical model), or as a mental presence (the consciousness model). I nonetheless propose a generic concept of panentheism, defined by the features that the world is somehow contained in God, and that there is a two-way relation between God and world. On this basis, the article offers a typology of (1) a soteriological panentheism reconstructed on the basis of classic Trinitarian thought, (2) an expressivist panentheism developed in post-Kantian philosophical theology, and (3) a dipolar panentheism in continuation of Whitehead. My conclusion is that dipolar panentheism is not compatible with the two other forms of panentheism, and that a metaphysical choice has to be made between them

    Når danske myndigheder taler forskelligt dansk: Begrebsafklaring med terminologiske ontologier

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    Terminological Ontology combines traditional terminology work with typed feature structures, thus providing a systematic and controlled method for concept clarification and definition writing. Terminological ontologies include a formalization of the inheritance of characteristics and a number of constraints which help experts formulate consistent intensional definitions. In this paper we illustrate the usefulness of Terminological Ontology with several examples from a scenario where various Danish authorities need to exchange digitized information. The authorities involved include units under the Ministry of Justice (the Prison and Probation Service, the Police, the Prosecution Service in Denmark, and the Danish Court Administration), the National Board of Social Services, and the Danish Agency for Digitisation. The examples evolve around the central concept of ‘case’, and show how concept clarification and harmonization is necessary in order to enable a seamless exchange of digitized information between these authorities, and in essence, between organizations in general. On this basis, it is concluded that there is a need for a shared, cross-ministerial concept and knowledge database with appointed terminologists to collaborate with and coordinate contributions from the interested parties in ministries, public agencies and other authorities

    Klart sprog i sundhedsvæsenet og i fællesoffentlig digital forvaltning

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    Videnssamfundet - det er sund fornuft

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    Videnssamfundet - det er sund fornuf

    Læring og inspiration gennem deltagelse i den coaching psykologiske frontforskning

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    Som deltager på coaching psykologiske konferencer er der som forsker og studerende mulighed for atstifte bekendtskab med den nyeste og mest innovative frontlinjeforskning indenfor coaching psykologieni dens bredde og dybde. Hvert år afholder den britiske psykologforening, BPS-SGCP, konference idecember, ligesom der året rundt er konferencer flere steder i Europa (næste år i Danmark) og i Italien

    Universitetspædagogik i oversigt: Begreber og metoder

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    Rienecker, L. & Troelsen, R (2023) Universitetspædagogik i oversigt: Begreber og metoder. Samfundslitteratur I opslagsbogen ’Universitetspædagogik i oversigt: Begreber og metoder’ kan du som underviser, uddannelsesansvarlig eller medarbejder i studieadministrationen hurtigt få en introduktion til eller en forklaring på de nøglebegreber, som anvendes i forbindelse med udvikling og kvalitetsarbejde af universiteternes uddannelser. Bogens korte kapitler formår både at rammesætte begreberne samt at nuancere og eksemplificere dem, hvilket gør dem yderst brugbare som oplæg til diskussioner i forskellige fora. Hvert kapitel inspirerer desuden til både refleksion og yderligere læsning