53,205 research outputs found

    Bayesian Cluster Enumeration Criterion for Unsupervised Learning

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    We derive a new Bayesian Information Criterion (BIC) by formulating the problem of estimating the number of clusters in an observed data set as maximization of the posterior probability of the candidate models. Given that some mild assumptions are satisfied, we provide a general BIC expression for a broad class of data distributions. This serves as a starting point when deriving the BIC for specific distributions. Along this line, we provide a closed-form BIC expression for multivariate Gaussian distributed variables. We show that incorporating the data structure of the clustering problem into the derivation of the BIC results in an expression whose penalty term is different from that of the original BIC. We propose a two-step cluster enumeration algorithm. First, a model-based unsupervised learning algorithm partitions the data according to a given set of candidate models. Subsequently, the number of clusters is determined as the one associated with the model for which the proposed BIC is maximal. The performance of the proposed two-step algorithm is tested using synthetic and real data sets.Comment: 14 pages, 7 figure

    Evaluating Overfit and Underfit in Models of Network Community Structure

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    A common data mining task on networks is community detection, which seeks an unsupervised decomposition of a network into structural groups based on statistical regularities in the network's connectivity. Although many methods exist, the No Free Lunch theorem for community detection implies that each makes some kind of tradeoff, and no algorithm can be optimal on all inputs. Thus, different algorithms will over or underfit on different inputs, finding more, fewer, or just different communities than is optimal, and evaluation methods that use a metadata partition as a ground truth will produce misleading conclusions about general accuracy. Here, we present a broad evaluation of over and underfitting in community detection, comparing the behavior of 16 state-of-the-art community detection algorithms on a novel and structurally diverse corpus of 406 real-world networks. We find that (i) algorithms vary widely both in the number of communities they find and in their corresponding composition, given the same input, (ii) algorithms can be clustered into distinct high-level groups based on similarities of their outputs on real-world networks, and (iii) these differences induce wide variation in accuracy on link prediction and link description tasks. We introduce a new diagnostic for evaluating overfitting and underfitting in practice, and use it to roughly divide community detection methods into general and specialized learning algorithms. Across methods and inputs, Bayesian techniques based on the stochastic block model and a minimum description length approach to regularization represent the best general learning approach, but can be outperformed under specific circumstances. These results introduce both a theoretically principled approach to evaluate over and underfitting in models of network community structure and a realistic benchmark by which new methods may be evaluated and compared.Comment: 22 pages, 13 figures, 3 table

    Multimodal nested sampling: an efficient and robust alternative to MCMC methods for astronomical data analysis

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    In performing a Bayesian analysis of astronomical data, two difficult problems often emerge. First, in estimating the parameters of some model for the data, the resulting posterior distribution may be multimodal or exhibit pronounced (curving) degeneracies, which can cause problems for traditional MCMC sampling methods. Second, in selecting between a set of competing models, calculation of the Bayesian evidence for each model is computationally expensive. The nested sampling method introduced by Skilling (2004), has greatly reduced the computational expense of calculating evidences and also produces posterior inferences as a by-product. This method has been applied successfully in cosmological applications by Mukherjee et al. (2006), but their implementation was efficient only for unimodal distributions without pronounced degeneracies. Shaw et al. (2007), recently introduced a clustered nested sampling method which is significantly more efficient in sampling from multimodal posteriors and also determines the expectation and variance of the final evidence from a single run of the algorithm, hence providing a further increase in efficiency. In this paper, we build on the work of Shaw et al. and present three new methods for sampling and evidence evaluation from distributions that may contain multiple modes and significant degeneracies; we also present an even more efficient technique for estimating the uncertainty on the evaluated evidence. These methods lead to a further substantial improvement in sampling efficiency and robustness, and are applied to toy problems to demonstrate the accuracy and economy of the evidence calculation and parameter estimation. Finally, we discuss the use of these methods in performing Bayesian object detection in astronomical datasets.Comment: 14 pages, 11 figures, submitted to MNRAS, some major additions to the previous version in response to the referee's comment

    Bayesian outlier detection in Capital Asset Pricing Model

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    We propose a novel Bayesian optimisation procedure for outlier detection in the Capital Asset Pricing Model. We use a parametric product partition model to robustly estimate the systematic risk of an asset. We assume that the returns follow independent normal distributions and we impose a partition structure on the parameters of interest. The partition structure imposed on the parameters induces a corresponding clustering of the returns. We identify via an optimisation procedure the partition that best separates standard observations from the atypical ones. The methodology is illustrated with reference to a real data set, for which we also provide a microeconomic interpretation of the detected outliers
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