7,751 research outputs found

    Robotic Unicycle Intelligent Robust Control Pt I: Soft Computational Intelligence Toolkit

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    The concept of an intelligent control system for a complex nonlinear biomechanical system of an extension cableless robotic unicycle discussed. A thermodynamic approach to study optimal control processes in complex nonlinear dynamic systems applied. The results of stochastic simulation of a fuzzy intelligent control system for various types of external / internal excitations for a dynamic, globally unstable control object - extension cableless robotic unicycle based on Soft Computing (Computational Intelligence Toolkit - SCOptKBTM) technology presented. A new approach to design an intelligent control system based on the principle of the minimum entropy production (minimum of useful resource losses) determination in the movement of the control object and the control system is developed. This determination as a fitness function in the genetic algorithm is used to achieve robust control of a robotic unicycle. An algorithm for entropy production computing and representation of their relationship with the Lyapunov function (a measure of stochastic robust stability) described

    Integration of psychological models in the design of artificial creatures

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    Artificial creatures form an increasingly important component of interactive computer games. Examples of such creatures exist which can interact with each other and the game player and learn from their experiences. However, we argue, the design of the underlying architecture and algorithms has to a large extent overlooked knowledge from psychology and cognitive sciences. We explore the integration of observations from studies of motivational systems and emotional behaviour into the design of artificial creatures. An initial implementation of our ideas using the “sim agent” toolkit illustrates that physiological models can be used as the basis for creatures with animal like behaviour attributes. The current aim of this research is to increase the “realism” of artificial creatures in interactive game-play, but it may have wider implications for the development of AI

    Designing a smooth service experience: Finding the balance between online and offline service

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    Tutkimuksen tavoitteena on selvittÀÀ, kuinka digitaalisen ja analogisen palvelun voi paremmin yhdistÀÀ kokonaispalveluksi niin, ettĂ€ asiakas saa mahdollisimman sujuvan palvelukokemuksen. Tutkimuksen aihe nousee Tunteesta arvoa palvelulle –hankkeesta, jossa toteutettiin palvelumuotoilun kehitysprojekteja yhdessĂ€ viiden yrityksen kanssa. NiistĂ€ useammassa konseptien osana oli digitaalinen palvelu, mutta haasteeksi nousi digitaalisen kanavan yhdistĂ€minen analogiseen, eli fyysisessĂ€ tilassa tapahtuvaan palveluun. NykypĂ€ivĂ€nĂ€ digitaalisten palveluiden yleisyys on kasvanut ja ihmiset ovat yhĂ€ tottuneempia kĂ€yttĂ€mÀÀn digitaalisia kanavia osana palvelukokonaisuutta. Toisaalta kĂ€yttĂ€jĂ€t ovat myös tietoisia digitaalisten kanavien tarjoamista mahdollisuuksista ja siten heidĂ€n odotuksensa ja vaatimuksensa palvelua kohtaan kasvavat. Eri palvelukanavien vĂ€lillĂ€ on kuitenkin havaittavissa eroavaisuuksia ja siten yhtenĂ€isen ja sujuvan palvelukokemuksen syntyminen asiakkaalle on vaikeaa. Asiakkaan tarpeiden ja odotusten sekĂ€ yrityksen tavoitteiden huomioiden palvelupolun luomisessa mahdollistavat palvelun sujuvan etenemisen palvelukanavien vĂ€lillĂ€. TĂ€ssĂ€ on laadullisessa tutkimuksessa tutkimusaineisto on kerĂ€tty puolistrukturoituina teemahaastatteluina. Tutkimusaineisto on analysoitu teemoittelemalla ja tutkimuksen löydökset vastaavat kysymyksiin, miten sujuva palvelukokemus muotoillaan palvelumuotoilun menetelmin, ja miten digitaalisia ja analogisia palvelukanavia tasapainotetaan palvelupolussa. Tutkimuksen tuloksen muodostaa seitsemĂ€stĂ€ osasta koostuva työkalu, jonka tarkoituksena on toimia palvelun muotoilun ja kehittĂ€misen tukena.While working as a research assistant in Value through Emotion research project at University of Lapland and doing service design projects with several companies, I noticed that there is a challenge in designing a service that combines online and offline service channels. Nowadays the trend is to have an online service, such as service application, as a part of the overall service path, but there is often a gap between the online and offline elements of the service in regards of the communication and the quality of service delivery. The customers are more and more used to digital service channels and they are aware of the possibilities that online channels can provide. Therefore the customers have high expectations about the service delivery. Designing a service that keeps the continuity throughout the service despite the form of delivery channel would be a solution for providing the customer a smooth service experience. In this research I study how a smooth service experience can be built using service design methods. I also study how the balance between online and offline service channels can be found in the overall service path. The research data of partly structured theme interviews are analysed by qualitative research methods. As a result for this case study I present a toolkit with seven templates that can be used as a guideline and support in the service design process when combining online and offline service elements as a smooth service experience

    Cognitive Approach in Development of Innovation Management Models for Company

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    AbstractThe tendency of transforming from resource and export based economy to resource and innovation based economy (the tendency that is characteristic for both Russian and Azerbaijani economies) requires promotion of innovative activities in all levels of management – federal, regional, corporate and in the level of separate entities. (Makarov V.L., Вvarshavskiy А.Y. and etc., 2004) In connection with this, the question of development and introduction of effective systems of innovation management, and in the first turn, company innovation management systems, (CIM), which are the main constitutional elements of national economy systems, becomes essential. (Bazilevich A.I., 2009).In modern complex economic conditions depth of processing CIM issues and substantiality of adopted management decisions is in the first turn and sufficiently determined by the quality of subsystem of scientific support. (Fatkhutdinov R.A.,1998).The report considers opportunity of use of cognitive approach for developing CIM models. The methodology of development of cognitive models of CIM sufficiently differs from generally accepted schemes discussed in Materials of inter. conf. “Cognitive Analysis and Management of Development of Situations”. CASC’2007. Main differences are that, along with using basic provisions of cognitive approach, the methodology takes into account specific characters of subject field of CIM reflected in publications, and, secondly, considers reproductive character of the process of developing CIM models, providing for wide use of progressive technological practice of innovations

    Next-Gen Security: Leveraging Advanced Technologies for Social Medical Public Healthcare Resilience

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    The healthcare industry is undergoing a significant change as it incorporates advanced technologies to strengthen its security infrastructure and improve its ability to withstand current challenges and  explores the important overlap between security, technology, and public health. The introductory section presents a thorough overview, highlighting the current status of public healthcare and emphasizing the crucial importance of security in protecting confidential medical data. This statement highlights the current difficulties encountered by social medical public healthcare systems and emphasizes the urgent need to utilize advanced technologies to strengthen their ability to adapt and recover. The systematic literature review explores a wide range of studies, providing insight into the various aspects of healthcare security. This text examines conventional security methods, exposes their constraints, and advances the discussion by examining cutting-edge technologies such as Artificial Intelligence (AI), Machine Learning, Blockchain, Internet of Things (IoT), and Biometric Security Solutions. Every technology is carefully examined to determine its ability to strengthen healthcare systems against cyber threats and breaches, guaranteeing the confidentiality and accuracy of patient data. The methodology section provides a clear explanation of the research design, the process of selecting participants, and the strategies used for analyzing the data. The research seeks to evaluate the present security situation and determine the best methods for incorporating advanced technologies into healthcare systems, using either qualitative or quantitative methods. The following sections elucidate the security challenges inherent in social medical public healthcare, encompassing cyber threats and privacy concerns. Drawing on case studies, the paper illustrates successful implementations of advanced technologies in healthcare security, distilling valuable lessons and best practices. The recommendations section goes beyond the technical domain, exploring the policy implications and strategies for technological implementation. The exploration of regulatory frameworks, legal considerations, and ethical dimensions is conducted to provide guidance for the smooth integration of advanced technologies into healthcare systems. Healthcare professionals are encouraged to participate in training and awareness programs to ensure a comprehensive and efficient implementation. To summarize, the paper combines the results, highlighting the importance of utilizing advanced technologies to strengthen the security framework of social medical public healthcare. The significance of healthcare resilience is emphasized, and potential areas for future research are delineated. This research is an important resource that offers valuable insights and guidance for stakeholders, policymakers, and technologists who are dealing with the intricate field of healthcare security in the age of advanced technologies. DOI: https://doi.org/10.52710/seejph.48

    Community elicitation from co-occurrence of activities

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