7,134 research outputs found

    Dynamics and sparsity in latent threshold factor models: A study in multivariate EEG signal processing

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    We discuss Bayesian analysis of multivariate time series with dynamic factor models that exploit time-adaptive sparsity in model parametrizations via the latent threshold approach. One central focus is on the transfer responses of multiple interrelated series to underlying, dynamic latent factor processes. Structured priors on model hyper-parameters are key to the efficacy of dynamic latent thresholding, and MCMC-based computation enables model fitting and analysis. A detailed case study of electroencephalographic (EEG) data from experimental psychiatry highlights the use of latent threshold extensions of time-varying vector autoregressive and factor models. This study explores a class of dynamic transfer response factor models, extending prior Bayesian modeling of multiple EEG series and highlighting the practical utility of the latent thresholding concept in multivariate, non-stationary time series analysis.Comment: 27 pages, 13 figures, link to external web site for supplementary animated figure

    Scalable Bayesian modeling, monitoring and analysis of dynamic network flow data

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    Traffic flow count data in networks arise in many applications, such as automobile or aviation transportation, certain directed social network contexts, and Internet studies. Using an example of Internet browser traffic flow through site-segments of an international news website, we present Bayesian analyses of two linked classes of models which, in tandem, allow fast, scalable and interpretable Bayesian inference. We first develop flexible state-space models for streaming count data, able to adaptively characterize and quantify network dynamics efficiently in real-time. We then use these models as emulators of more structured, time-varying gravity models that allow formal dissection of network dynamics. This yields interpretable inferences on traffic flow characteristics, and on dynamics in interactions among network nodes. Bayesian monitoring theory defines a strategy for sequential model assessment and adaptation in cases when network flow data deviates from model-based predictions. Exploratory and sequential monitoring analyses of evolving traffic on a network of web site-segments in e-commerce demonstrate the utility of this coupled Bayesian emulation approach to analysis of streaming network count data.Comment: 29 pages, 16 figure

    Modeling for seasonal marked point processes: An analysis of evolving hurricane occurrences

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    Seasonal point processes refer to stochastic models for random events which are only observed in a given season. We develop nonparametric Bayesian methodology to study the dynamic evolution of a seasonal marked point process intensity. We assume the point process is a nonhomogeneous Poisson process and propose a nonparametric mixture of beta densities to model dynamically evolving temporal Poisson process intensities. Dependence structure is built through a dependent Dirichlet process prior for the seasonally-varying mixing distributions. We extend the nonparametric model to incorporate time-varying marks, resulting in flexible inference for both the seasonal point process intensity and for the conditional mark distribution. The motivating application involves the analysis of hurricane landfalls with reported damages along the U.S. Gulf and Atlantic coasts from 1900 to 2010. We focus on studying the evolution of the intensity of the process of hurricane landfall occurrences, and the respective maximum wind speed and associated damages. Our results indicate an increase in the number of hurricane landfall occurrences and a decrease in the median maximum wind speed at the peak of the season. Introducing standardized damage as a mark, such that reported damages are comparable both in time and space, we find that there is no significant rising trend in hurricane damages over time.Comment: Published at http://dx.doi.org/10.1214/14-AOAS796 in the Annals of Applied Statistics (http://www.imstat.org/aoas/) by the Institute of Mathematical Statistics (http://www.imstat.org

    A Spatio-Temporal Point Process Model for Ambulance Demand

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    Ambulance demand estimation at fine time and location scales is critical for fleet management and dynamic deployment. We are motivated by the problem of estimating the spatial distribution of ambulance demand in Toronto, Canada, as it changes over discrete 2-hour intervals. This large-scale dataset is sparse at the desired temporal resolutions and exhibits location-specific serial dependence, daily and weekly seasonality. We address these challenges by introducing a novel characterization of time-varying Gaussian mixture models. We fix the mixture component distributions across all time periods to overcome data sparsity and accurately describe Toronto's spatial structure, while representing the complex spatio-temporal dynamics through time-varying mixture weights. We constrain the mixture weights to capture weekly seasonality, and apply a conditionally autoregressive prior on the mixture weights of each component to represent location-specific short-term serial dependence and daily seasonality. While estimation may be performed using a fixed number of mixture components, we also extend to estimate the number of components using birth-and-death Markov chain Monte Carlo. The proposed model is shown to give higher statistical predictive accuracy and to reduce the error in predicting EMS operational performance by as much as two-thirds compared to a typical industry practice

    Aggregation, Heterogeneous Autoregression and Volatility of Daily International Tourist Arrivals and Exchange Rates

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    Tourism is a major source of service receipts for many countries, including Taiwan. The two leading tourism countries for Taiwan, comprising a high proportion of world tourist arrivals to Taiwan, are Japan and USA, which are sources of short and long haul tourism, respectively. As it is well known that a strong domestic currency can have adverse effects on international tourist arrivals, daily data from 1 January 1990 to 31 December 2008 are used to model the world price and US/NewTaiwan / New Taiwan and Yen/ New Taiwan exchangerates,andtouristarrivalsfromtheworld,USAandJapantoTaiwan,aswellastheirassociatedvolatility.ThesampleperiodincludestheAsianeconomicandfinancialcrisesin1997,andpartoftheglobalfinancialcrisisof2008āˆ’09.Inclusionoftheexchangerateallowsapproximatedailypriceeffectsonworld,USandJapanesetouristarrivalstoTaiwantobecaptured.TheHeterogeneousAutoregressive(HAR)modeldoesnotreproducethetheoreticalhyperbolicdecayratesassociatedwithfractionallyintegrated(orlongmemory)timeseriesmodels,butitcanneverthelessapproximatequiteaccuratelyandparsimoniouslytheslowlydecayingcorrelationsassociatedwithsuchmodels.TheHARmodelisusedtoapproximatelongmemorypropertiesindailyexchangeratesandinternationaltouristarrivals,totestwhetheralternativeshortandlongrunestimatesofconditionalvolatilityaresensitivetotheapproximatelongmemoryintheconditionalmean,toexamineasymmetryandleverageinvolatility,andtoexaminetheeffectsoftemporalandspatialaggregation.Theempiricalresultsshowthattheconditionalvolatilityestimatesarenotsensitivetotheapproximatelongmemorynatureoftheconditionalmeanspecifications.TheQMLEfortheGARCH(1,1),GJR(1,1)andEGARCH(1,1)modelsforworld,USandJapanesetouristarrivalstoTaiwan,andtheworldpriceandUS exchange rates, and tourist arrivals from the world, USA and Japan to Taiwan, as well as their associated volatility. The sample period includes the Asian economic and financial crises in 1997, and part of the global financial crisis of 2008-09. Inclusion of the exchange rate allows approximate daily price effects on world, US and Japanese tourist arrivals to Taiwan to be captured. The Heterogeneous Autoregressive (HAR) model does not reproduce the theoretical hyperbolic decay rates associated with fractionally integrated (or long memory) time series models, but it can nevertheless approximate quite accurately and parsimoniously the slowly decaying correlations associated with such models. The HAR model is used to approximate long memory properties in daily exchange rates and international tourist arrivals, to test whether alternative short and long run estimates of conditional volatility are sensitive to the approximate long memory in the conditional mean, to examine asymmetry and leverage in volatility, and to examine the effects of temporal and spatial aggregation. The empirical results show that the conditional volatility estimates are not sensitive to the approximate long memory nature of the conditional mean specifications. The QMLE for the GARCH(1,1), GJR(1,1) and EGARCH(1,1) models for world, US and Japanese tourist arrivals to Taiwan, and the world price and US / New Taiwan andYen/NewTaiwan and Yen/ New Taiwan exchange rates, are statistically adequate and have sensible interpretations. Asymmetry (though not leverage) is found for several alternative HAR models for the world, US and Japanese tourist arrivals to Taiwan. For policy purposes, these empirical results suggest that an arbitrary choice of data frequency or spatial aggregation will not lead to robust findings as they are generally not independent of the level of aggregation used.exchange rates;GARCH;G32;EGARCH;HAR;GJR;global financial crisis;approximate long memory;asymmetry, leverage;daily effects;international tourist arrivals;spatial aggregation;temporal aggregation;weekly effects

    Bayesian Learning and Predictability in a Stochastic Nonlinear Dynamical Model

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    Bayesian inference methods are applied within a Bayesian hierarchical modelling framework to the problems of joint state and parameter estimation, and of state forecasting. We explore and demonstrate the ideas in the context of a simple nonlinear marine biogeochemical model. A novel approach is proposed to the formulation of the stochastic process model, in which ecophysiological properties of plankton communities are represented by autoregressive stochastic processes. This approach captures the effects of changes in plankton communities over time, and it allows the incorporation of literature metadata on individual species into prior distributions for process model parameters. The approach is applied to a case study at Ocean Station Papa, using Particle Markov chain Monte Carlo computational techniques. The results suggest that, by drawing on objective prior information, it is possible to extract useful information about model state and a subset of parameters, and even to make useful long-term forecasts, based on sparse and noisy observations

    "Aggregation, Heterogeneous Autoregression and Volatility of Daily International Tourist Arrivals and Exchange Rates"

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    Tourism is a major source of service receipts for many countries, including Taiwan. The two leading tourism countries for Taiwan, comprising a high proportion of world tourist arrivals to Taiwan, are Japan and USA, which are sources of short and long haul tourism, respectively. As it is well known that a strong domestic currency can have adverse effects on international tourist arrivals, daily data from 1 January 1990 to 31 December 2008 are used to model the world price and US/NewTaiwan / New Taiwan and Yen/ New Taiwan exchangerates,andtouristarrivalsfromtheworld,USAandJapantoTaiwan,aswellastheirassociatedvolatility.ThesampleperiodincludestheAsianeconomicandfinancialcrisesin1997,andpartoftheglobalfinancialcrisisof2008āˆ’09.Inclusionoftheexchangerateallowsapproximatedailypriceeffectsonworld,USandJapanesetouristarrivalstoTaiwantobecaptured.TheHeterogeneousAutoregressive(HAR)modeldoesnotreproducethetheoreticalhyperbolicdecayratesassociatedwithfractionallyintegrated(orlongmemory)timeseriesmodels,butitcanneverthelessapproximatequiteaccuratelyandparsimoniouslytheslowlydecayingcorrelationsassociatedwithsuchmodels.TheHARmodelisusedtoapproximatelongmemorypropertiesindailyexchangeratesandinternationaltouristarrivals,totestwhetheralternativeshortandlongrunestimatesofconditionalvolatilityaresensitivetotheapproximatelongmemoryintheconditionalmean,toexamineasymmetryandleverageinvolatility,andtoexaminetheeffectsoftemporalandspatialaggregation.Theempiricalresultsshowthattheconditionalvolatilityestimatesarenotsensitivetotheapproximatelongmemorynatureoftheconditionalmeanspecifications.TheQMLEfortheGARCH(1,1),GJR(1,1)andEGARCH(1,1)modelsforworld,USandJapanesetouristarrivalstoTaiwan,andtheworldpriceandUS exchange rates, and tourist arrivals from the world, USA and Japan to Taiwan, as well as their associated volatility. The sample period includes the Asian economic and financial crises in 1997, and part of the global financial crisis of 2008-09. Inclusion of the exchange rate allows approximate daily price effects on world, US and Japanese tourist arrivals to Taiwan to be captured. The Heterogeneous Autoregressive (HAR) model does not reproduce the theoretical hyperbolic decay rates associated with fractionally integrated (or long memory) time series models, but it can nevertheless approximate quite accurately and parsimoniously the slowly decaying correlations associated with such models. The HAR model is used to approximate long memory properties in daily exchange rates and international tourist arrivals, to test whether alternative short and long run estimates of conditional volatility are sensitive to the approximate long memory in the conditional mean, to examine asymmetry and leverage in volatility, and to examine the effects of temporal and spatial aggregation. The empirical results show that the conditional volatility estimates are not sensitive to the approximate long memory nature of the conditional mean specifications. The QMLE for the GARCH(1,1), GJR(1,1) and EGARCH(1,1) models for world, US and Japanese tourist arrivals to Taiwan, and the world price and US / New Taiwan andYen/NewTaiwan and Yen/ New Taiwan exchange rates, are statistically adequate and have sensible interpretations. Asymmetry (though not leverage) is found for several alternative HAR models for the world, US and Japanese tourist arrivals to Taiwan. For policy purposes, these empirical results suggest that an arbitrary choice of data frequency or spatial aggregation will not lead to robust findings as they are generally not independent of the level of aggregation used.
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