2,805 research outputs found


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    Visual sampling techniques represent a valuable resource for a rapid, non-invasive data acquisition for underwater monitoring purposes.Long-term monitoring projects usually requires the collection of large quantities of data, and the visual analysis of a human expertoperator remains, in this context, a very time consuming task. It has been estimated that only the 1-2%of the acquired images are lateranalyzed by scientists (Beijbom et al., 2012). Strategies for the automatic recognition of benthic communities are required to effectivelyexploit all the information contained in visual data. Supervised learning methods, the most promising classification techniques in thisfield, are commonly affected by two recurring issues: the wide diversity of marine organism, and the small amount of labeled data.In this work, we discuss the advantages offered by the use of annotated high resolution ortho-mosaics of seabed to classify and segmentthe investigated specimens, and we suggest several strategies to obtain a considerable per-pixel classification performance although theuse of a reduced training dataset composed by a single ortho-mosaic. The proposed methodology can be applied to a large number ofdifferent species, making the procedure of marine organism identification an highly adaptable tas

    Detecting destabilizing species in the phylogenetic backbone of Potentilla (Rosaceae) using low-copy nuclear markers

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    The genus Potentilla (Rosaceae) has been subjected to several phylogenetic studies, but resolving its evolutionary history has proven challenging. Previous analyses recovered six, informally named, groups: the Argentea, Ivesioid, Fragarioides, Reptans, Alba and Anserina clades, but the relationships among some of these clades differ between data sets. The Reptans clade, which includes the type species of Potentilla, has been noticed to shift position between plastid and nuclear ribosomal data sets. We studied this incongruence by analysing four low-copy nuclear markers, in addition to chloroplast and nuclear ribosomal data, with a set of Bayesian phylogenetic and Multispecies Coalescent (MSC) analyses. A selective taxon removal strategy demonstrated that the included representatives from the Fragarioides clade, P. dickinsii and P. fragarioides, were the main sources of the instability seen in the trees. The Fragarioides species showed different relationships in each gene tree, and were only supported as a monophyletic group in a single marker when the Reptans clade was excluded from the analysis. The incongruences could not be explained by allopolyploidy, but rather by homoploid hybridization, incomplete lineage sorting or taxon sampling effects. When P. dickinsii and P. fragarioides were removed from the data set, a fully resolved, supported backbone phylogeny of Potentilla was obtained in the MSC analysis. Additionally, indications of autopolyploid origins of the Reptans and Ivesioid clades were discovered in the low-copy gene trees.publishedVersio

    An Ecosystem-Scale Model for the Spread of a Host-Specific Forest Pathogen in the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem

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    The introduction of nonnative pathogens is altering the scale, magnitude, and persistence of forest disturbance regimes in the western United States. In the high-altitude whitebark pine (Pinus albicaulis) forests of the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem (GYE), white pine blister rust (Cronartium ribicola) is an introduced fungal pathogen that is now the principal cause of tree mortality in many locations. Although blister rust eradication has failed in the past, there is nonetheless substantial interest in monitoring the disease and its rate of progression in order to predict the future impact of forest disturbances within this critical ecosystem. This study integrates data from five different field-monitoring campaigns from 1968 to 2008 to create a blister rust infection model for sites located throughout the GYE. Our model parameterizes the past rates of blister rust spread in order to project its future impact on high-altitude whitebark pine forests. Because the process of blister rust infection and mortality of individuals occurs over the time frame of many years, the model in this paper operates on a yearly time step and defines a series of whitebark pine infection classes: susceptible, slightly infected, moderately infected, and dead. In our analysis, we evaluate four different infection models that compare local vs. global density dependence on the dynamics of blister rust infection. We compare models in which blister rust infection is: (1) independent of the density of infected trees, (2) locally density-dependent, (3) locally density-dependent with a static global infection rate among all sites, and (4) both locally and globally density-dependent. Model evaluation through the predictive loss criterion for Bayesian analysis supports the model that is both locally and globally density-dependent. Using this best-fit model, we predicted the average residence times for the four stages of blister rust infection in our model, and we found that, on average, whitebark pine trees within the GYE remain susceptible for 6.7 years, take 10.9 years to transition from slightly infected to moderately infected, and take 9.4 years to transition from moderately infected to dead. Using our best-fit model, we project the future levels of blister rust infestation in the GYE at critical sites over the next 20 years

    Global canopy height regression and uncertainty estimation from GEDI LIDAR waveforms with deep ensembles

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    NASA's Global Ecosystem Dynamics Investigation (GEDI) is a key climate mission whose goal is to advance our understanding of the role of forests in the global carbon cycle. While GEDI is the first space-based LIDAR explicitly optimized to measure vertical forest structure predictive of aboveground biomass, the accurate interpretation of this vast amount of waveform data across the broad range of observational and environmental conditions is challenging. Here, we present a novel supervised machine learning approach to interpret GEDI waveforms and regress canopy top height globally. We propose a probabilistic deep learning approach based on an ensemble of deep convolutional neural networks (CNN) to avoid the explicit modelling of unknown effects, such as atmospheric noise. The model learns to extract robust features that generalize to unseen geographical regions and, in addition, yields reliable estimates of predictive uncertainty. Ultimately, the global canopy top height estimates produced by our model have an expected RMSE of 2.7 m with low bias

    Demographic consequences of agricultural practices on a long-lived avian predator

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    Includes bibliographical references.2022 Fall.To view the abstract, please see the full text of the document

    Classifying organisms and artefacts by their outline shapes

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    We often wish to classify objects by their shapes. Indeed, the study of shapes is an important part of many scientific fields, such as evolutionary biology, structural biology, image processing and archaeology. However, mathematical shape spaces are rather complicated and nonlinear. The most widely used methods of shape analysis, geometric morphometrics, treat the shapes as sets of points. Diffeomorphic methods consider the underlying curve rather than points, but have rarely been applied to real-world problems. Using a machine classifier, we tested the ability of several of these methods to describe and classify the shapes of a variety of organic and man-made objects. We find that one method, based on square-root velocity functions (SRVFs), outperforms all others, including a standard geometric morphometric method (eigenshapes), and that it is also superior to human experts using shape alone. When the SRVF approach is constrained to take account of homologous landmarks it can accurately classify objects of very different shapes. The SRVF method identifies a shortest path between shapes, and we show that this can be used to estimate the shapes of intermediate steps in evolutionary series. Diffeomorphic shape analysis methods, we conclude, now provide practical and effective solutions to many shape description and classification problems in the natural and human sciences.</p

    A neuro-genetic hybrid approach to automatic identification of plant leaves

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    Plants are essential for the existence of most living things on this planet. Plants are used for providing food, shelter, and medicine. The ability to identify plants is very important for several applications, including conservation of endangered plant species, rehabilitation of lands after mining activities and differentiating crop plants from weeds. In recent times, many researchers have made attempts to develop automated plant species recognition systems. However, the current computer-based plants recognition systems have limitations as some plants are naturally complex, thus it is difficult to extract and represent their features. Further, natural differences of features within the same plant and similarities between plants of different species cause problems in classification. This thesis developed a novel hybrid intelligent system based on a neuro-genetic model for automatic recognition of plants using leaf image analysis based on novel approach of combining several image descriptors with Cellular Neural Networks (CNN), Genetic Algorithm (GA), and Probabilistic Neural Networks (PNN) to address classification challenges in plant computer-based plant species identification using the images of plant leaves. A GA-based feature selection module was developed to select the best of these leaf features. Particle Swam Optimization (PSO) and Principal Component Analysis (PCA) were also used sideways for comparison and to provide rigorous feature selection and analysis. Statistical analysis using ANOVA and correlation techniques confirmed the effectiveness of the GA-based and PSO-based techniques as there were no redundant features, since the subset of features selected by both techniques correlated well. The number of principal components (PC) from the past were selected by conventional method associated with PCA. However, in this study, GA was used to select a minimum number of PC from the original PC space. This reduced computational cost with respect to time and increased the accuracy of the classifier used. The algebraic nature of the GA’s fitness function ensures good performance of the GA. Furthermore, GA was also used to optimize the parameters of a CNN (CNN for image segmentation) and then uniquely combined with PNN to improve and stabilize the performance of the classification system. The CNN (being an ordinary differential equation (ODE)) was solved using Runge-Kutta 4th order algorithm in order to minimize descritisation errors associated with edge detection. This study involved the extraction of 112 features from the images of plant species found in the Flavia dataset (publically available) using MATLAB programming environment. These features include Zernike Moments (20 ZMs), Fourier Descriptors (21 FDs), Legendre Moments (20 LMs), Hu 7 Moments (7 Hu7Ms), Texture Properties (22 TP) , Geometrical Properties (10 GP), and Colour features (12 CF). With the use of GA, only 14 features were finally selected for optimal accuracy. The PNN was genetically optimized to ensure optimal accuracy since it is not the best practise to fix the tunning parameters for the PNN arbitrarily. Two separate GA algorithms were implemented to optimize the PNN, that is, the GA provided by MATLAB Optimization Toolbox (GA1) and a separately implemented GA (GA2). The best chromosome (PNN spread) for GA1 was 0.035 with associated classification accuracy of 91.3740% while a spread value of 0.06 was obtained from GA2 giving rise to improved classification accuracy of 92.62%. The PNN-based classifier used in this study was benchmarked against other classifiers such as Multi-layer perceptron (MLP), K Nearest Neigbhour (kNN), Naive Bayes Classifier (NBC), Radial Basis Function (RBF), Ensemble classifiers (Adaboost). The best candidate among these classifiers was the genetically optimized PNN. Some computational theoretic properties on PNN are also presented

    Country-wide retrieval of forest structure from optical and SAR satellite imagery with deep ensembles

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    Monitoring and managing Earth’s forests in an informed manner is an important requirement for addressing challenges like biodiversity loss and climate change. While traditional in situ or aerial campaigns for forest assessments provide accurate data for analysis at regional level, scaling them to entire countries and beyond with high temporal resolution is hardly possible. In this work, we propose a method based on deep ensembles that densely estimates forest structure variables at country-scale with 10-m resolution, using freely available satellite imagery as input. Our method jointly transforms Sentinel-2 optical images and Sentinel-1 syntheticaperture radar images into maps of five different forest structure variables: 95th height percentile, mean height, density, Gini coefficient, and fractional cover. We train and test our model on reference data from 41 airborne laser scanning missions across Norway and demonstrate that it is able to generalize to unseen test regions, achieving normalized mean absolute errors between 11% and 15%, depending on the variable. Our work is also the first to propose a variant of so-called Bayesian deep learning to densely predict multiple forest structure variables with well-calibrated uncertainty estimates from satellite imagery. The uncertainty information increases the trustworthiness of the model and its suitability for downstream tasks that require reliable confidence estimates as a basis for decision making. We present an extensive set of experiments to validate the accuracy of the predicted maps as well as the quality of the predicted uncertainties. To demonstrate scalability, we provide Norway-wide maps for the five forest structure variables.publishedVersio

    Improving In-Stream Nutrient Routines in Water Quality Models Using Stable Isotope Tracers: A Review and Synthesis

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    Water quality models serve as an economically feasible alternative to quantify fluxes of nutrient pollution and to simulate effective mitigation strategies; however, their applicability is often questioned due to broad uncertainties in model structure and parameterization, leading to uncertain outputs. We argue that reduction of uncertainty is partially achieved by integrating stable isotope data streams within the water quality model architecture. This article outlines the use of stable isotopes as a response variable within water quality models to improve the model boundary conditions associated with nutrient source provenance, constrain model parameterization, and elucidate shortcomings in the model structure. To assist researchers in future modeling efforts, we provide an overview of stable isotope theory; review isotopic signatures and applications for relevant carbon, nitrogen, and phosphorus pools; identify biotic and abiotic processes that impact isotope transfer between pools; review existing models that have incorporated stable isotope signatures; and highlight recommendations based on synthesis of existing knowledge. Broadly, we find existing applications that use isotopes have high efficacy for reducing water quality model uncertainty. We make recommendations toward the future use of sediment stable isotope signatures, given their integrative capacity and practical analytical process. We also detail a method to incorporate stable isotopes into multi-objective modeling frameworks. Finally, we encourage watershed modelers to work closely with isotope geochemists to ensure proper integration of stable isotopes into in-stream nutrient fate and transport routines in water quality models
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