16,421 research outputs found

    Global Trends in Mobile Technology and Their Impact on Your Library

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    Contrary to the impression of many Americans, some less technologically developed countries are more actively using mobile technology than we are. As mobile technology is exploding in both our personal and professional lives, this is impacting our libraries and our users as they reach out to us with their mobile devices. This article will examine some of these trends and discuss ways that libraries can begin to institute mobile services even if they do not have a lot of funds or technical expertise. Results of a survey of how ACL libraries are using mobile services in their libraries are discussed

    Ubiquitous model for wireless sensor networks monitoring

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    Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) belongs to a new technology trend where tiny and resource constrained devices are wirelessly interconnected and are able to interact with the surrounding environment by collecting data, such as temperature and humidity. Recently, due to the huge growth of mobile devices usage with Internet connection, smartphones are becoming the center of future ubiquitous wireless networks allowing users to access data network services, anytime and anywhere. According to the Internet of Things vision, interconnecting WSNs with smartphones and the Internet is a big challenge. Then, due to the heterogeneity of these devices new architectures are required. This dissertation focuses on the design and construction of a ubiquitous architecture for WSNs monitoring based on Web services, a relational database, and an Android mobile application. This architecture allows mobile users accessing real-time or historical data in a ubiquitous environment using smartphones. Besides that, a push notification system to alert mobile users when a sensor parameter overcomes a given threshold was created. The entire solution was evaluated and demonstrated using a laboratory WSN testbed, and is ready for use.As redes de sensores sem fios fazem parte de uma nova tendência tecnológica na qual pequenos dispositivos com recursos limitados comunicam entre si, sem fios, e interagem com o ambiente envolvente recolhendo uma grande diversidade de dados, tais como a temperatura e a humidade. Recentemente, devido ao enorme crescimento no uso de dispositivos móveis com ligação à Internet, os smartphones estão a tornar-se o centro das futuras redes sem fios ubíquas permitindo aos utilizadores aceder a dados, a qualquer hora e em qualquer lugar. De acordo com a visão da Internet of Things, interligar redes de sensores sem fios e smartphones usando a Internet é um grande desafio e novas arquitecturas são necessárias devido à heterogeneidade destes dispositivos. Esta dissertação centra-se na proposta e construção de uma arquitectura ubíqua para a monitorização de redes de sensores sem fios, baseada em serviços Web, apoiada numa base de dados relacional e uma aplicação móvel para o sistema operative Android. Esta arquitectura permite que os utilizadores móveis acedam a dados em tempo real e também a dados históricos, num ambiente móvel, usando smartphones. Além disso, foi desenvolvido um sistema de notificações push que alerta o utilizador quando um dado parâmetro de um sensor ultrapassa um limiar pré-definido. A solução construída foi testada e demonstrada utilizando uma testbed laboratorial e está pronta para utilização

    The Eco-Smart Can V2.0

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    On a scorching summer day in 2015, a campus maintenance worker was observed emptying a trash bin. Upon closer observation, it was noted that the bin was not full; in fact, it was less than one third full. There were other bins that were full and needed to be emptied urgently. It was confusing and problematic to see that bins that needed more attention were not prioritized. After extended research, it was found that maintenance operates on daily routes to pick up trash at designated times, regardless of the level of trash in the bins. Therefore, to tackle this issue, the author decided to use the Internet of Things (IoT) to develop a prototype that will optimize trash collection and reduce costs of waste management and pollution; this device is named the Eco-Smart Can

    A Design and Development Approach for Mild Cognitive Impairment Screening

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    Mild cognitive impairment (MCI) is a precursor to dementia and its early diagnosis in patients is important for appropriate intervention. In this study, an IoT (Internet of Things) device is developed that easily and conveniently screens for MCI, provides emotional comfort for elderly patients, and has a friendly design. It enables us to screen MCI by efficiently identifying the user\u27s condition in non-face-to-face manner. The experimental result and survey of this study show that this device will establish itself as a distinguished companion doll that can be widely shared with the elderly