3 research outputs found

    Becoming the maestro - A game to enhance curiosity for classical music

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    Comunicaci贸 presentada a la 2016 8th International Conference on Games and Virtual Worlds for Serious Applications (VS-Games), celebrada els dies 7 a 9 de setembre de 2016 a Barcelona, Espanya.Classical music is associated with a set of social and cognitive barriers that prevent potentially interested novice classical music listeners from attending concerts. The possible strategies to overcome these barriers and make the genre appealing to new audiences are diverse. In this paper, we present Becoming the Maestro, a game where users impersonate the conductor of an orchestra during a concert in a way that allows them to better understand musical concepts of symphonic music. A user study of the game prototype with 20 subjects proved that the game succeeded in increasing curiosity for classical music.This research received funding from the European Union Seventh Framework Programme FP7 / 2007-2013 PHENICX project (grant agreement no. 601166)

    Becoming the maestro - A game to enhance curiosity for classical music

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    Comunicaci贸 presentada a la 2016 8th International Conference on Games and Virtual Worlds for Serious Applications (VS-Games), celebrada els dies 7 a 9 de setembre de 2016 a Barcelona, Espanya.Classical music is associated with a set of social and cognitive barriers that prevent potentially interested novice classical music listeners from attending concerts. The possible strategies to overcome these barriers and make the genre appealing to new audiences are diverse. In this paper, we present Becoming the Maestro, a game where users impersonate the conductor of an orchestra during a concert in a way that allows them to better understand musical concepts of symphonic music. A user study of the game prototype with 20 subjects proved that the game succeeded in increasing curiosity for classical music.This research received funding from the European Union Seventh Framework Programme FP7 / 2007-2013 PHENICX project (grant agreement no. 601166)

    Computational Models of Expressive Music Performance: A Comprehensive and Critical Review

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    Expressive performance is an indispensable part of music making. When playing a piece, expert performers shape various parameters (tempo, timing, dynamics, intonation, articulation, etc.) in ways that are not prescribed by the notated score, in this way producing an expressive rendition that brings out dramatic, affective, and emotional qualities that may engage and affect the listeners. Given the central importance of this skill for many kinds of music, expressive performance has become an important research topic for disciplines like musicology, music psychology, etc. This paper focuses on a specific thread of research: work on computational music performance models. Computational models are attempts at codifying hypotheses about expressive performance in terms of mathematical formulas or computer programs, so that they can be evaluated in systematic and quantitative ways. Such models can serve at least two purposes: they permit us to systematically study certain hypotheses regarding performance; and they can be used as tools to generate automated or semi-automated performances, in artistic or educational contexts. The present article presents an up-to-date overview of the state of the art in this domain. We explore recent trends in the field, such as a strong focus on data-driven (machine learning) approaches; a growing interest in interactive expressive systems, such as conductor simulators and automatic accompaniment systems; and an increased interest in exploring cognitively plausible features and models. We provide an in-depth discussion of several important design choices in such computer models, and discuss a crucial (and still largely unsolved) problem that is hindering systematic progress: the question of how to evaluate such models in scientifically and musically meaningful ways. From all this, we finally derive some research directions that should be pursued with priority, in order to advance the field and our understanding of expressive music performance